Re: Science Education crisis

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Posted by Stephen Charchuk on January 08, 1997 at 14:29:22:

In Reply to: Re: Science Education crisis posted by Tyler BradleyBoy, we've sure gotten o of the on January 08, 1997 at 08:27:22:

: Yes, I wholly concur, except in a few cases like, "A man may not lay with his brother's widow". That does not foster human happiness if the two are in love with each other. There are other notions of sin that perplex me as well, and many have caused some harm to humanity.

It is wrong to "lay" with anyone's wife, not just one's brother. (g)

: Absolutely, matter and energy are different faces of the same beast. This was the most important idea to pop out of E=mc[2]. You'll have to provide more evidence to me about the frequency of plasma in the universe; I'm not saavy on that one!

I got the information from a science program on our Discovery Channel.

: Boy, we've sure gotten off of the original topic of discussion haven't we?

Any discussion will evolve and change to what is the most interesting.
A topic may only be a beginning, not an end.

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