Re: Science Education crisis

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Posted by Tyler Bradley on January 08, 1997 at 14:36:19:

In Reply to: Re: Science Education crisis posted by Stephen Charchuk on January 08, 1997 at 14:29:22:

: : Yes, I wholly concur, except in a few cases like, "A man may not lay with his brother's widow". That does not foster human happiness if the two are in love with each other. There are other notions of sin that perplex me as well, and many have caused some harm to humanity.

: It is wrong to "lay" with anyone's wife, not just one's brother. (g)

Look carefully Stephen. I had said widow. I do not condone adultery, but should the woman not be allowed to follow her heart if it goes in that direction? After all, there is no adultery in this case.

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