Re: Bertrand Russell

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Posted by Amanda on January 09, 1997 at 20:31:56:

In Reply to: Re: Bertrand Russell posted by Lynn on January 09, 1997 at 12:23:22:

: I foudn your Thomas Jefferson quote so shocking that I went to look up some information on him. I could hardly believe the things he was quoted as saying, as he was very anti-christian. I'm feeling very disolutioned and betrayed by those who are certainly educated enough to know that THomas J. was not a Christian, yet they have been telling me all these years that he was. I feel I must go and do a lot of research on history before I can continue to debate with all of you.
: I have never been able to choose a church or denomination because I have never found one that seems to possess the whole truth, and I now mistrust the religious establishment even more than before. They build empires in the name of God and are far too involved in politics. I do not believe this is what He intended. Even so, if every Christian on the earth proved to be false it would not turn me against my Lord, because I know Him. Perhaps it is the false teachings of the pious that will lead to the apostacy, which in turn will lead to the rise of the anit-christ. Those responsible will certainly pay a heavy price.
: I am hoping that my search will lead me to a better understanding of the true mind of God.
: My best to you all. Perhaps I'll have better answers when I return

Lynn, I must say that I've benefitted a great deal from your thougts and your character. When I first began studying Jesus, I realized that he was a very good man - some of his teachings were examples of genuine morality. Though I don't agree with everything he stood for - I do think that we could all benefit from his example in several ways. It seems like you have your own ideas as to what would constitute a better way and from what I've seen - I think you could make some great contributions to society. "A Proposal for a Better World" perhaps. Though I profess that Christianity does more harm than good - there are probably portions of it that could benefit us all. While you are searching - I'd love to hear your ideas on this so if you don't feel they pertain to this 'skeptic' society - please feel free to email me.
Best of luck to you. If I can help, don't hesitate to ask.

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