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Many-Worlds Quantum Theory


What Does Many-Worlds Mean?


Quantum Computing

Worlds, Histories, Links, and Vertices

Here is a Many-Worlds FAQ.

What Does Many-Worlds Mean?

In the D4-D5-E6 model, Many-Worlds means the Everett Relative State interpretation, with the addition of the interpretation basis of David Deutsch (Int. J. Theor. Phys 24 (1985) 1-41) to require that worlds of measure zero occur with zero probability.

For Deutsch's interpretation basis to be well-defined, kinematic independence in the distant past must be assumed. Therefore, the Many-Worlds branch toward the future (not toward the past), and an arrow of time and an entropy can be defined without using either ensembles or coarse graining such as used in the decoherence theory of Gell-Mann and Hartle.

Although Everett has said that people cannot feel the other branches of his Many-Worlds interpretation, Deutsch describes a gedanken experiment in which an observer can feel himself having been split into two branches that have now merged into his present branch, in the sense that, although he accurately remembers only one branch, he can infer that "... there was more than one copy of himself (and the atom) in existence at that time, and that these copies merged to form his present self."

Deutsch's paper only constructs the interpretation basis for quantum theories with finite-dimensional state spaces. The construction was not done for field theories or for relativistic theories. If such construction is done, then, as Deutsch says: " least for those who find Everett's interpretation acceptable, the 'problem of measurement' and the problem of interpretation of quantum theory in general, would be solved. Quantum theory could be regarded without reservation as a universal physical theory."

In its lattice formulation, the D4-D5-E6 model has, at least locally, a finite-dimensional state space (although the finite dimension is very large) and has relativistic structure inherent in its D4 lattice structure. Therefore the construction of Deutsch shows that the fundamental lattice D4-D5-E6 model with Many-Worlds quantum theory is an example of a universal physical theory.

Many-Worlds Cosmology

In the D4-D5-E6 model, interaction is by exchange of gauge bosons. From the Many-Worlds Quantum Theory viewpoint, an interaction is a measurement of the quantity (charge, polarization, position, etc.) that is involved in the interaction. Therefore a graviton interaction can measure the structure of spacetime, including the selection of a time-like axis and space-like section that is used in the local description of the D4-D5-E6 model.

Since black holes are information sinks for electromagnetic, weak force, and color force information, such interactions with a black hole are not measurements that destroy correlations of the time axis and space sections of spacetime at the black hole.

The CDM black holes of the D4-D5-E6 model were formed in a single quantum conformal fluctuation, and so were correlated with respect to time axis and space sections.

In the cosmology of the D4-D5-E6 model, the universe is flat due to cold dark matter (CDM) black holes with mass 10^-5 gm.

Gravitational interactions involving local inhomogeneities of mass distribution can produce the effect of local curvature of spacetime. The tilting of lightcones can be seen as arising from an effective theory of gravity, whose underlying fundamental theory of gravity (in the D4-D5-E6 model) may provide, in principle, a non-trivial correlation among the lightcones with respect to the fundamental underlying 4-dim Feynman checkerboard structure.

As the universe evolves, quantum vacuum creation of virtual bosons (and fermion-antifermion pairs, and black hole pairs) at any part of spacetime should occur with respect to the fundamental underlying 4-dim Feynman checkerboard structure, and so be correlated with respect to time axis and space sections.

As the CDM black holes within our universe should retain their correlation, their 4-pair graviton interactions with ordinary matter should correlate a particle with which a CDM blackhole interacts, and a neighborhood of the particles. (To determine what is meant by "neighborhood", consider that: Planck mass = 10^-5 gm; the density of CDM black holes in a present-day flat universe is 4.5 x 10^-30 gm/cm^3 = 4.5 x 10^-25 CDM black holes/cm^3, and that Avogadro's number = 6 x 10^23 atoms/cm^3.)

The CDM black holes may act like the incoherent dust of Brown and Kuchar to couple with the metric and introduce into spacetime "a privileged dynamical reference frame and time foliation. The comoving coordinates of the dust particles and the proper time along the dust worldlines become canonical coordinates in the phase space of the system. ... This has three important consequences. First, the functional Schrodinger equation can be solved by separating the dust time from the geometric variables. Second, the Hamiltonian densities strongly commute and therefore can be simultaneously defined by spectral analysis. Third, the standard constraint system of vacuum gravity is cast into a form in which it generates a true Lie algebra."

The privileged frame of Brown and Kuchar is consistent with Deutsch's preferred interpretation basis of states.

Ford describes decoherence from vacuum fluctuations.

Tegmark describes decoherence from scattering processes.

Plaga shows that finite decoherence time may permit experimental communication of information among the Many Worlds.

Hawking and his students propose that creation of virtual pairs of Planck-energy black holes (a phenomenon that should also occur in the D4-D5-E6 model upon reaching the energy scale of its Planck length lattice) should cause macroscopic black holes should evaporate down to Planck size and then disappear in the sea of virtual black holes.

The virtual pairs of Planck-energy black holes are similar to fermion particle-antiparticle pairs and to the quantum information theory virtual qubit-anti-qubit pairs of Cerf and Adami, which they call ebit-anti-ebit pairs, that are related to negative conditional entropies for quantum entangled systems.

Many-Worlds Quantum Computing

A good WWW site on quantum computation is

In Baez Week 34, John Baez describes quantum computing:

It's easiest to see why machines that take advantage of quantum theory might be efficient at computation if we think in terms of path integrals. In Feynman's path-integral approach to quantum theory, the probability of getting from state A at time zero to state B some later time is obtained by integrating the exponential of the action


over *all* paths from A to B, and then taking the absolute value squared. (Here we are thinking of states A and B that correspond to points in the classical configuration space.) We can think of the quantum system as proceeding along all paths simultaneously; it is the constructive or destructive interference between paths due to the phases exp(iS/hbar) that makes certain final outcomes B more likely than others. In many situations, there is massive destructive interference except among paths very close to those which are critical points of the action S; the latter are the *classical* paths. So in a sense, a classical device functions as it does by executing all possible motions; motions far from those satisfying Newton's laws simply cancel out by destructive interference! (There are many other ways of thinking about quantum theory; this one can be difficult to make mathematically rigorous, but it's often very handy.)

This raises the idea of building a computer that would take advantage of quantum theory by trying out all sorts of paths, but making sure that paths that give the wrong answer cancel out! It seems that Feynman was the first to seriously consider quantum computation: Simulating physics with computers, by Richard Feynman, International Journal of Theoretical Physics, Vol. 21, nos. 6/7, pp. 467--488 (1982).

The article of Baez is motivated by a paper of Peter Shor, described by David DiVincenzo as showing that on a quantum computer, prime factoring can be performed in polynomial time, as opposed to exponential time that is thought to be required by a classical computer. The main result of DiVincenzo's paper is that 2-bit gates are universal for quantum computation.

Quantum information processing rules are somewhat different from those of classical information theory. For instance (Ekert, Nature 367 (10 Feb 94) 513-514) Benjamin Schumacher has shown that for quantum 2-state systems there is a lower bound on the number of quantum bits per symbol and that the lower bound is LESS than the classical entropy of the Shannon noiseless coding theorem. The relevant difference is that two distinguishable symbol-state preparations can produce two different symbol-states that CANNOT be reliably distinguished.

Walsh functions (boolean analogues of Fourier basis functions) are a class of balanced functions that are distinguishable quickly and WITHOUT ERROR by quantum computation. A classical computer could distinguish them quickly only if some (perhaps small) error were to be allowed. (Bennett, Nature 362 (22 Apr 93) 694-695, describing the work of David Deutsch and Richard Jozsa, and of Ethan Bernstein and Umesh Vazirani)

The similarity of the balanced function illustrations to bar codes makes me think of bosonic optical quantum computing rather than fermionic solid-state quantum computers (which are probably very hard to fabricate).

One problem that would be a nice application for quantum computing is the travelling salesman problem. A recent classical advance toward solving that problem is using a workstation and 50 software ants on a loop who then evolve (the ants can die or reproduce) to find within 44 hours a solution (accurate to 4 per cent) to the 30,000 point travelling salesman problem. The previous best classical effort used a Cray for 18 months to solve the 3,000 point problem. (Arthur, New Scientist 4 Jun 94, p. 6, describing the work at the BT systems research division of Shara Amin and Jose-Louis Fernandez)

In quant-ph/9503017, Barenco, Deutsch, and Ekert describe a quantum controlled-NOT gate that might be realized by selective driving of optical resonances of two subsystems undergoing a dipole-dipole interaction.

A possible example of such optically-linked dipole-dipole subsystems might be neural microtubules with light carried through water within the microtubules.

In quant-ph/9505018, Deutsch, Barenco, and Ekert show that almost every quantum computation gate that operates on at least 2 bits is a universal gate. They say:

"We conjecture that the non-universal gates are precisely

the 1-bit gates and collections of 1-bit gates; and

the classical gates.

If true, this would reveal an interesting conection between the existence of a 'classical level' in physics (i.e. a regime in which classical physics is a good approximation to quantum physics) and the existence of classical computation as a closed and stable regime within quantum computation."


"... the intuitive nature of the classically-available computational operations, ... allowed pioneers ... to capture the correct classical theory by intuition alone, and falsely to assume that its foundations were self-evident or at least purely abstract. (There is an analogy here with geometry, another branch of physics that was formerly regarded as belonging to mathematics.)"

Cerf and Adami have shown that information theory of quantum computers can give negative conditional entropies for entangled systems. Therefore negative virtual information can be carried by particles, and quantum information processes can be described by particle-antiparticle diagrams much like particle physics diagrams.

Consequently, the underlying structure of Many-Worlds abstract life forms should be fundamentally similar to that of boson photon-graviton life forms and fermion matter life forms.

Worlds, Histories, Links, and Vertices

Each World of the Many-Worlds D4-D5-E6 model is described by a configuration of bosons on links and fermions on vertices in a 4-dimensional HyperDiamond lattice spacetime.

In the D4-D5-E6 model, the Many-Worlds Sum over Histories is a sum over all paths, each path being a history in a 4-dimensional HyperDiamond lattice spacetime World.

Each path is a vertex-link-vertex-link-...-vertex sequence in a D4 lattice spacetime World.

To the extent two paths coincide, they may be said to be in the same World of the Many-Worlds. Where they differ, they are in different Worlds.

A given link can only link two nearest-neighbor vertices in a 4-dimensional HyperDiamond lattice spacetime World containing that link.

A given vertex can be connected to a nearest-neighbor vertex in many possible 4-dimensional HyperDiamond lattice spacetime Worlds.

Consider 4-dimensional HyperDiamond lattice spacetime, with vertex structure like this stereo pair representation with blue(+) to red(-) color coding for the 4th dimension:

There are 8 links leading away from a given vertex to a nearest neighbor in a given 4-dimensional HyperDiamond lattice World.

The 4 future lightcone links in the 4-dimensional HyperDiamond lattice form a vertex figure that is the future (blue) tetrahedron:

After a 4-dimensional rotation, it is clear that the figure can be called a quantum pentacle:

In the Many-Worlds Quantum Theory, any given vertex may be connected to a number of 4-dimensional HyperDiamond lattice Worlds.

Therefore, each of the 4 quaternionic unit vector HyperDiamond future lightcone links {(+ 1 +/- i +/- j +/- k)/2 } (with an even number of + signs) at the given vertex is a SUPERPOSITION of all possible links leading from the given vertex to one of the possible Worlds.

A given quaternionic unit vector HyperDiamond future lightcone link leading from the given vertex does not really look like a single link from the given vertex, but like a bundle of a finite (but large) number of links from the given vertex to destination vertices, each in its own future history World:

If the links are regarded as such superpositions, the HyperDiamond future lightcone figure

can be called a HyperDiamond Quantum Pentacle.

In this picture, physics on a single link is reversible.

Irreversibility comes from the branching of the Many-Worlds, manifested by the fact that a single link is only one part of the superposition of links that is a quaternionic unit 4-dimensional vector originating at the origin vertex.

Consider a given link within the superposition .

By being at the origin vertex at the "start" of the the "experiment", you have effectively selected a particular World containing the origin vertex.

To select the given link within the superpostion, you must select a particular future history World at the destination vertex.

Then, the amplitude of each link in a superposition is determined by:

the fermion state of the given origin vertex;

the boson state of each of the other 7 lightcone links at the origin vertex in the World containing the prior history of the given origin vertex;

the fermion state of the destination vertex; and

the boson state of each of the other 7 lightcone links at the destination vertex in the World containing the future history of the destination vertex.

The probability of the link (in a sense, the probability of observation of the link) is the product of amplitude with its complex conjugate, where the complex conjugate of the amplitude is the amplitude for the same link with past and future interchanged by time reversal. (Compare the transaction picture of Cramer, Rev. Mod. Phys. 58 (1986) 647-687)

Two Types of Beings:

Massless Lightcone Beings


Massive Spacelike Beings

A being made of massless light-cone particles

lives on the boundary of the light-cone. It exists in all times and sees alternative Worlds branching at all times. The quantum phase, taking values in the helical covering space of U(1), is the means by which a light-cone being determines the order of events and how amplitudes interfere. In other words, the quantum phase is the means by which a light-cone being "tells time".
From the lattice point of view, 
the quantum phase is an internal symmetry 
related to the coassociative internal symmetry space, 
whose relative size to the associative physical spacetime 
is the Golden Ratio PHI.  
For each physical spacetime time-step, 
the phase should advance by PHI radians, 
or by the fraction    2 pi / PHI    of a circle (about 222.5 degrees). 
Although pi is transcendental (e^(i pi) = -1) and PHI is algebraic, 
the continued fraction for PHI = 1 + 1/ 1 + 1/ 1 + 1/ 1 + ... 
shows that PHI is the most irrational number, and 
that steps of  2 pi / PHI  give a maximally uniform distribution 
of phases throughout time (non-unique, as  2 pi / PHI^2  is just as good, 
see Kappraff - Connections, McGraw-Hill, 1991). 

Therefore, a light-cone being always knows when/where it is 
by its phase, in a maximally efficient way. 

"In a world of light there are neither points nor moments of time; beings woven from light would live 'nowhere' and 'nowhen'; ... One point of CP3 [the 'Penrose paradise'] is the whole life history of a free photon -- the smallest 'event' that can happen to light." (Yu. I. Manin, Mathematics and Physics, Birkhauser (1981), pp. 83-84)

Light-cone beings in our low-energy regime could be made up of any massless (not SU(2) weak bosons or scalar Higgs) and unconfined (not SU(3) gluons) gauge bosons, i.e., photons and gravitons,


of massless neutrino fermions.

For Light-cone beings to be STABLE, they must be made of stable photons, gravitons, or neutrinos.

A being made of massive spacelike particles

lives in the interior of the light-cone. It has spacelike extent, and evolves in time. It exists in a limited spacetime neighborhood with one past history (although a few others may be experimentally detectable) and can see alternative future histories branching only near its present time.

"What binds us to spacetime is our rest mass, which prevents us from flying at the speed of light, when time stops and space loses meaning." (Yu. I. Manin, Mathematics and Physics, Birkhauser (1981), p. 84)

Spacelike beings in our low-energy regime could be made up of massive SU(2) weak bosons, scalar Higgs, and confined SU(3) gluons,


of massive lepton and quark fermions.

For Spacelike beings to be STABLE, they must be made of stable first-generation massive lepton and quark fermions.

Interactions between STABLE Lightcone beings and Spacelike beings could be through Lightcone neutrinos, photons, and gravitons interacting with Spacelike massive first-generation lepton and quark fermions.

Penrose, of the CP3 Penrose paradise, has proposed (The Emperor's New Mind, Oxford (1989), p. 401) that:

"... a nerve signal creates a detectable changing electric field in its surroundings ... and the one-graviton criterion [for a role of quantum mechanics in brain activity] might easily be met within these surroundings."

Nerve signals occur in the brain. The structure of the brain is made up of neurons. In Shadows of the Mind (Oxford (1994)), Penrose (using the work of U. of Arizona anesthesiologist Stuart Hameroff) looks at the cytoskeleton of each neuron as being made up of microtubules. Each microtubule is a hollow cylindrical tube with about 25 nm outside diameter and 14 nm inside diameter, made up of 13 columns of tubulin dimers.

Each dimer is about 8 nm x 4 nm x 4 nm, consists of two parts, alpha-tubulin and beta-tubulin (each made up of about 450 amino acids), and can exist in (at least) 2 different geometrical configurations, or conformations.

The 2 different conformations correspond to 2 different states of the dimer's electric polarization, determined by the position of a single electron at the junction of the alpha-tubulin and the beta-tubulin.

Through the van der Waals interaction, the state of each dimer would be influenced by the state of each of its 6 neighbor dimers.

Acting as cellular automata, microtubules could transmit and process complex signals as waves of polarization states of tubulin dimers.

The 5+8=13 Fibonacci-number structure of microtubules may be useful in such signal transmission and processing.

Rhett Savage says 
"...using quantum field theory, Del Giudice, Vitiello and others 
wrote in the eighties that when an imposed electric field tries 
to penetrate into a region of coherent or 
at least polarized water 
then it can do so only confined into filaments ... 
outside of the filaments the original coherence
remains undisturbed. 
Meanwhile, on the edges of the filaments there are weird 
gradient forces which can attract or repel specific molecules
from the surrounding sea; 
in this way ... the MTs are assembled. 
Each time a molecule is drawn into the filament
by gradient forces then it alters the over-all wavefunction 
so that the gradient forces chance everywhere 
on the filament (nonlocally),
which changes which molecules are attracted and repelled ... 
so these gradient forces are like Maxwell's demon 
opening and shutting a door with great precision, 
assembling the MTs and later serving as their
fundamental sense organ ...
...Del Giudice and friends went on to characterize 
other aspects of the filaments. 
they noted that a filament would undergo spontaneous symmetry
breakdown and develop Goldstone modes 
and associated correlation - 
then "the Coherence of the Goldstone correlation which 
disappears because of the electromagnetic field propagation 
is transferred to to the outgoing electromagnetic field." ...
... [this is] superradiance ...
Del Giudice and friends continue. 
they say that the propagating of the resulting coherent 
electromagnetic field undergoes a "self-focusing mechanism," 
allowing the field to propagate along the filament... 
and, to top it all off, this mechanism is amplified because 
the medium of ordered water within the filament is also coherent!
... [this is] self-induced transparency ...
the resulting picture is very cool: ..."
we start with an oriented polarization in water - 
an electromagnetic field is applied, 
cracks form in the polarization spontaneously: 
these are the filaments that will be tubes. 
they self-assemble the tubes from the ambient molecular sea 
by a nonlocal Maxwell demon process. 
then the tubes eventually serve as the guiding framework 
for neurons, etc. - "

The interior of a microtubule contains pure water that may be in an ordered state that might carry quantum-coherent oscillations (as sound or light waves). Such an ordered state of water has been observed to extend at least 3 nm outwards from cytoskeletal surfaces, so that it is not unreasonable to think that the ordered state could extend throughout the interior of a microtubule of interior diameter 14 nm.

Single microtubules do not extend the entire length of an axon or dendrite, but they collectively do, each microtubule being connected to neighboring microtubules by bridges of microtubule associated proteins.

At the presynaptic endings of axons the microtubules terminate anad interact with soccer-ball shaped clathrins (made up of protein trimers called clathrin triskelions) that control the release of neurotransmitter chemicals at synapses.

If the computing operations of the human brain were based on neurons alone, there would be 10^11 neurons operating at 10^3 signals per second, for a total throughput of 10^14 operations per second.

If the computing operations of the human brain were based on tubulin dimers, there would be 10^4 dimers per neuron, or 10^15 dimers, and the operating speed would be 10^9 operations per second, for a total throughput of 10^24 operations per second.

If the computing operations of the human brain were based on neurons, they would operate as a classical computer.

If the computing operations of the human brain were based on tubulin dimers, they could operate at the quantum level of superpositions of dimer polarization states.

Anesthetics provide some evidence in favor of tubulin dimers as the basis of human brain activity:

anesthestic action may be due to van der Waals interactions of anesthetics with the conformational structure of tubulin dimers blocking transitions of polarization states, causing loss of consciousness; and

anesthetics not only affect the consciousness of higher animals, but, at similar concentrations, also stop the movement of paramecia, amoebae, and green slime molds, all of whom rely on microtubules of their cytoskeleton for movement.

It is important to note that, due to the nonlocality of actions on microtubules, the possibility that different anesthetics may physically attach to different parts of a microtubule does NOT prove that the dimer is not the basis of human brain activity. The actions of the various anesthetics at their various sites of attachment may be nonlocally transmitted through the microtubule to the dimer site, thus producing anesthesia.

If tubulin dimers of microtubules are the basis of human brain activity, using quantum superposition of polarization states, then the superpositions should maintain coherence over the scale of the size of the brain itself, crossing synaptic barriers between neurons, perhaps by EPR-type entanglements of correlated states.

If the human brain is then viewed as a quantum computer, perhaps quantum superpositions could resolve the problem of how a brain capable of understanding and appreciating the beauty and truth of such things as mathematical structures, music, and art could be based on a finite computing machine.

In the D4-D5-E6 model, virtual 4-pair gravitons, which are effectively Planck-mass black holes, could tilt the lightcones of spacetime, resulting in closed timelike loops. For an illustration of tilted lightcones, see the lightcones in Duchamp's The Large Glass.

In the D4-D5-E6 model, such tilted lightcone spacetimes are only a very small proportion of any quantum superposition describing physical spacetime.

Penrose describes a quantum gravity theory of David Deutsch in which only a very small fraction of the spacetime geometries in a superposition contain closed timelike loops. Even the very small fractionof closed timelike loops permit non-computable operations to be performed by a human-brain quantum computer, which could feed on its own output, running around the closed timelike loop.

In The Transactional Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics due to Cramer, Rev. Mod. Phys. 58 (1986) 647-687), the probability of taking a given link in a path among the Many Worlds is the product of amplitude for that link times the amplitude for its complex conjugate. Since the complex conjugate amplitude is the time reversal of the link amplitude, Cramer's picture is that of the present interacting with the future. The present amplitude makes an "offer" that can be accepted by a "handshake" with a complex conjugate amplitude "confirmation" from the future, so that the resulting observation is a "transaction".

Combining the Penrose-Deutsch closed timelike loop picture of the mind with Cramer's transaction picture of sum-over-histories quantum field theory, it is natural to ask whether the mind might be able to select which of the Many-Worlds it will experience in the future.

Jack Sarfatti comments on a paper of Hoyle and Narlikar 
(Rev. Mod. Phys. 67 (1995) 113-155):

Classically, if "we use only retarded electromagnetic waves 
that propagate on the future light cone of their source events, 
conservation of energy for an accelerating classical point charge 
implies HN's Lorentz-covariant tensor eq. 2.2 on p.116

md^2a^i/da^2 = eFret^i k da^k/da + 

+ (4/3)e glk(d^3a^i/da^3 da^l/da - d^3a^l/da^3 da^i/da) da^k/da 

The first term on the RHS is 
the external Lorentz force for the point charge. 
The second term involving the third derivative of 
the particle's postion relative to the proper time along its world line
is the self-force or radiation reaction. 
This equation cannot be deduced from the Lagrangian of 
traditional classical electrodynamics for point charges 
in purely retarded causal electromagnetic fields. 
It is put in adhoc in order to obey conservation of energy. 

If you choose a time symmetric sum of advanced and retarded waves 
there is no radiaton and no radiation reaction. 
Anti-causal advanced waves propagate 
on the past light cone of their source events. 
Dirac used HN's eq. 2.3
which is half the difference of the retarded and advanced waves.

                          R^i k = (1/2){Fret^i k - Fadv^i k} 

Dirac ... showed that the individual self-fields diverge for the point charge, 
but their difference is finite and it is exactly equal to 
the adhoc radiation reaction term in eq. 2.2 above. 

The classical self-force when quantized is responsible 
for the spontaneous emission of bound atomic electrons 
in excited energy levels. 
This is amazing and highly suggestive 
that we are close to the secrets of Einstein's 'Old One'.   
HN then develop the quantum version of their classical theory 
using the Feynman path method. 
The quantum 'influence functional' of the future of our Universe 
replaces the classical absorber boundary condition. 
They show that there are no renormalization infinities 
in the delayed action-at-a-distance theory at the quantum level 
because of damping by 
the cosmological influence functional of the entire future Universe 
on every charged particle ...
[HN say that:] 
     '... the apparently local behavior of a quantum system 
      actually involves the response of the Universe 
      via an influence functional 
      which arises when we take into account 
      how the absorber reacts back (via advanced potentials) 
      on the local system. 
      The influence functional enters into any probability calculation 
      in the path integral approach whenever 
      the effects of external variables on the local system 
      are integrated out. 
      It is a double integral over paths and conjugate paths. ... 
      the conjugate paths arise in the calculation of 
      probability for spontaneous transition of the atomic electron, 
      involving the response of the Universe, 
      when the effects of the individual absorber particles 
      are integrated out.' p. 147 
The congugate paths in this case carry negative energy em waves 
propagating backwards in time.
They ... replace the virtual photon vacuum fluctuations 
of the traditional quantum electrodynamics."  

In the cosmology of the D4-D5-E6 model, the universe is open.

Does it obey the quantum version of the total absorber boundary condition?

YES, because the open universe is also a totally Many-Branched universe, in the sense that any future world-line from any chosen point will eventually encounter a "new universe" branching off from the chosen universe.

A quantum mind could interact with the anti-causal advanced conjugate paths coming from anything in either the future part of the chosen universe or from any of the new universe Many-Branches.

HOW MIGHT A QUANTUM MIND BE ABLE TO SELECT which of the Many-Worlds it will experience in the future?

Fred Wolf uses the WATCHED-POT property of quantum theory to provide the answer.

The Watched-Pot property is just the fact that, if a quantum system is observed constantly, its state does not change. Therefore, the mind should be able to stay on a given branch of the Many-Worlds by constantly observing it.

Cerf and Adami have shown that information theory of quantum computers can give negative conditional entropies for entangled systems. Therefore negative virtual information can be carried by particles, and quantum information processes can be described by particle-antiparticle diagrams much like particle physics diagrams.

Consequently, the underlying structure of Many-Worlds abstract life forms should be fundamentally similar to that of Light-cone life forms and Massive life forms.

To get an idea of how to think about Many-Worlds on lattices, 
here is a rough outline of how the Uncertainty Principle works: 

Do NOT (as is conventional) say that a particle is 
sort of "spread out" around a given location in a given space-time  

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