The Sun


Sun Facts


  1. (above) A huge eruptive prominence leaving the Sun 274k gif; 203k jpg; 6000k tiff

  2. small image in visible light 10k gif

  3. Sun visible light 162k gif
  4. X-ray image of the Sun 172k gif
  5. X-ray image 174k gif

  6. X-ray image from Yohkoh 168k gif

  7. Sun x-ray light 177k gif
  8. Sun hydrogen alpha image 190k gif
  9. Sun (blue) 140k gif

  10. region around a sunspot 216k gif

  11. total eclipse (1977) 322k gif

  12. July 91 eclipse by Steve Albers (caption) 431k gif; 143k jpg

  13. Sun 6 230k gif
  14. Sun 7 160k gif
  15. solar magnetic fields 170k gif
  16. X-ray images of the Sun from Yohkoh ftp directory
  17. Current solar images updated daily html
  18. A diagram of the Sun 233k gif; 108k jpg; 5000k tiff
  19. ...more Sun images


  1. Solar corona and a prominence 174k quicktime
  2. The xray Sun over 27 days flc
  3. Nov 94 Eclipse 15000k quicktime; 3100k mpeg
  4. Video clip from Our Star the Sun - The Sun's past - 5000k AVI
  5. Video clip from Our Star the Sun describing the Sun - 14000k AVI
  6. Corona Animation showing solar prominences 1200k AVI
  7. 3d movie of convection 1000k mpeg

The Sun's satellites

There are nine planets and a large number of smaller objects orbiting the Sun. (Exactly which bodies should be classified as planets and which as "smaller objects" has been the source of some controversy, but in the end it is really only a matter of definition.)

            Distance  Radius    Mass
Planet      (000 km)   (km)     (kg)   Discoverer   Date
---------  ---------  ------  -------  ----------  -----
Mercury       57,910    2439  3.30e23
Venus        108,200    6052  4.87e24
Earth        149,600    6378  5.98e24
Mars         227,940    3397  6.42e23
Jupiter      778,330   71492  1.90e27
Saturn     1,426,940   60268  5.69e26
Uranus     2,870,990   25559  8.69e25   Herschel    1781
Neptune    4,497,070   24764  1.02e26   Galle       1846
Pluto      5,913,520    1160  1.31e22   Tombaugh    1930

More detailed data and definitions of terms can be found on the data page.

More about the Sun

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Bill Arnett; last updated: 1995 July 12