Posted by Amanda on January 05, 1997 at 09:46:23:
In Reply to: Re: Carl Sagan posted by Lynn on January 04, 1997 at 18:04:15:
I apologize Lynn, I didn't mean to imply that you were not welcome here. We're all equally welcome here. It's just very difficult for me to have a debate when the facts aren't recognized. I'm not saying that all I've ever written is factual - I'm well aware it's not. But, evolution is a fact and I see no point in debating that it's not. When I stated that last bit about being a fundamentalist what I meant was that fundamentalists are not skeptical of any of their beliefs - they don't listen to the other side and have no plans to change. I never thought you were one because you have obviously been listening to the other side. I shouldn't have said what I did - I suppose it was a very bad way of asking why you are here. Is there a possibility that you might question your beliefs - if so, I'd be happy to debate the issue with you and explain the evidence I use in forming my beliefs and of course this works both ways - I'm open to question my beliefs and will enjoy reading the evidence in favor of yours - if it adds up to something substantial, I'd be more that happy to change my beliefs on God. I haven't mastered this debate thing yet - and have been unable to keep my emotions out of the picture - this is a part of me that needs to be worked on. How about we start again and I'll try harder to reach that goal - again, I apologize for the personal attacks. I too see the benefits of having you here - and never was it my intention to gang up on you or anything like that - I think the comparison with Hitler set off a little bomb inside me, it's always been difficult for me to deal with such misunderstandings. I also try to be as open minded as is possible in this case. I read somewhere that the difference between being religious and not being may have something to do with psychology - there may be something in you that allows you to believe and something in me that just can't imagine it. I don't know how true this is but it's something to consider. Anyway, please don't hesitate to write to me further - I will change my ways and respect your stand.