Join the Internet marketing movement by advertising on one of the hottest and fastest growing web-sites on the Net -- Anomalous Images and UFO Files. Anomalous Images and UFO Files is currently receiving 100,000+ impressions per month and expanding rapidly daily.
Compare with your advertising costs for print or broadcasting media which can give no guarantees that your audience will ever see your advertisement. The Anomalous Images and UFO Files guarantees that your ads will be viewed as it will be placed in a highly visible location at the top of our pages. In addition, users will be a click away from visiting your web pages.
Currently advertising space is available on main pages of Anomalous Images and UFO Files. Costs are based on impressions which are the actual viewing of the advertisement. Anomalous Images and UFO Files advertisers will have access to weekly statistics which include impression and transfer amounts. Transfers track how many people clicked on your advertisement to visit your site.
Impressions Price Per Day Per Month Per Month Per Impression -------------------------------------------------- 1,000 30,000 $180 $0.006 500 15,000 $105 $0.007 250 7,500 $60 $0.008 125 3,750 $34 $0.009
Additional volumes and packages are available. Prices are subject to change. All prices in US$. International advertisers welcome.
An ad image is a GIF file, 475 pixels wide and 75 pixels high. It must have a total size of 10k (10240 bytes) or less. Included along with the image must be an ALT string of 60 characters or less that will be displayed if the image is not loaded. In addition, a URL is needed, to which a user will be transfered when they click on your ad.
Interested parties can get additional information by contacting