The Bringer of Jollity
Jupiter Facts
- Jupiter is the fifth planet from the Sun and by far the largest:
- distance from Sun: 778,330,000 km (5.20 AU)
- equatorial diameter: 142,984 km; polar diameter: 133,708 km
- mass: 1.900e27 kg
Jupiter is more than twice as
massive as all
the other planets combined (318 times Earth).
- Jupiter (a.k.a. Jove; Greek
was the King of the Gods, the ruler
of Olympus and the patron of the Roman state.
Zeus was the son of Cronus (Saturn).
- Jupiter is the fourth brightest
object in the sky (after the Sun, the
Moon and Venus;
at some times Mars is also brighter).
It has been known since prehistoric times.
Galileo's discovery, in 1610, of
Jupiter's four large moons
Ganymede and
(now known as the Galilean moons)
was the first discovery of a center of motion not apparently centered
on the Earth.
It was a major point in
favor of Copernicus's
heliocentric theory of the
motions of the planets; Galileo's
outspoken support of the Copernican theory got him arrested by
the Inquisition. He was forced
to recant his beliefs and was imprisoned for the rest of his life.
- Jupiter was first visited by
Pioneer 10 in 1973 and
later by Pioneer 11,
Voyager 1,
Voyager 2 and
The spacecraft Galileo is currently
en route to Jupiter.
- The gas planets
do not have solid surfaces, their gaseous material simply gets
denser with depth
(the radii and diameters quoted for the planets are for levels
corresponding to a pressure of 1
What we see when looking at these planets is the tops of clouds
high in their atmospheres (slightly above the 1 atmosphere level).
- Jupiter is about 90% hydrogen and 10% helium with traces of methane,
water, ammonia and "rock".
This is very close to the composition of the primordial
Solar Nebula from
which the entire solar system was formed. Saturn
has a similar composition,
but Uranus and
Neptune have much less hydrogen and helium.
- Our knowledge of the interior of Jupiter (and the other gas planets)
is highly indirect and likely to remain so for some time.
Galileo's atmospheric probe
will penetrate only about to the 25 bar level
before loosing its communication link.
- Jupiter probably has a core of rocky material amounting to
something like 10 to 15 Earth-masses.
- Above the core lies the main bulk of the planet in
the form of liquid metallic hydrogen.
This exotic form of the most common of
elements is possible only at pressures exceeding 4 million
bars, as is the case in the interior of
Jupiter (and Saturn). Liquid metallic hydrogen consists of ionized
protons and electrons (like the interior of the Sun but at a far lower
tempearture). At the temperature and pressure of Jupiter's interior
hydrogen is a liquid, not a gas.
It is an electrical conductor and the source of
Jupiter's magnetic field.
This layer probably also contains some helium
and traces of various "ices".
- The outermost layer is composed primarily of ordinary molecular hydrogen
and helium which
is liquid in the interior and gaseous further out. The atmosphere we
see is just the very top of this deep layer.
Water, carbon dioxide, methane and other simple molecules
are also present in tiny amounts.
- Three layers of clouds
are believed to exist consisting of ammonia ice, ammonium
hydrosulfide and a mixture of ice and water.
- Jupiter and the other gas planets have
high velocity winds which are confined in wide bands of
latitude. The winds blow in opposite directions in adjacent bands.
Slight chemical and temperature differences between these bands
are responsible for the colored
bands that dominate the planet's appearance.
The light colored bands are called zones; the dark ones belts.
The bands have been known
for some time on Jupiter, but the
complex vortices in the boundary regions between the bands were
first seen by Voyager (picture 15).
- The vivid colors seen in Jupiter's clouds are probably the result of
subtle chemical reactions of the trace elements in Jupiter's
atmosphere, perhaps involving sulfur whose compounds take on a wide
variety of colors, but the details are unknown.
- The colors correlate with the cloud's altitude: blue lowest, followed
by browns and whites, with reds highest. Sometimes we see the lower
layers through holes in the upper ones (picture 16).
- The Great Red Spot (GRS) (picture 10)
has been seen by Earthly observers for more than 300 years
(its discovery is usually attributed to Cassini,
or Robert Hooke in the 17th century).
The GRS is an oval about 12,000 by 25,000 km, big enough to hold two Earths.
Other smaller but similar spots have been known for
decades (picture 13).
Infrared observations and the direction of its rotation indicate that
the GRS is a high-pressure region whose cloud tops are significantly
higher than the surrounding regions.
Similar structures have been seen on Saturn and
It is not known how such structures can persist for so long.
- Jupiter radiates more energy into space than it receives
from the Sun.
The interior of Jupiter is
hot: the core is probably about 20,000 K.
The heat is generated
by the Kelvin-Helmholtz mechanism, the slow gravitational
compression of the planet. (Jupiter does NOT produce energy by
nuclear fusion as in the Sun;
it is much too small and hence its interior
is too cool to ignite nuclear reactions.) This interior heat
probably causes convection
deep within Jupiter's liquid layers and is probably
responsible for the complex motions we see in the cloud tops.
Saturn and Neptune are similar to Jupiter in this respect, but
oddly, Uranus is not.
- Jupiter is just about as large in diameter as a gas planet can be. If more
material were to be added, it would be compressed by gravity such that the
overall radius would increase only slightly. A star can be larger only because
of its internal (nuclear) heat source.
(But Jupiter would have to be at least 100 times more massive to become a star.)
- Jupiter has a huge magnetic field, much stronger than Earth's.
Its magnetosphere extends
more than 650 million km (past the orbit of Saturn!). (Note that
Jupiter's magnetosphere is far from spherical -- it extends "only" a few
million kilometers in the direction toward the Sun.)
Jupiter's moons therefore lie within its magnetosphere, a fact which
may partially explain some of the activity on Io.
Unfortunately for future space travelers and of real concern to the designers
of the Voyager and Galileo spacecraft, the environment near Jupiter
contains high levels of energetic particles trapped by Jupiter's magnetic
field. This "radiation" is similar to, but much more intense than, that
found within Earth's Van Allen belts.
It would be immediately fatal to an unprotected human being.
- Jupiter has faint rings like Saturn's, but much
smaller (picture 17). They were totally
unexpected and were only discovered when two of the Voyager 1
scientists insisted that after traveling 1 billion km it was at
least worth a quick
look to see if any rings might be present. Everyone else thought that the
of finding anything was nil, but there they were. It was a major coup.
- Unlike Saturn's, Jupiter's rings are dark
(albedo about .05). They're probably
composed of very small grains of rocky material.
- Particles in Jupiter's rings probably don't stay there for long (due
to atmospheric and magnetic drag).
Therefore, if the rings are permanent features, they must be
continuously resupplied.
The small satellites
Metis and
which orbit within the rings,
are the obvious candidate sources.
- In July 1994, Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 collided with
Jupiter with spectacular results. As of December 1994 the debris from the
collision is still visible.
- When it is in the nighttime sky, Jupiter is often the brightest "star" in the sky
(second only to Venus which is never visible late at night).
The four Galilean moons are easily visible with binoculars;
a few bands and the Great Red Spot can be seen with a small astronomical telescope.
Mike Harvey's planet finder charts show the current position of Jupiter (and the other planets) in the sky.
- (above) true color HST view of Jupiter and Io
91k gif
- another HST view (true color)
1877k tiff;
264k gif;
96k jpg;
34k jpg
Full Disk
264k gif;
96k jpg
- Excellent full disc of Jupiter
246k gif
- Jupiter with Wide Angle Camera (Violet filter)
329k gif
- Jupiter and two moons
74k gif
- Portion of Jupiter and moons
117k gif;
22k jpg
- Jupiter and its galilean moons (photomontage)
21k gif
- Jupiter Storms (HST)
37k jpg;
169k gif;
1800k tiff;
The Great Red Spot
144k gif;
66k jpg
- Closeup of Jupiter's Great Red Spot
122k gif
- Larger version of redspot.gif
422k gif
- White Cloud
19k jpg
- Red Spot Turbulence
154k gif;
94k jpg
East of the Red Spot (false color)
176k gif;
145k jpg
- Large Brown Oval
112k gif;
64k jpg
Jupiter's ring
62k gif
- Jupiter's rings at 1979-07-11 (01:19:58) with Wide Angle Camera (No filter)
103k gif
- Ring System
14k gif;
3k jpg
- False color image of GRS (very impressive)
91k jpg
- ... more Jupiter images
- Rotating Jupiter
445k quicktime
- Jupiter "Day"
2600k quicktime
- Rotating Jupiter and its Atmosphere -
4100k AVI
- Jupiter's Atmosphere
3400k AVI.
- Jupiter's Redspot
1800k AVI
- Magnetic Field of Jupiter
6000k AVI
Jupiter's Satellites
Jupiter has 16 known satellites, the four large
moons and 12 small ones.
- Jupiter is very gradually slowing
down due to the tidal drag produced by the Galilean satellites.
Also, the same tidal forces are changing the orbits of the moons,
very slowly forcing them farther from Jupiter.
- Io, Europa and Ganymede
are locked together by tidal forces into a 1:2:4
orbital resonance
and their orbits evolve together. Callisto is
almost part of this as well. In a few hundred million years,
Callisto will be locked in too, orbiting at exactly twice the
period of Ganymede and eight times the period of Io.
- Jupiter's satellites are named for other figures in the life of Zeus (mostly
his lovers).
Distance Radius Mass
Satellite (000 km) (km) (kg) Discoverer Date
--------- -------- ------ ------- ---------- -----
Metis 128 20 9.56e16 Synnott 1979
Adrastea 129 10 1.91e16 Jewitt 1979
Amalthea 181 98 7.17e18 Barnard 1892
Thebe 222 50 7.77e17 Synnott 1979
Io 422 1815 8.94e22 Galileo 1610
Europa 671 1569 4.80e22 Galileo 1610
Ganymede 1070 2631 1.48e23 Galileo 1610
Callisto 1883 2400 1.08e23 Galileo 1610
Leda 11094 8 5.68e15 Kowal 1974
Himalia 11480 93 9.56e18 Perrine 1904
Lysithea 11720 18 7.77e16 Nicholson 1938
Elara 11737 38 7.77e17 Perrine 1905
Ananke 21200 15 3.82e16 Nicholson 1951
Carme 22600 20 9.56e16 Nicholson 1938
Pasiphae 23500 25 1.91e17 Melotte 1908
Sinope 23700 18 7.77e16 Nicholson 1914
Values for the smaller moons are approximate.
Distance Width Mass
Ring (km) (km) (kg)
---- -------- ----- ------
Halo 100000 22800 ?
Main 122800 6400 1e13
Gossamer 129200 850000 ?
(distance is from Jupiter's center to the ring's inner edge)
More about Jupiter and its satellites
Open Issues
- Galileo's atmospheric probe will
provide our first direct measurements of Jupiter's atmosphere. Then we'll
have a much better idea about its chemistry.
- Do the zonal winds extend deep into the interior or are they only surface
- Why is the GRS so persistent? There are actually several theoretical models
that seem to work. We need more data to decide between them.
- How can we get more direct information about the interior? Can we produce
liquid metallic hydrogen in the lab?
- Why are Jupiter's rings so dark while Saturn's are so bright?
Express to Io
... Sun
... Mars
... Deimos
... Jupiter
... Metis
... Saturn
Bill Arnett; last updated:
1995 July 26