
The Bringer of Jollity

Jupiter Facts


  1. (above) true color HST view of Jupiter and Io 91k gif
  2. another HST view (true color) 1877k tiff; 264k gif; 96k jpg; 34k jpg

  3. Full Disk 264k gif; 96k jpg

  4. Excellent full disc of Jupiter 246k gif
  5. Jupiter with Wide Angle Camera (Violet filter) 329k gif
  6. Jupiter and two moons 74k gif
  7. Portion of Jupiter and moons 117k gif; 22k jpg
  8. Jupiter and its galilean moons (photomontage) 21k gif
  9. Jupiter Storms (HST) 37k jpg; 169k gif; 1800k tiff; (caption)

  10. The Great Red Spot 144k gif; 66k jpg

  11. Closeup of Jupiter's Great Red Spot 122k gif
  12. Larger version of redspot.gif 422k gif
  13. White Cloud 19k jpg
  14. Red Spot Turbulence 154k gif; 94k jpg

  15. East of the Red Spot (false color) 176k gif; 145k jpg

  16. Large Brown Oval 112k gif; 64k jpg

  17. Jupiter's ring 62k gif

  18. Jupiter's rings at 1979-07-11 (01:19:58) with Wide Angle Camera (No filter) 103k gif
  19. Ring System 14k gif; 3k jpg
  20. False color image of GRS (very impressive) 91k jpg
  21. ... more Jupiter images


  1. Rotating Jupiter 445k quicktime
  2. Jupiter "Day" 2600k quicktime
  3. Rotating Jupiter and its Atmosphere - 4100k AVI
  4. Jupiter's Atmosphere 3400k AVI.
  5. Jupiter's Redspot 1800k AVI
  6. Magnetic Field of Jupiter 6000k AVI

Jupiter's Satellites

Jupiter has 16 known satellites, the four large Galilean moons and 12 small ones.
           Distance  Radius    Mass
Satellite  (000 km)   (km)     (kg)   Discoverer   Date
---------  --------  ------  -------  ----------  -----
Metis           128      20  9.56e16  Synnott      1979
Adrastea        129      10  1.91e16  Jewitt       1979
Amalthea        181      98  7.17e18  Barnard      1892
Thebe           222      50  7.77e17  Synnott      1979
Io              422    1815  8.94e22  Galileo      1610
Europa          671    1569  4.80e22  Galileo      1610
Ganymede       1070    2631  1.48e23  Galileo      1610
Callisto       1883    2400  1.08e23  Galileo      1610
Leda          11094       8  5.68e15  Kowal        1974
Himalia       11480      93  9.56e18  Perrine      1904
Lysithea      11720      18  7.77e16  Nicholson    1938
Elara         11737      38  7.77e17  Perrine      1905
Ananke        21200      15  3.82e16  Nicholson    1951
Carme         22600      20  9.56e16  Nicholson    1938
Pasiphae      23500      25  1.91e17  Melotte      1908
Sinope        23700      18  7.77e16  Nicholson    1914
Values for the smaller moons are approximate.

Jupiter's Rings

          Distance   Width   Mass
Ring      (km)        (km)   (kg)
----      --------   -----  ------
Halo      100000     22800   ?
Main      122800      6400  1e13
Gossamer  129200    850000   ?
(distance is from Jupiter's center to the ring's inner edge)

More about Jupiter and its satellites

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Bill Arnett; last updated: 1995 July 26