Project Phoenix
Fund-raising Status

The Initial Phase of Project Phoenix, covering the period from December 1, 1993 through June 30, 1995, required a total of $7.3 million. By July 1, 1994, we achieved that goal. During this phase we doubled the bandwidth of the NASA Targeted Search System and conducted sixteen weeks of dedicated SETI observations at the Parkes Radio Observatory in Australia.

Long term plans for Project Phoenix include ongoing observations with the Targeted Search System and, in parallel, research and development of a more advanced signal processing system. These activities will require support at a level of approximately $4 million per year. We are currently soliciting funds for the Life in the Universe Trust, an endowment that will support these long term goals. In the future, other fund-raising projects may include the construction of a dedicated SETI observatory.

Funding for the current fiscal year (through June 30, 1996) is sufficient to allow further improvements to the Targeted Search System and a subsequent deployment to an observatory. Also, preliminary design work will begin on the "next generation system".

Additional funding for the current year would allow Project Phoenix to proceed with the development of the next generation system. The design goals for this system include increasing the processed frequency bandwidth by at least a factor of ten and doubling the sensitivity.

Contributions to Project Phoenix may be sent to:

SETI Institute
2035 Landings Drive
Mountain View, CA 94043

Please make checks payable to "SETI Institute" and write "Project Phoenix" on the memo line.

The SETI Institute is a nonprofit corporation founded in 1984 (California Corporation #1261957). The Institute is a scientific and educational organization governed by the provisions of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, and the Instituteis Federal identification number for reporting and tax purposes is 94-2951356. All contributions to the Institute for Project Phoenix are deductible to the donor for both State and Federal income tax purposes.

SETI Institute - 2035 Landings Drive - Mountain View, CA (415) 961-6633