Posted by Jonathan T. Schmidt on January 08, 1997 at 22:07:52:
In Reply to: Re: China posted by Amanda on January 08, 1997 at 08:04:18:
Compare the Chinese with South African Blacks. Why do you think the
Africans have gained the rights that they have in the past ten years?
1)Because they had the courage, determination and self-sacrificed.
The South Africans resolved that they would suffer whatever
consequenses resulted from their revolution.
"might lead to being thrown in jail without a fair trial?"
Jail is a picnic compared to a "neclacing" (a South African punishment
for political revolutionaries, consisting of having a gasoline filled
tire tied to your neck and lit on fire)
2) Financial support, this includes the boycoting of South Africa, this
happened because we appriciated the revolutions resolve.
It was a long bloody battle for them but they prevailed
You asked why do we do bussiness in China? Because we don't see a
resolve that asks us to intervene.
As for them being a "Super Power" make no mistake about it when their
population overflows their capacity they will be a super power of the
worst kind, a huge and desparate one! As far as weapons go, any
two-bit terrorist with the resolve to do it can wipe out millions
of people through water contamination. Nuclear weapons are not required.