Project Phoenix
Data Archive
Arecibo Data Archive (HRMS)
Parkes Data Archive
Data Archive
In Project Phoenix, all SETI data are processed in near-real time, i.e.,
immediately after they are collected. After processing, the data are
generally discarded. In a few cases, such as a spacecraft or test signal,
about 2000 channels out of the 56 million channels are stored. We throw
the data away for two reasons:
- off-line processing of data at a later time will lead to unconfirmable
signals (like the famous "Wow" signal at Ohio State)
- the storage requirements are tremendous, approximately 5 Terrabytes
per star.
Project Phoenix does store a very small subset of the data at coarse
resolution and the reports from the signal detection computers.
These data have been transferred to magneto-optic disks for
analysis by the staff. Current studies include estimating the fraction of
time that RFI contaminates the observed spectrum as a function of frequency
and measuring spectral lines due to clouds of interstellar gas.
The data in the archive include:
- "baseline" spectra - 10 frame integration, 643 Hz resolution
- signal detection reports - text summaries of properties of detected signals
- configuration files - configuration of the system for each set of
Although the 643 Hz resolution of the baseline spectra is coarse by SETI
standards, it is much finer than typical radio astronomy spectroscopy.
Samples of baseline spectra showing spectral lines from neutral hydrogen
will be displayed here in the future.
Note: the data stored by Project Phoenix are not suitable for off-line
SETI analysis. All SETI data are processed in near-real time.
More information about Project Phoenix may be obtained from:
SETI Institute - 2035 Landings Drive - Mountain View, CA (415) 961-6633