Posted by Stephen Charchuk on January 09, 1997 at 10:43:18:
In Reply to: Re: Science Education crisis posted by Tyler Bradley on January 09, 1997 at 09:28:56:
: Well, I guess what I'd say to you that light is the most common manifestation of energy, and that the idea of a pure energy inception
Actually it isn't. The stars and galaxies, and the like, which we can see is only between 1 to 10% of the total mass of the Universe. Out of this plasma is the most common form of matter/energy.
Those artisans were presenting objects as they would appear if viewed from all sides simultaneously- precisely what one would observe when traveling at luminal velocity
I thought that traveling at, or near, light speed that time slows down for the traveller? You are thinking of a 4th dimentional (sp) perpective.