
The Bringer of War

Mars Facts


  1. (above) Valles Marineris from USGS mosaics 83k gif; 241k jpg
  2. Valles Marineris 678k gif 116k jpg

  3. Mars by HST WFPC2 Feb 95 34k jpg; 158k gif

  4. Hellas region from USGS mosaics 61k gif; 131k jpg

  5. Schiaperreli region from USGS mosaics 94k gif; 359k jpg; 263k gif; 70k jpg;

  6. Syrtis region from USGS mosaics 74k gif; 256k jpg

  7. South Pole 153k gif; 99k jpg

  8. Olympus Mons 128k jpg

  9. Olympus Mons perspective 36k jpg; 211k gif
  10. Mars (three color -red,green,blue- composite) by HST Planetary Camera 52k jpg
  11. Possible erosion channel on Mars, false color 199k gif
  12. Viking image of Mars showing a valley and what appears to be a delta 697k gif

  13. South Candor Chasma 147k gif; 145k jpg

  14. Sinus Sabaeus and Deucalionis Regio gif

  15. Viking lander on martian ground (B&W) 69k gif
  16. View from Viking 1 Lander 190k gif; 99k jpg

  17. Viking 2 Lander Site 137k gif; 610k jpg

  18. "The Face" (an oddly shaped hill or a monument to Elvis?) 9k jpg; 10k gif

  19. Viking lander images html

  20. Digital Image Model 166k jpg

  21. ... more Mars images


  1. Mars globe rotating (CCD images) 47k fli
  2. Mars Rotating Globe Animation 721 frames (very nice!) 725k mpg
  3. Video clip from Mars the Movie 12000k AVI
  4. Flight over Valles Marineris 1500k AVI
  5. Small animation shows the Mars' globe (CCD images) 105k FLI
  6. Hubble Telescope full-globe animation 757k MPEG

Mars's Satellites

Mars has two tiny satellites which orbit very close to the surface.
           Distance  Radius    Mass
Satellite  (000 km)   (km)     (kg)   Discoverer  Date
---------  --------  ------  -------  ----------  ----
Phobos            9      11  1.08e16  Hall        1877
Deimos           23       6  1.80e15  Hall        1877

More about Mars, Deimos, and Phobos

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Express to Jupiter

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Bill Arnett; last updated: 1995 July 26