Targeted Search and Sky Survey Status
Quarterly Report -- March 1993
The High Resolution Microwave Survey (HRMS) is part of the Toward Other
Planetary Systems (TOPS) program in NASA's Solar System Exploration Division.
The HRMS looks for evidence of planets orbiting other stars through radio
emissions that may be produced by technological civilizations on any such
planets. The HRMS has two search modes, a Sky Survey and a Targeted Search.
The Sky Survey, managed by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, uses 34-meter
antennas in NASA's Deep Space Network to sweep the entire sky over a wide range
of frequencies for the presence of strong signals. The Targeted Search uses
the largest available radio telescopes to observe nearby Sun-like stars over a
narrower range of frequencies for weak signals. The Targeted Search is managed
by NASA's Ames Research Center, which is also the lead center for the HRMS.
The combination of the two search modes is millions of times more
than the sum of all previous search programs. The observational phase of the
HRMS was inaugurated at 1900 hours Universal Time on 12 October 1992 at the
NASA Goldstone Deep Space Communications Complex in California and the Arecibo
Observatory in Puerto Rico. The Arecibo Observatory is part of the National
Astronomy and Ionosphere Center, operated by Cornell University for the
National Science Foundation. In a coordinated program, the Arecibo antenna
pointed at the star Gliese 615.1A and the Goldstone antenna began to scan a
small area of sky that included the position of the target star. The beginning
of the search generated worldwide interest in the media. This report presents
an overview of the observations and results to date.
Sky Survey
Initial observations began with the new 34-meter antenna at the Venus
Development Station at Goldstone. The project is using the available X-Band
receiver which can be tuned from 8200 to 8600 MHz, and the Sky Survey Prototype
System (SSPS). The SSPS divides a single polarization 40 MHz band into two
million 20 Hz channels and automatically looks for continuous wave signals as
the search progresses. Each observation involves driving the antenna rapidly
in a precise "sliding racetrack" pattern programmed to cover a "sky frame," a
rectangular area of sky approximately 1.8 degrees high and 30 degrees wide.
While observing, the SSPS temporarily stores data from channels with power
exceeding a specified threshold level and excises data from channels affected
by terrestrial signals. The scan pattern is designed so that each point in the
frame will be scanned by the antenna at least twice (with slightly different
position offsets) at times separated by about eight minutes. At the completion
of the sky frame, the stored data are analyzed and candidate signals are
selected for immediate verification tests.
Twenty-five sky frames, including four repeat frames, have been observed at
X-Band. To date, no candidates have passed the verification tests and the
results are entirely consistent with the expected thermal noise statistics.
The SSPS is now observing about 32 hours per week on the 34-meter antenna with
an increase in allocated time scheduled for later in the year. At other
times, the SPSS is completing a series of special observations on the adjacent
26-meter antenna using an available L-Band receiver. These observations are
designed to optimize radio astronomy data and improve interference excision
algorithms. Three 5 degree by 30 degree sections of the galactic plane are
being observed repeatedly in frequency bands that include the natural emission
lines produced by hydrogen atoms and hydroxyl radicals (OH). Results of these
observations, including maps of the detected emission, will be published later
this year.
Work also continues at JPL on developing the Sky Survey Operational System
(with sixteen times the bandwidth of the SSPS) and the RF Systems to be used by
both search modes.
Targeted Search
The Targeted Search System (TSS) used the Arecibo 305-meter antenna, the
world's largest, for its initial observations. The TSS processed a dual
polarization 10 MHz bandwidth into more than 14 million, 1 Hz wide,
simultaneous channels. In parallel, it also produced channel resolutions of 7
Hz and 28 Hz. Data were analyzed in real-time for the presence of continuous
wave and pulsed signals that may drift in frequency by as much as 1 Hz per
second. Twenty-five stars within 100 light years were observed. Receivers
provided by the observatory allowed observations in four frequency bands
covering a total of about 300 MHz within the range from 1300 MHz to 2400 MHz.
Each "observation" of a star in a particular frequency band consisted of three
steps with the antenna first pointed at the star, then away from the star, and
then back at the star. Each step lasted either 92 seconds or 299 seconds.
Signals that were present only when the telescope was pointed at the star (and
not previously seen in other observations) were considered to be of possible
extraterrestrial origin and were subjected to further tests. Signals that were
present both "on" and "off" the star were deemed to be terrestrial interference
signals. A total of 436 observations were conducted during the 200 hours of
assigned telescope time. A large number of interference signals were detected
and cataloged. Fifteen signals required further verification tests, but all
proved to be intermittent terrestrial signals. Analysis of the data collected
at Arecibo continues with the goal of developing better techniques for quickly
identifying, classifying, and perhaps even avoiding interference signals.
Since returning from Arecibo, the TSS has been reassembled in the development
lab at NASA Ames. As expected, operational experience has indicated the need
for modifications to several circuit boards and improvements to the software.
While those modifications are under way, the capability of the system is being
doubled to process 20 MHz of bandwidth. The increased capability is needed for
observations of nearby Sun-like stars in the Southern Hemisphere, scheduled to
begin in 1994 at the 64-meter antenna of the Parkes Observatory in Australia.
Parkes is part of the Australian Telescope National Facility operated by the
Commonwealth Scientific Industrial Research Organization. A Memorandum of
Agreement has been negotiated between NASA and CSIRO through the Australian
Space Office for the use of this facility.
No signals from beyond our Solar System have been detected yet. Although many
signals have been detected, none appears to originate from a fixed point on the
celestial sphere. Most of the signals were recognized immediately as
terrestrial interference by the software. A few signals required verification
tests but no signal passed this level of testing. In summary, the HRMS has
successfully inaugurated its observational phase. Both the Targeted Search and
the Sky Survey are using the lessons learned in the initial observations to
improve their hardware, software, and observation techniques as they build
additional systems to implement the ten year search.
Other Information
SETI Institute - 2035 Landings Drive - Mountain View, CA (415) 961-6633