
The Bringer of Old Age

Saturn Facts


  1. (above) Saturn with Rhea and Dione 162k gif; 34k jpg 298k gif

  2. Portion of Saturn with Tethys and Dione 85k gif; 14k jpg

  3. looking back at Saturn 316k gif

  4. Large image of Saturn, B&W 358k gif
  5. Planet Saturn, best of the "pocket sized" views 113k gif
  6. Planet Saturn, full view of planet and rings 242k gif
  7. Planet Saturn, closer full view of planet and rings 236k gif
  8. Planet Saturn, with a moon passing over the surface 245k gif
  9. Saturn from HST 71k gif; 39k jpg
  10. Saturn from Nordic Optical Telescope 43k gif

  11. Red Oval Cloud 103k gif; 16k jpg

  12. Close up of Saturn, showing cloud formations on the planet. 353k gif

  13. Ring spokes (false color) 204k gif

  14. Braided Rings 5k jpg; 31k gif

  15. Rings of Saturn, closeup of ring spokes 245k gif
  16. Rings of Saturn, even closer view of ring spokes 287k gif
  17. Spectacular false color image of the rings 130k jpg
  18. Ring diagram 101k gif

  19. Edge-on rings and two moons from HST 64k gif

  20. ... moreSaturn images


  1. Red Saturn rotating and two satellites 82k fle
  2. Flyby of Saturn by Voyager 2 606k quicktime
  3. Storm on Saturn 186k mpg
  4. Saturn's Spokes in Rings 990k quicktime; 1300k AVI

Saturn's Satellites

Saturn has 18 named satellites, more than any other planet. There may very well also be several small ones yet to be discovered.
           Distance  Radius    Mass
Satellite  (000 km)   (km)     (kg)   Discoverer   Date
---------  --------  ------  -------  ----------  -----
Pan             134      10     ?     Showalter    1990
Atlas           138      14     ?     Terrile      1980
Prometheus      139      46  2.70e17  Collins      1980
Pandora         142      46  2.20e17  Collins      1980
Epimetheus      151      57  5.60e17  Walker       1980
Janus           151      89  2.01e18  Dollfus      1966
Mimas           186     196  3.80e19  Herschel     1789
Enceladus       238     260  8.40e19  Herschel     1789
Tethys          295     530  7.55e20  Cassini      1684
Telesto         295      15     ?     Reitsema     1980
Calypso         295      13     ?     Pascu        1980
Dione           377     560  1.05e21  Cassini      1684
Helene          377      16     ?     Laques       1980
Rhea            527     765  2.49e21  Cassini      1672
Titan          1222    2575  1.35e23  Huygens      1655
Hyperion       1481     143  1.77e19  Bond         1848
Iapetus        3561     730  1.88e21  Cassini      1671
Phoebe        12952     110  4.00e18  Pickering    1898

Saturn's Rings

      Distance   Width   Mass
Ring    (km)      (km)   (kg)
----  --------   -----  ------
 D       67000    7500     ?
 C       74500   17500  1.1e18
 B       92000   25500  2.8e19
Cassini division
 A      122200   14600  6.2e18
 F      140210     500     ?
 G      165800    8000    1e7?
 E      180000  300000     ?
(distance is from Saturn's center to the ring's inner edge) This categorization is actually somewhat misleading as the density of particles varies in a complex way not indicated by a division into neat regions: there are variations within the rings; the gaps are not entirely empty; the rings are not perfectly circular.

More about Saturn and its Satellites

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Bill Arnett; last updated: 1995 August 11