Re: Christian values and morals?

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Posted by Amanda on January 06, 1997 at 07:17:51:

In Reply to: Christian values and morals? posted by Stephen Charchuk on January 05, 1997 at 19:19:40:

: I've been hearing all over the news when ever some Republican or Evangelist comes on they keep talking about Christian family values and morals. Are these things any different than those for everyone else, or are Christians trying to claim that only they can have any of these values and morals in a positive way and that everyone else is automatically immoral and have no real values?

A common argument I have heard is that without Christianity - yes, our morality would sink into the pit of despair so I do feel that many Christians have been conditioned to believe that their way holds the key to our moral and ethical future. Unfortunately - because many deny evolution or important parts of it - they fail to see the natural morality that is inherent in our nature - examples can be seen throughtout the animal kingdoms but mostly in the social organisms. Still, there are other reasons why we would choose to base our lives on a good ethical foundation both on the individual level and as a species. There may be some 'good' morals to religion but we all are aware there have been many 'bad' ones as well and continue to be. Another proof used to show Christians are nothing near what they claim to be - is their past history in the morality department - and much can be seen today. Most christians have been led to believe that if it weren't for the doctrines of their religion and those wonderful Ten Commandments blasted into the rock by God's finger - we would become the most baseless creatures imaginable. This myth is slowly coming to light.

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