Posted by Jonathan T. Schmidt on January 08, 1997 at 21:41:24:
In Reply to: Re: China posted by David Naughton on January 08, 1997 at 19:06:57:
: : : : : : Is there any truth to this idea that China has something up its sleeve? That it now has an impressive collection of high-tech weaponry that could compete with the US and that it has plans to increase it's power in the world by some secret technology or advancement. I've heard it has serious disputes with the US. I also know that in Canada, Jean Cretian is working hard to further the ties with China and I'm wondering what the big deal is about? Are there reasons why it has become so important and is being discussed more in the media? I know little about China save that it is a communist country with the largest population and will be taking back Hong Kong in July. Is there any validation why some seem to fear the possible future actions of this country?
: : : : : The fear of China is that they have characteristics that we Americans find unappealing, poverty
: : : : : polution, communism etc. Why fear them? Growth, thier will probably
: : : : : neccesitate expansion, expansion of a bacteria-like culture.
: : : : China is like a big bulging zit almost ready to burst. Most of us don't want the puss to get all over ourselves.
: : : Jon, I hope your comments are meant to be a metaphor for some of
: : : the awful things the Chinese people are being subjected to right now,
: : : and not just blatant bigotry and xenophobia. However nothing you've
: : : said indicates that you have any concern for these people. It
: : : would be better for you and the world if you would display a little
: : : more understanding and compassion.
: : Culture, including (as you say) "the awful things the Chinese people are being
: : subjected to" conforms to what its customers will buy. The conditions
: : of any "oppressed people" are the result of their collective apathy.
: : I have DO have (as you say) "understanding" and do not have (as you
: : say) compassion. When the Chinese people are sacrificing and fighting in mass for
: : their freedom they will have something far better that my compasion,
: : they will have my financial support. Compassion is among the most
: : useless, wastefull and pointless of human emotions.
: : Given the current situation in China my description is of the
: : nation as a whole. They (as we do) have the government they deserve.
: : JTS
: Jon, were the demonstrations at Tiannanmen Square just a public
: display of "collective apathy"? Oppression would not be necessary if
: the oppressed were apathetic. If you are ever forced to fight for
: your freedom, unarmed, against tanks and guns and bombs, I hope you
: won't have to rely on those who share your "understanding" of culture
: for "financial support".
The LACK of outrage and revolution that SHOULD have occured
in China after the Tiannanmen Square slaughter are a PERFECT
testimony to support my point.
They have the government they deserve.
In response to "fighting for freedom against guns and bombs"....
I do not require external support to be intolerant of oppression
and pity the fool that points it my way. In a situation like China
the resolve for "liberty or death" does not exist so oppression will