
The Mystic

Neptune Facts


  1. (above) Full Disk Neptune 93k gif; 29k jpg; 186k gif
  2. Neptune 291k gif
  3. Thin Crescent of planet Neptune 162k gif
  4. Parting view of Neptune and moon Triton 59k gif; 17k gif; 23k jpg
  5. Neptune in false color 158k gif; 210k gif
  6. Neptune in thin crescent, south view (B&W) 160k gif
  7. Far view of Neptune showing clouds (B&W) 30k gif
  8. Rise of Triton on Neptune (B&W) 23k gif

  9. Scooter with Spots 88k gif; 68k jpg

  10. Cloud Evolution 58k gif; 25k jpg
  11. Bright Cloud Streaks 140k gif; 29k jpg
  12. Clouds in Neptune's atmosphere (B&W) 199k gif

  13. Cirrus-like clouds 195k gif

  14. wave structures? 63k jpg

  15. Zoom on clouds (B&W) 202k gif
  16. Small Dark Spot 190k gif; 133k jpg
  17. Small Dark Spot 116k gif

  18. The Great Dark Spot 423k gif; 153k gif; 97k jpg

  19. Neptune's Great Dark Spot 126k gif
  20. Dark Spot and Scooter 114k gif
  21. Big spot of Neptune with the 'scooter' (B&W) 38k gif 63k gif; 10k jpg
  22. Rings 89k gif

  23. Twisted Rings 77k gif; 43k jpg; 246k gif

  24. Neptune's Rings (B&W) 172k gif
  25. HST images of both hemispheres 33k jpg; 146k gif; caption

  26. HST images 25k jpg; 108k gif

  27. ... more Neptune images


  1. Ring Arc Closeup 1334k quicktime
  2. Neptune in Rotation 2800k AVI
  3. Neptune's Dark Spot 1100k AVI

Neptune's Satellites

Neptune has 8 known moons; 7 small ones and Triton.
           Distance  Radius    Mass
Satellite  (000 km)   (km)     (kg)   Discoverer   Date
---------  --------  ------  -------  ----------  -----
Naiad            48      29      ?    Voyager 2    1989
Thalassa         50      40      ?    Voyager 2    1989
Despina          53      74      ?    Voyager 2    1989
Galatea          62      79      ?    Voyager 2    1989
Larissa          74      96      ?    Voyager 2    1989
Proteus         118     209      ?    Voyager 2    1989
Triton          355    1350  2.14e22  Lassell      1846
Nereid         5509     170      ?    Kuiper       1949

Neptune's Rings

         Distance   Width
Ring       (km)      (km)     aka
-------  --------   -----   -------
Diffuse    41900       15   1989N3R
Inner      53200       15   1989N2R
Plateau    53200     5800   1989N4R
Main       62930     < 50   1989N1R
(distance is from Neptune's center to the ring's inner edge)

More about Neptune and its satellites

Open Issues

Express to Triton

Contents ... Sun ... Uranus ... Oberon ... Neptune ... Naiad ... Pluto ... Data Host

Bill Arnett; last updated: 1995 July 26