
Asteroid Facts

Asteroid table

A few asteroids and comets are listed below for comparison. (distance is the mean distance to the Sun in thousands of kilometers; masses in kilograms).
No.  Name      Distance  Radius     Mass  Discoverer   Date
---- ---------  --------  ------  -------  ----------  -----
2062 Aten         144514       0.5   ?      Helin       1976
3554 Amun         145710       ?     ?      Shoemaker   1986
1566 Icarus       161269       0.7   ?      Baade       1949
 951 Gaspra       205000       8     ?      Neujmin     1916
1862 Apollo       220061       0.7   ?      Reinmuth    1932
 243 Ida          270000      35     ?      ?           1880?
2212 Hephaistos   323884       4.4   ?      Chernykh    1978
   4 Vesta        353400     263  2.38e20   Olbers      1807
   3 Juno         399400     123     ?      Harding     1804
  15 Eunomia      395500     136     ?      De Gasparis 1851
   1 Ceres        413900     457  1.17e21   Piazzi      1801
   2 Pallas       414500     261  2.18e20   Olbers      1802
  52 Europa       463300     156     ?      Goldschmidt 1858
  10 Hygiea       470300     215     ?      De Gasparis 1849
 511 Davida       475400     168     ?      Dugan       1903
 911 Agamemnon    778100      88     ?      Reinmuth    1919
2060 Chiron      2051900      85     ?      Kowal       1977


  1. (above) Comparison of Ida, Gaspra, Deimos and Phobos 96k jpg
  2. Asteroid Fortuna HST (9/10/93) (0.044 arcseconds per pixel) 3k gif

  3. radar images of 4179 Toutatis 110k gif

  4. 16 views of a computer model of 4769 Castalia 78k gif

  5. more on Ida and Gaspra pages
  6. map of 4769 Castalia 50k gif

  7. 4 Vesta from HST 25k jpg; 216k gif; 83k mpg

  8. radar image of 1620 Geographos 11k gif

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Bill Arnett; last updated: 1995 August 8