Re: CD stop-light green marker fraud?

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Posted by Fred Askew on January 06, 1997 at 16:10:25:

In Reply to: CD stop-light green marker fraud? posted by Jonathan T. Schmidt on January 05, 1997 at 02:48:45:

: Has anyone heard of any testing done on a product
: called CD stop-light? It is a green marker that
: when applied to the outer edges of a compact disk
: is supposed to nuetralise strat red light and
: improve sound clarity.
: I say it is bunk, the data is digital and can be copied
: perfectly from disk to hard-drive on a computer, so
: how can you improve on perfect data tranfer?

: Any ideas?

: I have a challenge to a radio talk show host that
: endorses the product and he (Dennis Prager KABC)
: has accepted.

This was big about 5 or 6 years ago. I remember reading about it in the Skeptical Inquierer then. At that time people were using green marker pens to line their CDs so that they would get "better" sound. The SI conclusion was that there was nothing to it. The urban legends web site probably has more details.

Fred Askew
Austin TX

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