FILE NO. 005 A C O V E N A N T W I T H D E A T H Commentary from researcher Barbara Ann: "Sometime ago I had the opportunity to meet William Cooper and his wife Annie. It was part of my job to verify whether this man did indeed speak the truth or was just another person seeking fame and fortune. What I found was a rugged, bulldog, driven individual who was kind, thoughtful and tenderhearted. He was truly concerned about you and your welfare. "Bill knew that people were badly informed by a society which spoon-feeds you deception until there is no distinction between fiction and reality. He sees what many other(s) see happening, and he is not afraid to do something about it. "There are many who do not want you to know what Bill has to say. They have tried many times to stop him from saying it. The scars on his face and the loss of his leg are his bandages of sincerity on your behalf. "No one becomes popular by telling people the truth. History records what happened to the true prophets of the past. However, some have listened to their warnings and were not caught off-guard. Others have put their heads in the sand and refused to listen. "Bill has it together, and has put it together for you so you can also be one of the informed of the world. A well informed person can make the right decision. William Cooper has my vote of approval because I cared enough to find out who the man is. Now is your opportunity." Here, then, is William Cooper's story: "...There have been many related sequential coincidences all throughout my life, incidents that by themselves would have led nowhere. Statistically, the odds against the same or a related sequence of events happening to one individual are astronomically high. It is a series of incidents that have convinced me that God has had a hand in my life. I do not believe in fate. I do not believe in accidents... "We have been taught lies. Reality is not at all what we perceive it to be. We cannot survive any longer by hanging onto the falsehoods of the past. Reality must be discerned at all costs if we are to be a part of the future. Truth must prevail in all instances, no matter who it hurts or helps, if we are to continue to live upon this earth. At this point, what we want may no longer matter. It is what we must do to ensure our survival that counts. The old way is in the certain process of destruction and a New World Order is beating down the door... "I fear for the little ones, the innocents, who are already paying for our mistakes. There exists a great army of occupationally orphaned children. They are attending government- controlled day-care centers. And latch-key kids are running wild in the streets. And the lop-sided, emotionally wounded children of single welfare mothers, born only for the sake of more money on the monthly check. Open your eyes and look at them, for they are the future. In them I see the sure and certain destruction of this once-proud nation. In their vacant eyes I see the death of Freedom. They carry with them a great emptiness--and someone will surely pay a great price for their suffering. "If we do not act in concert with each other and ensure that the future becomes what we need it to be, then we will surely deserve whatever fate awaits us. "I believe with all my heart that God put me in places and in positions throughout my life so that I would be able to deliver this warning to His people. I pray that I have been worthy and that I have done my job. "THIS IS MY CREED - I first believe in God, the same God in which my ancestors believed. I believe in Jesus Christ and that he is my savior. Second, I believe in the Constitution of the Republic of the United States of America, without interpretation, as it was written and meant to work. I have given my sacred oath 'to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States of America against all enemies foreign and domestic.' I intend to fulfill that oath. Third, I believe in the family unit and, in particular, my family unit. I have sworn that I will give my life, if it is required, in defense of God, the Constitution, or my family. Fourth, I believe that any man without principles that he is ready and willing to die for at any given moment is already dead and of no use or consequence whatsoever. - William Cooper., August 3, 1990., Camp Verde, Arizona." The following document was released by William Cooper to members of various UFO RESEARCH and PATRIOT RESEARCH organizations. The manuscript, which ties together certain aspects of the "Secret Government" and the "UFO Phenomena", was titled: THE SECRET GOVERNMENT (The Origin, Identity, and Purpose of MJ-12. May 23, 1989. Updated November 21, 1990): "...I originally wrote this piece as a research paper. It was first delivered at the MUFON Symposium on July 2, 1989, in Las Vegas, Nevada. Most of this knowledge comes directly from, or as a result of my own research into the TOP SECRET/MAJIC material WHICH I SAW AND READ between the years 1970 and 1973 as a member of the Intelligence Briefing Team of the Commander in Chief of the Pacific Fleet. Since some of this information was derived from sources that I cannot divulge for obvious reasons, and from published sources which I cannot vouch for...(this) must be termed a hypothesis. I firmly believe that if the aliens are real, THIS IS THE TRUE NATURE OF THE BEAST. It is the only scenario THAT ANSWERS ALL THE QUESTIONS and places the various fundamental mysteries in an arena that makes sense. It is the only explanation which shows the chronology of events and demonstrates that the chronologies, when assembled, match perfectly. The bulk of this I believe to be true if the material that I viewed in the Navy is authentic. As for the rest, I do not know, and that is why this paper must be termed a hypothesis. Most historic and current available evidence supports this hypothesis. "During the years following World War II the government of the United States was confronted with a series of events which were to change beyond prediction its future and with it the future of humanity. These events were so incredible that they defied belief. A stunned President Truman and his top military commanders found themselves virtually impotent after having just won the most devastating and costly war in history. "The United States had developed, used, and was the only nation on earth in possession of the atomic bomb. This new weapon had the potential to destroy an enemy, and even the Earth itself. At that time the United States had the best economy, the most advanced technology, the highest standard of living, exerted the most influence, and fielded the largest and most powerful military forces in history. We can only imagine the confusion and concern when the informed elite of the United States Government discovered that an alien spacecraft piloted by 'insectlike' beings from a totally incomprehensible culture had crashed in the desert of New Mexico (Note: Some have alleged that certain 'sauroids' appear 'insect-like'. Other indications suggest that they may be 'para-physical' entities of some sort, perhaps those allegedly released, according to Kenneth Grant and others, by the Illuminati from another 'dimension' via holes torn in the space-time fabric by the early atomic tests in the Nevada underground, New Mexico, and elsewhere - Branton). "Between January 1947 and December 1952 at least 16 crashed or downed alien craft, 65 bodies, and 1 live alien were recovered. An additional alien craft had exploded and nothing was recovered from that incident. Of these events, 13 occurred within the borders of the United States, not including the craft which disintegrated in the air. Of these 13, 1 was in Arizona, 11 were in New Mexico, and 1 was in Nevada. Sightings of UFOs were so numerous that serious investigation and debunking of each report became impossible, utilizing the existing intelligence assets. "An alien craft was found on February 13, 1948, on a mesa near Aztec, New Mexico. Another craft was located on March 25, 1948, in White Sands Proving Ground. It was 100 feet in diameter. A total of 17 alien bodies were recovered from those two crafts. Of even greater significance was the discovery of a large number of human body parts stored within both of these vehicles. A demon had reared its head and paranoia quickly took hold of everyone 'in the know.' The Secret lid immediately became a Top Secret lid and was screwed down tight. THE SECURITY BLANKET WAS EVEN TIGHTER THAN THAT IMPOSED UPON THE MANHATTAN PROJECT. In the coming years these events were to become the most closely guarded secrets in the history of the world. "A special group of America's top scientists were organized under the name Project SIGN in December 1947 to study the phenomena. The whole nasty business was contained. Project SIGN evolved into Project GRUDGE in December 1948. A low-level collection and disinformation project named BLUE BOOK was formed under GRUDGE. Sixteen volumes were to come out of GRUDGE. "Blue Teams" were put together to recover the crashed disks or live aliens. The Blue Teams were later to evolve into Alpha Teams under Project POUNCE. "DURING THESE EARLY YEARS THE UNITED STATES AIR FORCE AND THE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY EXERCISED COMPLETE CONTROL OVER THE 'ALIEN SECRET.' In fact, the CIA was formed by Presidential Executive Order first as the Central Intelligence Group for the express purpose of dealing with the alien presence. Later the National Security Act was passed, establishing it as the Central Intelligence Agency. "The National Security Council was established to oversee the intelligence community and especially the alien endeavor. A series of National Security Council memos and Executive orders removed the CIA from the sole task of gathering foreign intelligence and slowly but thoroughly 'legalized' direct action in the form of covert activities at home and abroad. "On December 9, 1947, Truman approved issuance of NSC-4, entitled 'Coordination of Foreign Intelligence Information Measures' at the urging of the Secretaries Marshall, Forrestal, Patterson, and the director of the State Department's Policy Planning Staff, George Kennan. "The FOREIGN AND MILITARY INTELLIGENCE, BOOK 1, 'Final Report of the Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities,' United States Senate, 94th Congress, 2nd Session, Report No. 94-755, April 26, 1976, p. 49. states: 'This directive empowered the Secretary to coordinate oversees information activities designed to counter communism.' "A Top Secret annex to NSC-4, NSC-4A, instructed the director of Central Intelligence to undertake covert psychological activities in pursuit of the aims set forth in NSC- 4. The initial authority given the CIA for covert operations under NSC-4A did not establish formal procedures for either coordinating or approving these operations. It simply directed the DCI to 'undertake covert actions and to ensure, through liaison with Senate and Defense, that the resulting operations were consistent with American policy.' "Later NSC-10/1 and NSC-10/2 were to supersede NSC-4 and NSC-4A and expand the covert abilities even further. The Office of Policy Coordination (OPC) was chartered to carry out an expanded program of covert activities. NSC-10/1 and NSC-10/2 validated illegal and extralegal practices and procedures as being agreeable to the national security leadership. The reaction was swift. In the eyes of the intelligence community 'no holds were barred.' Under NSC-10/1 an Executive Coordination Group was established to review, but not approve, covert project proposals. The ECG was secretly tasked to coordinate the alien projects. NSC-10/1 & /2 were interpreted to mean that no one at the top wanted to know about anything until it was over and successful. "These actions established a buffer between the President and the information. It was intended that this buffer serve as a means for the President to deny knowledge if leaks divulged the true state of affairs. This buffer was used in later years for the purpose of effectively isolating succeeding Presidents from any knowledge of the alien presence OTHER THAN WHAT THE SECRET GOVERNMENT AND THE INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY WANTED THEM TO KNOW. NSC-10/2 established a study panel which met secretly and was made up of the scientific minds of the day. The study panel was not called MJ-12. Another NSC memo, NSC-10/5 further outlined the duties of the study panel. These NSC memos and secret Executive orders SET THE STAGE FOR THE CREATION OF MJ-12 ONLY FOUR YEARS LATER. "SECRETARY OF DEFENSE JAMES FORRESTAL OBJECTED TO THE SECRECY. He was a very idealistic and religious man. He believed that the public should be told. James Forrestal was also one of the first known abductees. When he began to talk to leaders of the opposition party and leaders of the Congress about the alien problem he was asked to resign by Truman. He expressed his fears to many people. Rightfully, he believed that he was being watched. This was interpreted by those who were ignorant of the facts as paranoia. Forrestal later was said to have suffered a mental breakdown. He was ordered to the mental ward of Bethesda Naval Hospital. In spite of the fact that THE ADMINISTRATION HAD NO AUTHORITY TO HAVE HIM COMMITTED, the order was carried out. In fact, it was feared that Forrestal would begin to talk again. He had to be isolated and discredited. His family and friends were denied permission to visit. Finally, on May 21, 1949, Forrestal's brother made a fateful decision. HE NOTIFIED AUTHORITIES THAT HE INTENDED TO REMOVE JAMES FROM BETHESDA on May 22. Sometime in the early morning of May 22, 1949, agents of the CIA tied a sheet around James Forrestal's neck, fastened the other end to a fixture in his room, then threw James Forrestal out the window. The sheet tore and he plummeted to his death. James Forrestal's secret diaries were confiscated by the CIA and were kept in the White House for many years. Due to public demand the diaries were eventually rewritten and published in a sanitized version. The real diary information was later furnished by the CIA in book form to an agent who published the material as fiction. THE NAME OF THE AGENT IS WHITLEY STRIEBER and the book is 'MAJESTIC'. James Forrestal became one of the first victims of the cover-up. "The live alien that had been found wandering in the desert from the 1949 Roswell crash was named EBE. The name had been suggested by Dr. Vannevar Bush and was short for Extraterrestrial Biological Entity. EBE HAD A TENDENCY TO LIE, and for over a year would give only the desired answer to questions asked. Those questions which would have resulted in an undesirable answer went unanswered. At one point during the second year of captivity he began to open up. The information derived from EBE was startling, to say the least. This compilation of his revelations became the foundation of what would later be called the 'Yellow Book.' Photographs were taken of EBE which, among others, I was to view years later in Project Grudge. "In late 1951 EBE became ill. Medical personnel had been unable to determine the cause of EBE's illness and had no background from which to draw... Several experts were called in to study the illness. These specialists included medical doctors, botanists, and entomologists. A botanist, Dr. Guillermo Mendoza, was brought in to try and help him recover. Dr. Mendoza worked to save EBE until June 2, 1952, when EBE died. Dr. Mendoza became the expert on at least this type of alien biology. The movie E.T. is the thinly disguised story of EBE. "In a futile attempt to save EBE and to gain favor with this technologically superior race, the United States began broadcasting a call for help early in 1952 into the vast regions of space. The call went unanswered but the project, dubbed SIGMA, continued as an effort of good faith (Note: Apparently in this effort to kiss-up to a more technically advanced race of creatures these government officials forgot EBE's infernal "tendency to lie", and instead continued to believe what they WANTED to believe... that this was a sure way to satisfy their insatiable appetite for super technology, and that these creatures were benevolent - in spite of the fact that human body parts were found on board at least two of their craft. In our opinion these officials deserve whatever harmful actions may have been taken against them by these creatures as a result of establishing a 'relationship' with what was obviously a malevolent alien race for mostly selfish motives. It is not certain whether this particular alien was one of the mantis-like "Infernals" or one of the reptilian "Sauroids" who apparently are subject to them. However the movie 'CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE THIRD KIND,' which whitewashed the actual malevolent nature of the aliens to an incredible degree, depicted BOTH the small saurian 'gray' type beings and the long-armed 'mantis' like creatures as working together. As we've said it seems that the desire of the secret government to obtain the occult-technology of these particular 'aliens' was one of their main motivations for establishing a WORKING contact with the saurian grays instead of with the more benevolent though protective human-alien races, even if it meant--as we shall soon see--the sellout of their fellow humans beings to obtain this. This 'forbidden fruit' of supertechnology would apparently allow the recipients to live like 'gods' over the rest of humanity - Branton). "President Truman created the supersecret National Security Agency (NSA) by secret Executive order on November 4, 1952. Its primary purpose was to decipher the alien communications, language, and establish a dialogue with the extraterrestrials. The most urgent task was a continuation of the earlier effort. The secondary purpose of the NSA was to monitor all communications and emissions from any and all electronic devices worldwide for the purpose of gathering intelligence, both human and alien, AND TO CONTAIN THE SECRET OF THE ALIEN PRESENCE. Project SIGMA was successful. "The NSA also MAINTAINS COMMUNICATIONS WITH THE LUNA BASE AND OTHER SECRET SPACE PROGRAMS (Note: Val Valerian was sent a document which was allegedly a crew roster for 'Starfleet International U.S.S. Concord NCC-1989' which listed several military personnel and their ACTUAL service numbers. A U.S.S. Excalibur was also mentioned, piloted by WO4. Chuck Graham SFMC- 8906-0001; CPL. Chuck Fair SCMC-8908-0005; CPL. Jon Plant SCMC- 8908-0007; and WO3 Mike Wier - no service number given. Branton). By executive order of the President, the NSA is exempt from all laws which do not specifically name the NSA in the text of the law as being subject to that law. That means that if the agency is not spelled out in the text on any and every law passed by the Congress it is not subject to that or those laws. The NSA now performs many other duties and in fact is the premier agency within the intelligence network. Today the NSA receives approximately 75 per cent of the monies allotted to the intelligence community. The old saying 'where the money goes therein the power resides' is true. The DCI today is a figurehead maintained as a public ruse. The primary task of the NSA is still alien communications, but now includes other extraterrestrial projects as well. "President Truman had been keeping our allies, including the Soviet Union, informed of the developing alien problem. THIS HAD BEEN DONE IN CASE THE ALIENS TURNED OUT TO BE A THREAT TO THE HUMAN RACE (Note: Could this explain the sudden and unexpected 'fall' of the Soviet Union and 'Communism'? Although Communism still resides to a large extent in China and elsewhere it's power has been greatly diminished in the Bolshevik states. The resulting international cooperation may be a two-edged sword, being either good or bad depending how it is used. For instance a global system might involve INDUSTRIAL cooperation which could strengthen the planet against an alien threat on the one hand while still allowing nations to retain their political independence and cultural diversities; or on the other hand it could involve POLITICAL cooperation which may very well lead to absolute dictatorial control of the world by a person or small group of persons, which would be devastating to the "cultural diversities" which add variety to the human race, who would no doubt be pressured give up their cultural characteristics in order to "conform" to the one-world political "beast" - Branton). "PLANS WERE FORMULATED TO DEFEND THE EARTH IN CASE OF INVASION. Great difficulty was encountered in maintaining international secrecy. It was decided that an outside group was necessary to coordinate and control international efforts in order to hide the secret from the normal scrutiny of governments by the press. The result was the formation of a secret ruling body which became known as the Bilderberger Group. The group was formed and met for the first time in 1952. They were named after the first publicly known meeting place, the Bilderberg Hotel. That public meeting took place in 1954. They were nicknamed the Bilderbergers. The headquarters of this group is Geneva, Switzerland. The Bilderbergers evolved into a secret world government that now controls everything. The United Nations was then, and is now, an international joke. "Beginning in 1953 a new president occupied the White House. He was a man used to a structured staff organization with a chain of command. His method was to delegate authority and rule by committee. He made his decisions, but only when his advisors were unable to come up with a consensus. His normal method was to read through or listen to several alternatives and then approve one. Those who worked closely with him have stated that his favorite comment was, 'Just do whatever it takes.' He spent a lot of time on the golf course. This was not unusual for a man who had been career Army with the ultimate position of Supreme Allied Commander during the war, a post which had earned him five stars. The President was General of the Army Dwight David Eisenhower. "During his first year in office, 1953, at least 10 more crashed discs were recovered along with 26 dead and 4 live aliens. Of the 10, 4 were found in Arizona, 2 in Texas, 1 in New Mexico, 1 in Louisiana, 1 in Montana, and 1 in South Africa. There were hundreds of sightings. "Eisenhower knew that he had to wrestle and beat the alien problem. He knew that he could not do it by revealing the secret to Congress. Early in 1953 the new President turned to his friend and fellow member of the Council on Foreign Relations Nelson Rockefeller. EISENHOWER AND ROCKEFELLER BEGAN PLANNING THE SECRET STRUCTURE OF THE ALIEN-TASK SUPERVISION, which became a reality within one year. The idea for MJ-12 was thus born. "It was Nelson's uncle Winthrop Aldrich who had been crucial in convincing Eisenhower to run for President. The whole Rockefeller family and with them, the Rockefeller empire, had solidly backed Ike. Eisenhower belonged heart and soul to the Council on Foreign Relations and the Rockefeller family. ASKING ROCKEFELLER FOR HELP WITH THE ALIEN PROBLEM WAS TO BE THE BIGGEST MISTAKE EISENHOWER EVER MADE FOR THE FUTURE OF THE UNITED STATES AND MAYBE FOR HUMANITY. "Within a week of Eisenhower's election he had appointed Nelson Rockefeller chairman of a Presidential Advisory Committee on Government Organization. Rockefeller was responsible for planning the reorganization of government, something he had dreamed of for many years. New Deal programs went into one single cabinet position called the Department of Health, Education and Welfare. When the Congress approved the new Cabinet position in April 1953, Nelson was named to the post of Undersecretary to Oveta Culp Hobby. "In 1953 astronomers discovered large objects in space which were tracked moving toward the Earth. It was first believed that they were asteroids. Later evidence proved that the objects could only be spaceships (perhaps hollowed-out asteroids from the asteroid field between Mars and Jupiter? - Branton). Project SIGMA intercepted alien radio communications. When the objects reached the Earth they took up very high geosynchronous orbit around the equator. There were several huge ships, and their actual intent was unknown. Project SIGMA and a new project, PLATO, through radio communications using the computer binary language, were able to arrange a landing that resulted in face- to-face contact with alien beings from another planet. The landing took place in the desert. The movie, 'CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE THIRD KIND' is a fictionalized version of the actual event. Project PLATO was tasked with establishing diplomatic relations with this race of space aliens. A hostage was left with us as a pledge that they would return and formalize a treaty. "In the meantime, a race of humanoid (Nordic-Blond? - Branton) aliens landed at Homestead Air Force Base in Florida and successfully communicated with the U.S. government. THIS GROUP WARNED US AGAINST THE RACE ORBITING THE EQUATOR AND OFFERED TO HELP US WITH OUR SPIRITUAL DEVELOPMENT. THEY DEMANDED THAT WE DISMANTLE AND DESTROY OUR NUCLEAR WEAPONS AS THE MAJOR CONDITION. THEY REFUSED TO EXCHANGE TECHNOLOGY CITING THAT WE WERE SPIRITUALLY UNABLE TO HANDLE THE TECHNOLOGY WE ALREADY POSSESSED. THESE OVERTURES WERE REJECTED on the grounds that it would be foolish to disarm in the face of such an uncertain future. There was no track record to read from. IT MAY HAVE BEEN AN UNFORTUNATE DECISION. "A third landing at Muroc, now Edwards Air Force Base, took place in 1954. The base was closed for three days and no one was allowed to enter or leave during that time. The historical event had been planned in advance. Details of a treaty had been agreed upon. Eisenhower arranged to be in Palm Springs on vacation. On the appointed day the President was spirited to the base. The excuse was given to the press that he was visiting a dentist. Witnesses to the event have stated that three UFOs flew over the base and then landed. Antiaircraft batteries were undergoing live-fire training and the startled personnel actually fired at the crafts as they passed overhead... the shells missed and no one was injured (Note: These three craft were apparently from the orbiting "gray" craft that the 'humanoids' warned the government about. This 'meeting' apparently resulted in one of the major 'U.S. government - Gray' treaties. The fact that the startled gunners failed to destroy the alien ships may have been unfortunate, as such an event might have led to an abort of the so-called 'treaty' deal with the grays - Branton). "President Eisenhower met with the aliens on February 20, 1954, and a formal treaty between the alien nation and the United States of America was signed. We then received our first alien ambassador from outer space. He was the hostage that had been left at the first landing in the desert. His name was 'His Omnipotent Highness Crilll or Krilll,' pronounced Crill or Krill. In the American tradition of disdain for royal titles he was secretly called 'ORIGINAL HOSTAGE CRILL, OR KRILL.' Shortly after this meeting President Eisenhower suffered a heart attack (the judgment of God?). "Four others present at the meeting were Franklin Allen of the HEARST NEWSPAPERS, Edwin Nourse of BROOKINGS INSTITUTE, Gerald Light of METAPHYSICAL RESEARCH fame, and CATHOLIC BISHOP MacIntyre of Los Angeles. Their reaction was judged as a microcosm of what the public reaction might be. Based on this reaction, it was decided that the public could not be told. Later studies confirmed the decision as sound. "An emotionally revealing letter written by Gerald Light spells out in chilling detail: 'My dear friends: I have just returned from Muroc. The report is true -- devastatingly true! I made the journey in company with Franklin Allen of the Hearst papers and Edwin Nourse of Brookings Institute (Truman's erstwhile financial advisor) and Bishop MacIntyre of L.A. (confidential names for the present, please). When we were allowed to enter the restricted section (after about six hours in which we were checked on every possible item, event, incident and aspect of our personal and public lives), I HAD THE DISTINCT FEELING THAT THE WORLD HAD COME TO AN END WITH FANTASTIC REALISM. FOR I HAVE NEVER SEEN SO MANY HUMAN BEINGS IN A STATE OF COMPLETE COLLAPSE AND CONFUSION, AS THEY REALIZED THAT THEIR OWN WORLD HAD INDEED ENDED WITH SUCH FINALITY AS TO BEGGAR DESCRIPTION. THE REALITY OF 'OTHER-PLANE' AEROFORMS IS NOW AND FOREVER REMOVED FROM THE REALMS OF SPECULATION AND MADE A RATHER PAINFUL PART OF THE CONSCIOUSNESS OF EVERY RESPONSIBLE SCIENTIFIC AND POLITICAL GROUP. During my two days' visit I saw five separate and distinct types of aircraft being studied and handled by our Air Force officials -- with the assistance and permission of the Etherians! "'I have no words to express my reactions. It has finally happened. It is now a matter of history. President Eisenhower, as you may already know, was spirited over to Muroc one night during his visit to Palm Springs recently. And it is my conviction that he will ignore the terrific conflict between the various 'authorities' and go directly to the people via radio and television -- if the impasse continues much longer. FROM WHAT I COULD GATHER, AN OFFICIAL STATEMENT TO THE COUNTRY IS BEING PREPARED FOR DELIVERY ABOUT THE MIDDLE OF MAY.' "We know that no such announcement was ever made. The silence-control group won that day. We also know that two more ships, for which we can find no witnesses, either landed sometime after the three or were already at the base before the three landed. Gerald Light specifically states that five ships were present and were undergoing study by the Air Force. HIS METAPHYSICAL EXPERIENCE IS EVIDENT IN THAT HE CALLS THE ENTITIES 'ETHERIANS.' Gerald Light capitalized 'Etherians,' calling attention to the fact that these beings might have been viewed as gods by Mr. Light (Something which the saurian "Grays" etc., apparently wished all humans would believe, and we're sure "His Omnipotent Highness Krill" would agree - Branton). "The alien emblem was known as the 'Trilateral Insignia' and was displayed on the craft and worn on the alien uniforms. Both of those landings and the second meeting were filmed. These films exist today. "The treaty stated that the aliens would not interfere in our affairs and we would not interfere in theirs. WE WOULD KEEP THEIR PRESENCE ON EARTH A SECRET. They would furnish us with advanced technology and would help us in our technological development. They would not make any treaty with any other Earth nation. THEY COULD ABDUCT HUMANS ON A LIMITED AND PERIODIC BASIS FOR THE PURPOSE OF MEDICAL EXAMINATION AND MONITORING OF OUR DEVELOPMENT, WITH THE STIPULATION THAT THE HUMANS WOULD NOT BE HARMED, WOULD BE RETURNED TO THEIR POINT OF ABDUCTION, AND WOULD HAVE NO MEMORY OF THE EVENT, AND THAT THE ALIEN NATION WOULD FURNISH MAJESTY TWELVE WITH A LIST OF ALL HUMAN CONTACTS AND ABDUCTEES ON A REGULARLY SCHEDULED BASIS. "It was agreed that each nation would receive the ambassador of the other for as long as the treaty remained in force. It was further agreed that the alien nation and the United States would exchange 16 personnel with the purpose of learning of each other. The alien 'guests' would remain on earth. THE HUMAN 'GUESTS' WOULD TRAVEL TO THE ALIEN POINT OF ORIGIN FOR A SPECIFIED PERIOD OF TIME, then return, at which point a reverse exchange would be made. A reenactment of this event was dramatized in the movie 'CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE THIRD KIND.' A tipoff to who works for whom can be determined BY THE FACT THAT DR. J. ALLEN HYNEK SERVED AS THE TECHNICAL ADVISOR FOR THE FILM. I noticed that the Top Secret report containing the official version of the truth of the alien question, entitled project GRUDGE, which I read while in the Navy, was co-authored by LT. COL. FRIEND and DR. J. ALLEN HYNEK, WHO WAS CITED AS A CIA ASSET attached to Project GRUDGE -- Dr. Hynek, the one who debunked many legitimate UFO incidents when he functioned as the scientific member of the very public Project BLUEBOOK. Dr. Hynek is the man responsible for the infamous 'it was only swamp gas' statement. "It was agreed that bases would be constructed underground for the use of the alien nation and that two bases would be constructed for the joint use of the alien nation and the United States Government. Exchange of technology would take place in the jointly occupied bases. THESE ALIEN BASES WOULD BE CONSTRUCTED UNDER INDIAN RESERVATIONS IN THE FOUR CORNERS AREA OF UTAH, COLORADO, NEW MEXICO AND ARIZONA, and one would be constructed in an area known as Dreamland (Note: Many sources allege that the reason the 'aliens' insisted on these underground bases beneath these particular areas was that 'they' in fact are not exclusively from other planetary bodies, but that they are originally from earth and have for centuries occupied deep cavern levels beneath the earth, and more recently beneath these areas of the southwest. The 'bases' then, which most in the government would believe are of exclusively human construction for use in 'joint' operations, would actually be 'covers' or 'fronts' for actual subterranean systems already largely under the control of this saurian race. This would explain why many human workers in these 'joint' bases have been kept highly compartmentalized; why many do not realize what's taking place in the lower levels or even that such lower levels exist when other deeper-level workers allege that they do; why the 'security' increases enormously the deeper one descends into these underground bases; and why the human influence decreases and the saurian-reptoid-gray-etc. influence increases the deeper one descends into these bases - Branton). "Dreamland was built in the Mojave desert near, or in, a place called Yucca. I cannot remember if it was Yucca Valley, Yucca Flat, or Yucca Proving Ground, but Yucca Valley is what I always seem to want to say. MORE UFO SIGHTINGS AND INCIDENTS OCCUR IN THE MOJAVE DESERT OF CALIFORNIA THAN ANY OTHER PLACE IN THE WORLD. So many, in fact, that no one even bothers to make reports. Anyone who ventures into the desert to talk to the residents will be astounded by the frequency of activity and with the degree of acceptance demonstrated by those who have come to regard UFOs as normal. "All alien areas are under complete control of the Naval Department (although some may argue that they are only in control of the uppermost levels of these 'bases' - Branton), according to the documents I read. All personnel who work in these complexes receive their checks from the Navy through a subcontractor. The checks never make reference to the government or the Navy. Construction of the bases began immediately, but progress was slow. LARGE AMOUNTS OF MONEY WERE MADE AVAILABLE IN 1957. Work continued on the Yellow Book. "Project REDLIGHT was formed and experiments in test-flying alien craft was begun in earnest. A super-Top Secret facility was built at Groom Lake in Nevada in the midst of the weapons test range. It was code-named Area 51. The installation was placed under the Department of the Navy and all personnel required a 'Q' clearance as well as Executive (Presidential, called MAJESTIC) approval. This was ironic, due to the fact that the President of the United States does not have clearance to visit the site. The alien base and exchange of technology actually took place in an area code-named Dreamland above ground, and the underground portion was dubbed 'the Dark Side of the Moon.' ACCORDING TO THE DOCUMENTATION I READ, AT LEAST 600 ALIEN BEINGS ACTUALLY RESIDE FULL TIME AT THIS SITE ALONG WITH AN UNKNOWN NUMBER OF SCIENTISTS AND CIA PERSONNEL. DUE TO THE FEAR OF IMPLANTATION, ONLY CERTAIN PEOPLE WERE ALLOWED TO INTERFACE WITH THE ALIEN BEINGS, AND THOSE PERSONNEL WERE AND ARE WATCHED AND MONITORED CONTINUOUSLY. "The Army was tasked to form a supersecret organization to furnish security for the alien-tasked projects. THIS ORGANIZATION BECAME THE NATIONAL RECONNAISSANCE ORGANIZATION BASED AT FORT CARSON, COLORADO. THE SPECIFIC TEAMS TRAINED TO SECURE THE PROJECTS WERE CALLED DELTA. LT. COL. JAMES 'BO' GRITZ WAS A DELTA FORCE COMMANDER. "A second project code-named SNOWBIRD was promulgated to explain away any sightings of the REDLIGHT crafts as being Air Force experiments. The SNOWBIRD crafts were manufactured using conventional technology and were flown for the press on several occasions. Project SNOWBIRD was also used to debunk legitimate public sightings of alien craft (UFOs to the public, IACs - Identified Alien Craft - to those in the know). Project SNOWBIRD was very successful, and reports from the public declined steadily until recent years. "A multimillion-dollar Secret fund was organized and kept by the Military Office of the White House. THIS FUND WAS USED TO BUILD OVER 75 DEEP UNDERGROUND FACILITIES. Presidents who asked were told the fund was used to build deep underground shelters for the President in case of war. Only a few were built for the President. Millions of dollars were funneled through the office of Majesty Twelve and then out to the contractors. It was used to build Top Secret alien bases as well as Top Secret DUMB (Deep Underground Military Bases) AND THE FACULTIES PROMULGATED BY ALTERNATIVE 2 THROUGHOUT THE NATION. President Johnson used this fund to build a movie theater and pave the road on his ranch. He had no idea of it's true purpose. "The secret White House underground-construction fund was set up in 1957 by President Eisenhower. The funding was obtained from Congress under the guise of 'construction and maintenance of secret sites where the President could be taken in case of military attack: Presidential Emergency Sites.' The sites are literally holes in the ground, deep enough to withstand a nuclear blast, and are outfitted with state-of-the-art communications equipment. To date there are more than 75 sites spread around the country which were built using money from this fund. The Atomic Energy Commission has built at least 22 underground sites... "The location and everything to do with these sites were and are considered and treated as Top Secret. The money was and is in control of the Military Office of the White House, and was and is laundered through so circuitous a web that even the most knowledgeable spy or accountant cannot follow it. As of 1980 only a few at the beginning and end of this web knew what the money was for. At the beginning were Representative George Mahon of Texas, the chairman of the House Appropriations Committee and of its Defense Subcommittee, and Representative Robert Sikes of Florida, chairman of the House Appropriations Military Construction Subcommittee. Today it is rumored that House Speaker Jim Wright controlled the money in Congress and that a power struggle removed him. At the end of the line were the President, Majesty Twelve, the director of the Military Office and a commander at the Washington Navy Yard. "The money was authorized by the Appropriations Committee, who allocated it to the Department of Defense as a Top Secret item in the Army construction program. The Army, however, could not spend it and in fact did not even know what it was for. Authorization to spend the money was in reality given to the Navy. The money was channeled to the Chesapeake Division of the Navy Engineers, who did not know what is was for, either. Not even the commanding officer, who was an admiral, knew what the fund was used for. Only one man, a Navy commander who was assigned to the Chesapeake Division but in reality was responsible only to the Military Office of the White House, knew of the actual purpose, amount, and ultimate destination of the Top Secret money. THE TOTAL SECRECY SURROUNDING THE FUND MEANT THAT ALMOST EVERY TRACE OF IT COULD BE MADE TO DISAPPEAR BY THE VERY FEW PEOPLE WHO CONTROLLED IT. There has never been and most likely never will be an audit of the secret money. "Large amounts of money were transferred from the Top Secret fund to a location at Palm Peach, Florida, that belongs to the Coast Guard called Peanut Island. The island is adjacent to property which was owned by Joseph Kennedy. The money was said to have been used for landscaping and general beautification. Some time ago a TV news special on the Kennedy assassination told of a Coast Guard officer transferring money in a briefcase to a Kennedy employee across this property line. Could this have been a secret payment to the Kennedy family for the loss of their son John F. Kennedy? The payments continued through the year 1967 and then stopped. The total amount transferred is unknown and the actual use of the money is unknown. "Meanwhile, Nelson Rockefeller changed positions again. This time he was to take C.D. Jackson's old position, which had been called the Special Assistant for Psychological Strategy. With Nelson's appointment the name was changed to the Special Assistant for Cold War Strategy. This position would evolve over the years into THE SAME POSITION HENRY KISSINGER WAS ULTIMATELY TO HOLD UNDER PRESIDENT NIXON. Officially he was to give 'advice and assistance in the development of increased understanding and cooperation among all peoples.' The official description was a smoke screen, for SECRETLY HE WAS THE PRESIDENTIAL COORDINATOR FOR THE INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY. In his new post Rockefeller reported directly, and solely, to the President. He attended meetings of the Cabinet, the Council on Foreign Economic Policy, and THE NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL, WHICH WAS THE HIGHEST POLICY- MAKING BODY IN THE GOVERNMENT. "Nelson Rockefeller was also given a second important job as the head of the secret unit called the Planning Coordination Group, which was formed under NSC 5412/1 in March 1955. The group consisted of different ad hoc members, depending on the subject of the agenda. The basic members were Rockefeller, a representative of the Department of Defense, a representative of the Department of State, and the Director of Central Intelligence. It was soon called the 5412 Committee or the Special Group. NSC 5412/1 established the rule that covert operations were subject to approval by an executive committee, whereas in the past these operations were initiated solely on the authority of the Director of Central Intelligence. "By secret Executive Memorandum NSC 5510, Eisenhower had preceded NSC 5412/1 to establish a permanent committee (not ad hoc) to be known as Majesty Twelve (MJ-12) TO OVERSEE AND CONDUCT ALL COVERT ACTIVITIES CONCERNED WITH THE ALIEN QUESTION. NSC 5412/1 was created to explain the purpose of these meetings when Congress and the press became curious. "MAJESTY TWELVE was made up of NELSON ROCKEFELLER, Director of Central Intelligence ALLEN WELSH DULLES, Secretary of State John Foster Dulles, Secretary of Defense Charles E. Wilson, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff ADMIRAL ARTHUR W. RADFORD, Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation J. EDGAR HOOVER, six men from the executive committee of the COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS known as the 'Wise Men,' six members from the EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE of the JASON Group, and DR. EDWARD TELLER. "The JASON Group is a secret scientific group formed during the Manhattan Project and administered by the Mitre Corporation. THE INNER CORE OF THE COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS RECRUITS ITS MEMBERS FROM THE SKULL & BONES AND THE SCROLL & KEY SOCIETIES OF HARVARD AND YALE. The Wise Men are key members of the Council on Foreign Relations and also members of the ORDER OF THE QUEST known as the JASON Society. "THERE WERE 19 MEMBERS OF MAJESTY TWELVE. THE FIRST RULE OF MAJESTY TWELVE WAS THAT NO ORDER COULD BE GIVEN AND NO ACTION COULD BE TAKEN WITHOUT A MAJORITY VOTE OF TWELVE IN FAVOR, THUS MAJORITY TWELVE. Orders issued by Majesty Twelve became known as Majority Twelve directives. "This group was made up over the years of the top officers and directors of the Council on Foreign Relations and later the Trilateral Commission. GORDON DEAN, GEORGE BUSH AND ZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKI WERE AMONG THEM. The most important and influential of the Wise Men were JOHN MCCLOY, ROBERT LOVETT, AVERELL HARRIMAN, CHARLES BOHLEN, GEORGE KENNAN, AND DEAN ACHESON. Their policies were to last well into the decade of the '70's. IT IS SIGNIFICANT THAT PRESIDENT EISENHOWER AS WELL AS THE FIRST SIX MAJESTY TWELVE MEMBERS FROM THE GOVERNMENT WERE ALSO MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS. THIS GAVE CONTROL OF THE MOST SECRET AND POWERFUL GROUP IN GOVERNMENT TO A SPECIAL-INTEREST CLUB THAT WAS ITSELF CONTROLLED BY THE ILLUMINATI. "Thorough researchers will soon discover that not all of the Wise Men attended Harvard or Yale and not all of them were chosen for Skull & Bones or Scroll & Key membership during their college years. You will be able to quickly clear up the mystery by obtaining the book 'THE WISE MEN' by Walter Isaacson and Evan Thomas., Simon and Schuster., New York. Under illustration #9 in the center of the book you will find the caption: 'Lovett with the Yale Unit, above far right, and on the beach: His initiation into Skull & Bones came at an air base near Dunkirk.' I have found that members were chosen on an ongoing basis by invitation based upon merit postcollege and were not confined to Harvard and Yale attendees only. Because of this fact, a complete list of Skull & Bones members can never be compiled from the catalogues or addresses of the college segment of the Russell Trust, also known as the Brotherhood of Death, or the Skull & Bones. Now you know why it has been impossible to pinpoint the membership either by number or by name. I believe that the answer lies hidden in the CFR files, if files exist. "A chosen few were later initiated into the secret branch of the Order of the Quest known as the JASON Society. They are all members of the Council on Foreign Relations and at that time were known as THE EASTERN ESTABLISHMENT. This should give you a clue to the far-reaching and serious nature of these most secret college societies. The society is alive and well today, but now includes MEMBERS OF THE TRILATERAL COMMISSION as well. The Trilaterals existed secretly BEFORE 1973. THE NAME OF THE TRILATERAL COMMISSION WAS TAKEN FROM THE ALIEN FLAG KNOWN AS THE TRILATERAL INSIGNIA. Majesty Twelve was to survive right up to the present day. Under Eisenhower and Kennedy it was erroneously called the 5412 Committee, or more correctly, the Special Group. In the Johnson administration it became the 303 Committee because the name '5412' had been compromised in the book 'THE SECRET GOVERNMENT.' Actually, NSC 5412/1 was leaked to the author to hide the existence of NSC 5410. Under Nixon, Ford, and Carter it was called the 40 Committee, and under Reagan it became known as the PI-40 Committee. Over all those years ONLY THE NAME CHANGED. "BY 1955 IT BECAME OBVIOUS THAT THE ALIENS HAD DECEIVED EISENHOWER AND HAD BROKEN THE TREATY. MUTILATED HUMANS WERE BEING FOUND ALONG WITH MUTILATED ANIMALS ACROSS THE UNITED STATES. IT WAS SUSPECTED THAT THE ALIENS WERE NOT SUBMITTING A COMPLETE LIST OF HUMAN CONTACTS AND ABDUCTEES TO MAJESTY TWELVE AND IT WAS SUSPECTED THAT NOT ALL ABDUCTEES HAD BEEN RETURNED. The Soviet Union was suspected of interacting with them, an this proved to be true. THE ALIENS STATED THAT THEY HAD BEEN, AND WERE THEN, MANIPULATING MASSES OF PEOPLE THROUGH SECRET SOCIETIES, WITCHCRAFT, MAGIC, THE OCCULT, AND RELIGION. You must understand that this claim could also be a manipulation. AFTER SEVERAL AIR FORCE COMBAT AIR ENGAGEMENTS WITH ALIEN CRAFT it became apparent that our weapons were no match against them. "In November 1955 NSC-5412/2 was issued establishing a study committee to explore 'all factors which are involved in the making and implementing of foreign policy in the nuclear age.' This was only a blanket of snow that covered the real subject of study, the alien question. "By secret Executive Memorandum NSC 5511 in 1954, President Eisenhower had commissioned the study group to 'EXAMINE ALL THE FACTS, EVIDENCE, LIES, AND DECEPTION AND DISCOVER THE TRUTH OF THE ALIEN QUESTION.' NSC 5412/2 was only a cover that had become necessary when the press began inquiring as to the purpose of regular meetings of such important men. The first meetings began in 1954 and were called the Quantico meetings because they met at the Quantico Marine Base. The study group was made up solely of 35 members of the Council on Foreign Relations' secret study group. Dr. Edward Teller was invited to participate. Dr. Zbigniew Brzezinski was the study director for the first 18 months. Dr. Henry Kissinger was chosen as the group's study director for the second 18 months beginning in November 1955. Nelson Rockefeller was a frequent visitor during the study. "THE STUDY GROUP MEMBERS - Gordon Dean, Chairman; Dr. Henry Kissinger, Study Director; Dr. Zbigniew Brzezinski, Study Director; Dr. Edward Teller; Maj. Gen. Richard C. Lindsay; Hanson W. Baldwin; Lloyd V. Berkner; Frank C. Nash; Paul H. Nitze; Charles P. Noyes; Frank Pace Jr.; James A. Perkins; Don K. Price; David Rockefeller; Oscar M. Ruebhausen; Lt. Gen. James M. Gavin; Caryl P. Haskins; James T. Hill, Jr.; Joseph E. Johnson; Mervin J. Kelly; Frank Altschul; Hamilton Fish Armstrong; Maj. Gen. James McCormack, Jr.; Robert R. Bowie; McGeorge Bundy; William A. M. Burden; John C. Campbell; Thomas K. Finletter; George S. Franklin, Jr.; I.I. Rabi; Roswell L. Gilpatric; N.E. Halaby; Gen. Walter Bedell Smith; Henry DeWolf Smyth; Shields Warren; Carroll L. Wilson; Arnold Wolfers. "The second-phase meetings were also held at the Marine base at Quantico, Virginia, and the group became known as Quantico II. Nelson Rockefeller built a retreat somewhere in Maryland for Majesty Twelve and the study committee. It could be reached only by air. In this manner they could meet away from public scrutiny. This secret meeting place is known by the code name 'the Country Club.' Complete living, eating, recreation, library, and meeting facilities exist at the location (The Aspen Institute is not the Country Club). "The study group was publicly terminated in the later months on 1956. Henry Kissinger wrote what was officially termed the results of 1957 as 'NUCLEAR WEAPONS AND FOREIGN POLICY,' published for the Council on Foreign Relations by Harper & Brothers, New York. IN TRUTH, THE MANUSCRIPT HAD ALREADY BEEN 80% WRITTEN WHILE KISSINGER WAS AT HARVARD. THE STUDY GROUP CONTINUED, VEILED IN SECRECY. A clue to the seriousness Kissinger attached to the study can be found in statements by his wife and friends. Many of them stated that Henry would leave home early each morning and return late each night without speaking to anyone or responding to anyone. It seemed as if he were in another world which held no room for outsiders. "These statements are very revealing. The revelations of the alien presence and actions during the study must have been a great shock. Henry Kissinger was definitely out of character during this time. He would never again be affected in this manner, no matter the seriousness of any subsequent event. On many occasions he would work very late into the night after having put in a full day. This behavior eventually led to divorce. "A major finding of the alien study WAS THAT THE PUBLIC COULD NOT BE TOLD. IT WAS BELIEVED THAT THIS WOULD MOST CERTAINLY LEAD TO ECONOMIC COLLAPSE, COLLAPSE OF THE RELIGIOUS STRUCTURE, AND NATIONAL PANIC, WHICH COULD LEAD TO ANARCHY (Note: This was no doubt based largely on the assumption that the existence of these 'aliens' could not be explained in terms of traditional Christian religion, which conclusion might have been reached by many, especially in the face of the saurian grays' persistent attempts to hide their true reptilian nature as it relates to ancient Biblical history and prophecy. However, based on what we've already covered in these files, it is evident that such alien activity does in reality conform to Christian theology and was in fact prophesied in Judeo-Christian scripture thousands of years ago. The ignorance would merely be an inability to properly interpret these ancient prophecies due to a lack of a foundational knowledge necessary to make such correct interpretations. Therefore such knowledge, if presented properly, would probably not bring about a collapse in the 'religious' world. Also, the realization of the existence of an Almighty Creator-God infinitely more powerful than the 'aliens' would likely prevent the 'panic' and resulting economic collapse- anarchy which the 'Study Group' feared - Branton). "Secrecy thus continued. An offshoot of this finding was that if the public could not be told, Congress could not be told. Funding for the projects and research would have to come from outside the Government. In the meantime money was to be obtained from the military budget and from CIA confidential, non- appropriated funds. "ANOTHER MAJOR FINDING WAS THAT THE ALIENS WERE USING HUMANS AND ANIMALS FOR A SOURCE OF GLANDULAR SECRETIONS, ENZYMES, HORMONAL SECRETIONS, BLOOD PLASMA AND POSSIBLY IN GENETIC EXPERIMENTS. The aliens explained these actions as necessary to their survival. They stated that their genetic structure had deteriorated and that they were no longer able to reproduce. They stated that if they were unable to improve their genetic structure, their race would soon cease to exist. WE LOOKED UPON THEIR EXPLANATIONS WITH SUSPICION (Note: According to sources which we will quote later on, the actual purposes of the mutilations are far different than what these alien creatures allege them to be. Some groups connected to MJ-12 however seem to have fallen for this propaganda, such as the top secret 'Yellow Fruit' unit working in Nevada who are, or at least were at one point, convinced that the 'grays' were incapable of reproducing. In spite of 'their' allegations that they cannot reproduce, certain witnesses have alleged that the saurian grays are actually reproducing profusely within DEEP underground levels utilizing solar-heat 'egg' hatcheries, polyembryony tanks, cloning, etc. Also, the body fluids according to other sources are not used exclusively for 'improving their genetic structure' but as sustenance or 'food' for the saurian grays, etc. Their claims to the contrary, as well as other allegations, should be studied in the light of their previous known TENDENCIES TO LIE - Branton). "Since our weapons were literally useless against the aliens, Majesty Twelve decided to continue friendly diplomatic relations UNTIL SUCH A TIME AS WE WERE ABLE TO DEVELOP A TECHNOLOGY WHICH WOULD ENABLE US TO CHALLENGE THEM ON A MILITARY BASES. Overtures would have to be made to the Soviet Union and other nations to join forces for the survival of humanity. In the meantime PLANS WERE DEVELOPED TO RESEARCH AND CONSTRUCT TWO WEAPONS SYSTEMS USING CONVENTIONAL AND NUCLEAR TECHNOLOGY, WHICH WOULD HOPEFULLY BRING US TO PARITY. "The results of the research were Projects JOSHUA and EXCALIBUR. JOSHUA was a weapon captured from the Germans which was capable of shattering 4-inch-thick armor plate at a range of two miles. It used aimed, low-frequency sound waves, and it was believed that this weapon would be effective against the alien craft and beam weapons. EXCALIBUR was a weapon carried by a missile not to rise above 30,000 feet above ground level (AGL), not to deviate from designated target more than 50 meters, able to... penetrate '1,000 METERS OF TUFA, HARD-PACKED SOIL SUCH AS THAT FOUND IN NEW MEXICO,' carry a one-megaton warhead, and intended for use in destroying the aliens in their underground bases (Note: According to many sources several of the 'alien' underground bases contain humans - human-soulled-hybrids, and human captives both living and in cold storage, who have been the victims of alien abductions from surface and in some cases subsurface or extrasurface communities. Obviously, EXCALIBUR should not be used against such installations, but the surface- to-subsurface routes should be sought out and an underground invasion force should be utilized to destroy the aliens yet spare any surviving humans and take the bases intact. To do otherwise may be in essence 'sacrificing' innocent lives needlessly to get an advantage over the aliens, in which case we would prove ourselves to be no better than the alien-grays/sauroids themselves! In connection with the JOSHUA anti-spacecraft weapon, extreme caution should of course be used to distinguish human-occupied spacecraft from those craft utilized by the saurians - Branton). "JOSHUA was developed successfully but never used, to my knowledge. EXCALIBUR was not pushed until recent years and now, we are told, THERE IS AN UNPRECEDENTED EFFORT TO DEVELOP THIS WEAPON. The public would be told that EXCALIBUR would be needed to take out Soviet underground command posts. We know that is not true because one rule of war is that you try not to destroy the leaders. They are needed to ensure peaceful transition of power and compliance of the populace to all negotiated or dictated terms. "The events at Fatima in the early part of the century were scrutinized. ON THE SUSPICION THAT IT WAS AN ALIEN MANIPULATION, AN INTELLIGENCE OPERATION WAS PUT INTO MOTION TO PENETRATE THE SECRECY SURROUNDING THE EVENT. THE UNITED STATES UTILIZED ITS VATICAN MOLES AND SOON OBTAINED THE ENTIRE VATICAN STUDY, WHICH INCLUDED THE PROPHECY... The prophecy demanded that Russia be consecrated to the 'Sacred Heart' (of the "Madonna" - Branton). It stated that a child would be born who would unite the world with a plan for world peace and a false religion. The people would discern that he was evil and was indeed the Anti-Christ. World War III would begin in the Middle East with an invasion of Israel of a United Arab nation using conventional weapons, which would culminate in a near holocaust. Most of the life on this planet would suffer horribly and die as a result. The return of Christ would occur shortly thereafter (Note: This "prophecy" actually REVERSES the sequence of events from the sequence in which they are given in Judeo-Christian prophecy. For instance the prophecies in Ezekiel, Daniel and Revelation do indicate that a period of time will occur when the following will take place within a short space: The Divine "rescue" of believers in and followers of "The Lamb" who will be taken to the "New Jerusalem" command now en route from the "Eternity Gate" in the Orion Nebula, and which is not to be confused with other negative, etc. beings who are in that same area monitoring the "Gate" for various reasons; also an invasion of Israel involving Arab and other allied armies resulting in the nuclear destruction of 5/6ths of the invading armies; the rebuilding of Solomon's Temple and the re-instituting of animal sacrifices; and the rise of a COUNTERFEIT "Messiah" who will "shortly after" the attempted invasion of Jerusalem most likely claim to be the returned Christ and who will reign for the following seven years as supreme "god" of the world, and at the end of which--i.e. the 7-year "tribulation" period--the TRUE Christ will arrive with his armies of angelic light beings and "regenerated believers" from the "New Jerusalem" command. The fact that the "aliens" REVERSED the sequence of events may indicate that a COUNTERFEIT "Antichrist" will rise before these events mentioned above and be labeled as such, and possibly when this "False Antichrist" is taken care of BEFORE the Jerusalem invasion the ACTUAL Antichrist who will rule from Rome shortly into the 7-year period AFTER the invasion will rise and not be suspected as much for what he/it is - Branton). "When the aliens were confronted with this finding," Cooper continues, "they confirmed that it was true. The aliens explained that they had created us through genetic manipulation in a laboratory. They stated that they had manipulated the human race through religion, Satanism, witchcraft, magic, and the occult (Note: Such "revelations" were also said to appear in the alleged "Yellow Book", which may in itself be a type of alien propaganda. Aside from outright deception the aliens--or saurian grays--apparently utilize HALF TRUTHS as well. By telling people certain obvious facts such as the fact that they were behind the Fatima manifestations and that they manipulate occult societies-- apparently confessions made when they were "backed into a corner" with the facts--they apparently gain an element of human trust, through which they are able to convey other strategic, damning lies, such as the claim that they "created us." This lie alone could potentially destroy the desire within millions to resist these creatures, leading them to succumb to the demands of the aliens with the idea that they cannot fight against their own "creators." Truth is useless unless it is believed and practiced IN FULL. As we read in Galatians 5:9 "A little leaven leaveneth the whole lump." Or, one "virulent" lie can corrupt a good deal of truth - Branton). "...The aliens showed a hologram, which they claim was the actual crucifixion of Christ. The Government filmed the hologram. We did not know whether to believe them." (Note: If humans can develop computer-generated "virtual reality" images and are on the verge of being able to record dream sequences on video, then certainly such a high-tech though malevolent race as the "grays" could create programmed holographic images to deceive and manipulate the human race, as part of their propaganda- control scenarios. There is even evidence, according to various abductees, that "they" can "retrieve" holographic memories from the human subconscious and monitor them; create "halo effects" or post-hypnotic dream-like sequence that seem real but are not; or potentially create their own "holographic" virtual reality sequences via combined technology and collective consciousness, and show the "recording" of this to U.S. government officials. Their depiction of Christ's crucifixion may be such a "programmed" hologram unless, of course, the serpent race was in fact monitoring the crucifixion in that ancient time via occult- technological means - Branton) In reference to the "Fatima" episode, the information related by Cooper to the effect that the "aliens" were behind the so-called appearances of the "Modonna," the so-called "Mother of God," or the "Queen of Heaven" who is supposedly the "Mediatrix" of salvation (an idea which is mysteriously absent within Judeo- Christian scripture), seems to be confirmed by other researchers such as John A. Keel. Keel identified several connections between the "Fatima" (and other similar) manifestations and the UFO phenomena, particularly those involving physical-paraphysical aspects such as the "gray" encounters. In essence, the "visions" would have been some type of electromagnetic "hologram" and the miraculous healings would simply be super-advanced "medicine", perhaps utilizing certain types of electromagnetic rays. Entirely supernatural miracles do take place, as we read in the New Testament writings, but the reptilian conspiracy have often attempted to 'counterfeit' the works of Christ for their own purposes, much of which seems to involve attempts to manipulate human minds and emotions. Purposes which also seem to involve attempts to manipulate humans into surrendering themselves to the powers behind these counterfeit miracles, or surrendering the mythological "Mother Goddess" image which the conspiracy powers seem to utilize. Actually, the "Mother Goddess" image surrounding Fatima, etc., has nothing to do whatsoever with the Christian religion (which Catholicism "claims" to be). The "mother goddess" myth began originally with the ancient Babylonian Queen Semiramis, who was responsible for the re-establishing of witchcraft, idolatry, astrology and even human sacrifice in post-deluvian times. Some even suspect that Semiramis was even in league with the serpent race. She was certainly in contact with the "Infernals." From Babylon the "Mother Goddess" legend (Semiramis being the supposed "Mother Goddess") spread throughout the world. Isis, Venus, Ashtaroth, Aphrodite, the Modonna and other appellations are actually names which can be traced back to Semiramis! It is a historical fact that in pagan Rome a version of the "Mother Goddess" religion was in existence, and even before the "Catholic" church came to power the HILL "Vaticanus" was, as we've said in earlier writings, a center of activity for the "Mystery Babylon" religion (and a point of contact between pagan Roman priests and so-called underworld "gods"?). As for the "Virgin" Mary, true - she was a virgin at the time she conceived Christ, but the New Testament makes it clear that she later married and conceived other children naturally. The idea that she was a virgin throughout her life is fallacious. True, she was "honored" above all women in that she gave birth to the Messiah, but she was not sinless and Jesus made this perfectly clear along with the fact that, although she was the "Mother" of his physical body, she was NOT the Mother of his Spirit as the tragic play on words "Mother of God" has led many to believe. Christ did not claim to be half God and half Man, but 100% God and 100% Man. He was and is unique in all eternity in that He is physically entirely human but spiritually entirely God Almighty. This is what he claimed to be, and since no other "spiritual" leader has succeeded in rising themselves from the grave as reams of evidence claim that Christ did, perhaps we should listen to what this man from Galilee was saying. Apparently the serpent race took advantage of this confusion and, through psychological manipulation, attempted to destroy in the minds of humanity the supreme position of Christ by claiming that he was a ferocious dictator who could only be approached through petitioning the "compassionate and understanding" and supposedly Divine "Mediatrix" (or "Mother Goddess/Mother of God") that they tried to make Mary out to be. Does going to a cross willfully and taking upon oneself the sins of humanity make One an angry and unsympathetic God? The Holy Bible says there is no other "Mediator" between Almighty God and fallen humanity, and this includes "Mary". So one can see the enormous hypocrisy of the serpent race propagating the idea that "their" woman of Fatima is the mediator of salvation, much less their claim that they created Humanity AND Christ through bio-genetic manipulation. Was the "Roman" church one of the religions which the grays have been "manipulating" for centuries? In his book "COSMIC TRIGGER: THE FINAL SECRET OF THE ILLUMINATI" (chapter: "The Sirius Connection"), Robert A. Wilson states the following: "...Prof. Jacques Vallee, who has analyzed all such Contact stories that have occurred since 1890 with a computer to find statistical patterns, informs us that... the majority of child female extraterrestrials. The majority of adults report males, in two standard types--small green men (gray-greens? - Branton) or giant blue men (moon-eyes? - Branton). Dr. Vallee has found 44 parallels (similarities of image, word and detail) between the average experience of child Contactees and the miracles attributed to the Blessed Virgin Mary in Catholic countries. 'The UFO and BVM,' he has said, only half jokingly, 'seem to be the same phenomenon.' The Lady most often appears to children, whether she comes in a 'space ship' or 'from Heaven'; She is accompanied by flashing white light, usually; and at Her best, She is capable of suspending the laws of physics in clear view (or telepathically shared hallucination) of huge crowds." Jacques Vallee himself, in his book "ANATOMY OF A PHENOMENA", states: "...We will find extraordinary descriptions, including vertical cigars, landings, kidnappings and even a frightful report of a being eight feet tall who is said to have landed on January 22, 1922! More seriously, the description made at Fatima, Portugal, OF A SILVERY DISK WHICH FLEW THROUGH THE SKY, WAS SEEN BY SEVENTY THOUSAND WITNESSES AND WAS PHOTOGRAPHED AS IT MANEUVERED, deserves a place in our resume of the 'flying saucer' legend..." In this same book, Vallee states: "The crowd that stood in a field in Fatima, a small village in the district of Leiria, some sixty-two miles north of Lisbon, on October 13, 1917, was waiting there for a miracle, because three children had been assured such an event would take place after a number of meetings with an 'entity' that came from the sky in a globe of light. The witnesses were three shepherds: Lucia, aged ten, and her cousins Francisco Mario and Jacinto Marto, aged nine and seven. Today, Fatima is one of the most celebrated places of pilgrimage in the entire world. "...According to the very words of the Reverend General Vicar of Leiria, who was one of the witnesses, the lady came in an 'aeroplane of light,' an 'immense globe, flying westwards, at moderate speed. It irradiated a very bright light.' Some other witnesses saw a white being coming out of the globe, which several minutes later took off, disappearing in the direction of the sun. "The last episode was the miracle itself. It was seen by seventy thousand persons, among whom were pious individuals and atheists, clergymen and reporters from a socialist newspaper. As promised, it happened on October 13 at noon. Among the crowd was Professor Almeida Garrett, of Coimbra University, a scientist, who described the phenomena in the following terms: 'It was raining hard, and the rain trickled down everyone's clothes. Suddenly, the sun shone through the dense cloud which covered it: everybody looked in its direction. IT LOOKED LIKE A DISC, OF A VERY DEFINITE CONTOUR. It was not dazzling. I don't think that it could be compared to a dull silver disk, as someone said later in Fatima. No. It rather possessed a clear, changing brightness, which one could compare to a pearl. It looked like a polished wheel. This is not poetry. My eyes have seen it. This clear-shaped disk suddenly began turning. It rotated with increasing speed. Suddenly, the crowd began crying with anguish. The sun (disk?), revolving all the time, began falling toward the earth, reddish and bloody, threatening to crush everyone under its fiery weight...'" Researcher John A. Keel, in his book "UFOS: OPERATION TROJAN HORSE", pp. 260-261 & 264-268, gives some further details on this aspect, suggesting that the event may have been a combination of "Men In Black" and saurian gray "little men" attempting to manipulate people's religious fervor for their own purposes: "Here we have an event of major importance with 70,000 witnesses, many of them priests, scientists, and journalists. It came at a time when Europe was shuddering with the violence of the First World War and religious faith was being strained by the insanity of sudden death. It would become one of the most thoroughly investigated UFO-type incidents of the period. Innumerable books were written about it, yet none of these books contained photos of the actual object. There were plenty of pictures of the crowds, many of whom were pointing cameras skyward. But what happened to all the pictures they must have taken? What happened to all the movie footage? I have tried to locate some of these photographs without success. I can only assume that they were collected by somebody and locked away in some secret archive. Since there was no U.S. Air Force and no CIA to blame this on, who did confiscate those pictures? "In the initial reports of the phenomena, all the witnesses agreed that the object was white AND SEEMINGLY METALLIC, and that it changed color as the speed of rotation increased. Later, myth and mysticism replaced fact. The DISK became 'the sun,' even though observatories around the world assured the press that the sun remained in its usual place during the 'miracle'. As the years passed, the miracle of 'the sun' were gradually played down, and emphasis was shifted to the saintliness of the three children. The silvery angel hair is now described as 'rose petals' in most current literature. "...Fatima was a modern event, yet it is already clouded with the distortions of 'belief'. The Photographs of the object had 'disappeared.' The key prophecy has been suppressed. Lucia shut herself away from the world. As the years passed, the object was turned into a 'dancing sun,' the angel hair became 'rose petals,' and the entire phenomena was removed from the field of science and entrusted to the religionists... "There have been many modern miracles of the Fatima type, but they rarely gain much attention outside of religious circles. The flying saucers get much more publicity than the miracles. "Between the years 1937 and 1945, an entity who identified herself as the Queen of the Universe appeared more than 100 times to four young girls in the tiny hamlet of Heede, Germany. The girls, aged twelve through fourteen, were Anna Schulte, Greta and Maria Ganseforth, and Susan Bruns. These visions began in November, 1937 and continued throughout the war, with the Lady urging the world to 'pray, pray much, especially for the conversion of sinners.' Hitler was probably none too happy about all of this, especially since he openly considered himself to be Antichrist. "(There are all kinds of stories and rumors that Hitler was a trance medium himself and was in contact with evil entities who advised him and directed many of his genocidal policies.) "Lesser miracles have included weeping statues and pictures which seem to fit into the poltergeist category. "...On Sunday, June 18, 1961, four young girls were playing marbles outside of the little village of Garabandal, Spain, when they suddenly saw an 'angel.' The girls, Mary Cruz Gonzales, eleven, Conchita Gonzales, twelve, Jacinta Gonzales, twelve, and Mary Loly Mazon, twelve (none of the Gonzales girls were directly related), said that he appeared to be about nine years old, was dressed in a long, seamless blue robe, had a small face with BLACK EYES, and 'fine hands and short fingernails.' For some reason, he gave the impression of being very strong. This figure was surrounded by a dazzling glow and faded into thin air without saying a word... "Soon after these initial experiences, the girls began to go into trances (termed a state of ecstasy by religionists) during which they would see the Lady. Sometimes these trances would last for hours, and the girls would remain fixed in an awkward kneeling position and their heads thrown back and their eyes staring at the vision, totally oblivious to the hundreds of people swarming around them. "The Lady was accompanied by two angels on this occasion. The 'angels' were dressed alike, 'as if they were twins.' The Lady had long, thin hands, a long angular face 'with a fine nose.' and lips which were 'a bit thin.' She seemed to be 'rather tall' (Note: Elsewhere in his book Keel states that many of the "Men In Black" or "People" in black reported in other incidents were beings of the above description - Branton). Her hair was a deep nut brown, parted in the center. This is, of course, an almost classic description of the 'long finger' UFO entities described by many contactees. Even more startling, on the Lady's right the girls could see 'A SQUARE OF RED FIRE FRAMING A TRIANGLE WITH AN EYE AND SOME WRITING. THE LETTER WAS IN AN OLD ORIENTAL SCRIPT!'" (Note: this also seems to correspond with the ancient "Eye of Horus" of Egypt, which according to Illuminists represented Sirius and was a major emblem within the Babylonian Mystery Religion. There have been alleged photographs of obelisks on the Moon of the exact shape and description as those found in St. Peter's Square in Rome, in Egypt, and originally in Babylon. These four-sided, pyramidal-capped obelisks traditionally were the "alters" around which the ancient worshippers of Baal practiced their occult arts and were a combination of phallic and Sun symbols. Could such obelisks be a connecting factor between the ancient Babylonian-Egyptian "Mystery" society and exterran societies of a similar nature, such as perhaps the one alleged to exist in the Sirius system? - Branton). "The angels in all these cases sound suspiciously like our celebrated 'little men' (grays? - Branton). "...The many messages conveyed by the Lady have conformed precisely to Catholic dogma, using phrases and references which are significant to trained theologists but would be meaningless to children. The message of October 18, 1961, as dictated by the children, read: 'We must make many sacrifices, do much penance. We must visit the Blessed Sacrament frequently... unless we do this, a punishment will befall us.' "...On Friday, June 18, 1965, Conchita entered a trance and was purportedly given the following statements by the Lady: "'As my message of the eighteenth of October has not been complied with, and as it has not been made known to the world, I am telling you that this is the last one. Previously, the cup was filling; now it is brimming over... You are now given the last warnings.' (Take note of the remarkable different between the humble, patient and longsuffering Christ of the New Testament, and this boasting, impatient and wrathful "Whore" of Babylon that has appeared to so many children the world over. This is certainly not like the "Mary" of the New Testament and, in fact, it is not! - Branton). "There is a wealth of evidence and testimony which leaves little doubt that these children of Garabandal were being possessed by some outside influence and were undergoing a supernormal experience... "THE NATION OF THE THIRD EYE - There is no reason to think that the four children of Garabandal," Keel continues, "had ever seen, or even knew about, the eye symbol on the Great Seal of the United States (i.e. the seal of the Illuminati - Branton). Nor is it remotely possible that the children, or any of the elders of Garabandal, could have known of the importance that this symbol plays in the silent contactee situation. In fact, very few ufologists are aware of it. "THOSE MYSTERIOUS 'MEN IN BLACK' WHO TRAVEL AROUND THE WORLD IN UNLICENSED CADILLACS HAVE REPORTEDLY BEEN SEEN WEARING LAPEL PINS BEARING THE SYMBOL. THEY HAVE ALSO IDENTIFIED THEMSELVES DIRECTLY AS BEING FROM 'THE NATION OF THE THIRD EYE.' SO WE CALL THE SYMBOL THE THIRD EYE. It would be interesting to find out why some cultures regarded it as evil, while others used it to symbolize Deity. "Why did the Third Eye appear beside the vision of Garabandal? Was it a symbol of identification? Or was it a warning? "...Eight young girls on the island of Cabra in the Philippines began to suffer visions in the early part of the year (March, 1968), and the feminine voice of 'the Virgin' promised a miracle. During the last week of March about 3,000 persons poured onto the island and waited. Some, including a university professor, a prominent obstetrician, and an army major, reported seeing A CIRCULAR OBJECT over the island. It whirled and changed through all the colors of the spectrum, they said. "Among the many correlations, you will note that the month of March and April have often played an important part in these events, just as March and April have always produced many of our principal UFO sightings. These religious manifestations are clearly a variation on the UFO manifestations (or vice versa). The same methods of communication are being employed in both phenomena, and the UFO entities bear a marked resemblance to the religious entities..." William Cooper continues with his report by stating: "...A symposium was held in 1957 which was attended by some of the great scientific minds then living. They reached the conclusion that by, or shortly after, the year 2000 the planet WOULD self-destruct due to increased population and man's exploitation of the environment WITHOUT ANY HELP FROM GOD OR THE ALIENS. "By secret Executive order of President Eisenhower, the JASON Scholars were ordered to study this scenario and make recommendations from their findings. The JASON Society CONFIRMED the findings of the scientists and made three recommendations called ALTERNATIVES 1, 2, AND 3. "Alternative 1 was to use nuclear devices to blast holes in the stratosphere from which the heat and pollution could escape into space. They would then change the human cultures from that of exploitation into cultures of environmental protection. Of the three this was decided to be the least likely to succeed due to the inherent nature of man and the additional damage the nuclear explosions would themselves create. THE EXISTENCE OF A HOLE IN THE OZONE LAYER MAY INDICATE THAT ALTERNATIVE 1 MIGHT HAVE BEEN ATTEMPTED. THIS IS, HOWEVER, ONLY CONJECTURE. "ALTERNATIVE 2 WAS TO BUILD A VAST NETWORK OF UNDERGROUND CITIES AND TUNNELS IN WHICH A SELECT REPRESENTATION OF ALL CULTURES AND OCCUPATIONS WOULD SURVIVE AND CARRY ON THE HUMAN RACE. THE REST OF HUMANITY WOULD BE LEFT TO FEND FOR THEMSELVES ON THE SURFACE OF THE PLANET. We know that these facilities have been built and are ready and waiting for the chosen few to be notified. "Alternative 3 was to exploit the alien and conventional technology in order for a select few to leave the earth and establish colonies in outer space. I am not able to either confirm or deny the existence of 'batch consignments' of human slaves, which would be used for the manual labor as a part of the plan. The Moon, code-named ADAM, was the object of primary interest, followed by the planet Mars, code-named EVE. I am now in possession of official NASA photographs of one of the moon bases. I believe that the Mars colony is also a reality (Note: There are some who suggest that "global warming" may not actually be taking place as believed, and that this "scare" is based largely on computerized models or simulations which have not always coincided with actual temperature variations. Is it possible that the earth is attempting to "heal" itself? Could it be that to some extent "global warming" is more-or-less an "excuse" that is being used to justify huge expenditures for subterran and exterran "bases" for secret government use such as in the "Alternative" scenarios? This is of course, even if true, no reason to destroy this planet, as pollution of the air, water and earth IS something which could lead to an eventual devastation of this Earth. - Branton). "As a delaying action, ALL THREE ALTERNATIVES included BIRTH CONTROL, STERILIZATION, AND THE INTRODUCTION OF DEADLY MICROBES TO CONTROL OR SLOW THE GROWTH OF EARTH'S POPULATION. AIDS is only ONE result of these plans. It was decided BY THE ELITE that since the population must be reduced and controlled, it would be in the best interest of the human race to rid ourselves of undesirable elements of our society. Specific targeted populations included BLACKS, HISPANICS, and HOMOSEXUALS." (Note: It appears that when they made this decision the elite were on the verge of possessing the technology to solve the overpopulation, food and energy problems - even to the point of being able to transport excess populations to other planetary bodies if necessary. Apparently they opted for mass genocide which they believed would keep the population to a manageable minimum, not wishing to give up the political and economic control which they possessed and which would to a large degree be lost if they openly gave this super-technology freely to the masses. Pro-abortion activist-leader and 'Planned Parenthood' founder Margaret Sanger betrays her own devotion to the Globalist genocidal policies and insensitivity to women's rights, especially non-Aryan women's rights--not to mention the constitutional rights to 'life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness' on the part of multi-millions of children--in the following words from her first book 'PIVOT OF CIVILIZATION'. In reference to free maternity care for the poor she states: "Instead of decreasing and aiming to eliminate the stocks that are most detrimental to the future of the race and the world it tends to render them to a menacing degree dominant." And in reference to her 'Negro Project' of the late 1930's, which aimed at recruiting black ministers, physicians and political leaders for birth control and sterilization in the black community, Sanger wrote: "...We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members." - Branton). Cooper continues: "The joint U.S. and Soviet leadership dismissed Alternative 1 BUT ORDERED WORK TO BEGIN ON ALTERNATIVES 2 AND 3 VIRTUALLY AT THE SAME TIME. "In 1959 the Rand Corporation hosted a Deep Underground Construction Symposium. In the symposium report, machines are pictured and described WHICH COULD BORE A TUNNEL 45 FEET IN DIAMETER AT THE RATE OF 5 FEET PER HOUR IN 1959. IT ALSO DISPLAYS PICTURES OF HUGE TUNNELS AND UNDERGROUND VAULTS CONTAINING WHAT APPEAR TO BE COMPLEX FACILITIES AND POSSIBLY EVEN CITIES. IT APPEARS THAT THE PREVIOUS FIVE YEARS OF ALL-OUT UNDERGROUND CONSTRUCTION HAD MADE SIGNIFICANT PROGRESS BY THAT TIME. "The ruling powers decided that one means of funding the alien-connected and other 'black' projects was to corner the illegal drug market. THE ENGLISH AND THE FRENCH HAD ESTABLISHED A HISTORICAL PRECEDENT WHEN THEY EXPLOITED THE OPIUM TRADE IN THE FAR EAST AND USED IT TO FILL THEIR COFFERS AND GAIN A SOLID FOOTHOLD IN CHINA AND VIETNAM, RESPECTIVELY. "A young ambitious member of the Council on Foreign Relations was approached. His name was George Bush, who at the time was the president and CEO of THE OFFSHORE DIVISION OF ZAPATA OIL, BASED IN TEXAS. Zapata Oil was experimenting with the new technology of offshore drilling. It was correctly thought that the drugs could be shipped from South America to the offshore platforms by fishing boat, to be taken from there to shore by the normal transportation used for supplies and personnel. By this method no customs or law enforcement agency would subject the cargo to search. "George Bush agreed to help, and organized the operation IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE CIA. The plan worked better than anyone had dreamed. It has since expanded worldwide. There are now many other methods of bringing illegal drugs into the country. IT MUST ALWAYS BE REMEMBERED THAT GEORGE BUSH BEGAN THE SALE OF DRUGS TO OUR CHILDREN. The CIA now controls most of the world's illegal drug markets. "The official space program was boosted by President Kennedy in his inaugural address when he mandated that the United States put a man on the Moon before the end of the decade. Although innocent in its conception, this mandate enabled those in charge to funnel vast amounts of money into black projects AND CONCEAL THE REAL SPACE PROGRAM FROM THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. A similar program in the Soviet Union served the same purpose. IN FACT, A JOINT ALIEN, UNITED STATES, AND SOVIET UNION BASE EXISTED ON THE MOON AT THE VERY MOMENT KENNEDY SPOKE THE WORDS. "On May 22, 1962, a space probe landed on Mars and confirmed the existence of AN ENVIRONMENT WHICH COULD SUPPORT LIFE (Note: Some may recall many years later when the first PUBLICIZED probe landed on the surface of Mars and began sending back pictures of a reddish-brown planet with a light blue sky. Immediately after this we were told "oops," the blue sky was just a mistake in the programming of the camera, which began sending the "photos" back to earth in the wrong color. "Fortunately" the problem was "solved" and subsequent photographs appeared in which the sky was reddish-pink. - Branton). Not long afterward the construction of a colony on the planet Mars began in earnest. Today I believe a colony exists on Mars populated by specially selected people from different cultures and occupations taken from all over the Earth. A PUBLIC CHARADE of antagonism between the Soviet Union and the United States has been maintained over all these years IN ORDER TO FUND PROJECTS IN THE NAME OF NATIONAL DEFENSE WHEN IN FACT WE ARE THE CLOSEST ALLIES. (Note: M.J. of El Paso, TX sent a letter to 'World Watchers International'--Fall 1989 issue, p. 18-- concerning a woman he'd talked to who worked at JPL in Pasadena, CA., in 1962, as a classified 'photo interpreter'. Her husband also worked there designing domed structures capable of resisting 'gale-velocity winds' for 'colonies on the Moon, and then Mars!' Her husband was sent on a SUPER SECRET mission. Then one day she received word that her husband had died and no further details, then her 'Q' clearance was pulled. When asked of his fate she said with dead seriousness: "I think he was drafted to Mars!" - Branton). "At some point President Kennedy discovered portions of the truth concerning the drugs and aliens. He issued an ultimatum in 1963 to Majesty Twelve. President Kennedy assured them that if they did not clean up the drug problem, he would. HE INFORMED MAJORITY TWELVE THAT HE INTENDED TO REVEAL THE PRESENCE OF (THE) ALIENS TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE WITHIN THE FOLLOWING YEAR, AND ORDERED A PLAN DEVELOPED TO IMPLEMENT HIS DECISION (Note: We can consider these Files and other present efforts to inform the public of the alien problem as being nothing less than a Patriotic duty to fulfill the decree as set out by this former American President - Branton). "President Kennedy's decision struck fear into the hearts of those in charge. His assassination was ordered by the Policy Committee and the order was carried out by agents in Dallas. President John F. Kennedy was murdered by the Secret Service agent who drove his car in the motorcade and the act is plainly visible in the Zapruder film. WATCH THE DRIVER AND NOT KENNEDY WHEN YOU VIEW THE FILM." Note: On April 2, 1992, Geraldo Rivera in his television News magazine "NOW IT CAN BE TOLD", interviewed a Dr. Charles Crenshaw, one of the original doctors who worked on the body of President John F. Kennedy shortly after the assassination. Crenshaw claimed that he saw Kennedy's head wound and stated that Oswald could not have killed Kennedy as he was behind the President, whereas the fatal bullet wound came from the FRONT. Crenshaw claimed that the bullet entered from the front and exited from the rear of his skull, leaving a large gaping wound 9-10 centimeters across. Although Texas law required an immediate autopsy in Dallas, the site of the crime, Crenshaw insisted that a swarm of Secret Service agents entered the hospital and demanded that the autopsy be performed out of state. Dr, Crenshaw stated on "NOW IT CAN BE TOLD" that several people he knew who had witnessed the President's wounds had died shortly afterwards under strange circumstances. He believed that the "official" photos taken at Bathesda Naval hospital showing no rear exit wound were tampered with and that the whole affair was covered up. If this is true then the two men behind the "grassy knoll" would have been a backup team and Oswald, who had carefully planted "Communist" ties, would be the "patsy" or "fall guy". In the movie "JFK" and elsewhere we hear of testimony that the police officer who Oswald killed shortly after Kennedy's death was actually "in" on the conspiracy, and it was his job to knock-off Oswald and claim it was self defense. The only problem was that Oswald got to him first. This "triangulation" type of assassination which may have involved the secret serviceman Greer, the "patsy" Oswald and the CIA-Mafia "grassy knoll hitmen", is not uncommon among experienced assassins. It is possible however that the three different "hit" groups or assassin(s), supposing this scenario is correct, knew nothing of the other two, but were only following their orders. Oswald, Greer, and the CIA-Mafia squad might have been convinced then that 'they' were the one's who killed Kennedy. Numerous sources have reported on the CIA-Mafia connection, including Bruce Roberts who several years ago wrote up a very detailed scenario concerning--especially--the CIA-Mafia connection, based on "sources" within the Intelligence community which he claimed to have spoken with. As a result of this there emerged the so- called "Gemstone Files" which have floated through the Intelligence grapevine via photoreproduction, but have never been fully "published" to our knowledge. Another source alleged that the "secret service" of every nation is tied-in with the highest levels of Scottish Rite Freemasonry, or the "Illuminati", which might be something to think about when we realize that secret service agent William Greer may have been involved. As the reader may recall, MJ-12 according to Cooper was largely controlled by the Council on Foreign Relations, which in turn is controlled by the Illuminati. Also, the JASON Group stems from the western "branch" of the Order of the Illuminati which goes by the name of "Skull & Bones". Realizing this, William Cooper's allegations may not be just so much "hot air" after all. If the CIA-MIB-Alien conglomeration played some part in Kennedy's assassination, then what kind of evidence is there to support the idea? From the following quote is seems as if the aliens themselves might have played a role in the tragedy, however the question to ask would be what 'percentage' of influence did they have in it all? In his book 'THE MOTHMAN PROPHECIES', p. 93 (Signet 1975 paperback edition), John A. Keel states in regards to UFO witnesses: "...Sometimes after watching an object their telephones will suddenly ring... and there will be no one on the line. Or their doorbells will ring by themselves. Obviously these things are manifestations of the electro-magnetic (EM) spectrum..." And on pp. 86-87 of the same book: "Eventually I learned that the CIA had a habit of enlisting very young people between the ages of seventeen and twenty-five, frequently involving them in bizarre scenarios. Considerable evidence exists indicating that Lee Harvey Oswald was a CIA pawn early on. Today the CIA has an annual budget in excess of $11 billion, and it doesn't have to account to the president or Congress. A large part of this budget is probably wasted on bureaucratic nonsense, and another large part is spent on what can only be termed malicious mischief. Technically, the CIA has no legal authority or responsibilities within the continental United States, but if you open a phone book for any moderate- sized U.S. city you will find a local CIA office listed. They also maintain thousands of 'fronts', offices disguised as legitimate businesses, throughout the country. During the recent Watergate debacle investigating reporters documented the fact that some of the participants were not only longtime CIA agents, but also that these same men had been involved in the abortive Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba in 1961, and some had been present in Dealey Plaza in Dallas on the day President Kennedy was assassinated. It is noteworthy that reporters, editors, and citizens engaged in the investigation of President Kennedy's death suffered harassment and telephone problems identical to those experienced by UFO researchers..." And then, in Keel's book 'OUR HAUNTED PLANET' (1968., Fawcett., Greenwich, Conn.) pp. 113-114, we read: "Another group of CIA-baiting researchers is now over-lapping into ufology. They are the comparatively small teams of amateur sleuths dedicated to investigating the assassination of President Kennedy. Here the black Cadillacs and the slight, dark men in black suits are viewed as Cubans and CIA agents. Paranoia runs high because now over fifty witnesses--as of 1968--, reporters, and assassination investigators have met with sudden death, under the most suspicious circumstances. The full story of Kennedy's murder in Dallas in 1963 is filled with incredible details, many of them similar to things found in the most mysterious of the UFO incidents. Photos and physical evidence have vanished or been tampered with just as in so many UFO cases. A wide assortment of mystery men have been involved, including DOPPELGANGERS of the late Lee Harvey Oswald - see Richard Popkin's 'THE SECOND OSWALD'. This other Oswald even turned up at a public rifle range before the assassination, making a nuisance of himself (so the witnesses would be sure to remember him?) he FIRED AN UNUSUAL GUN WHICH SPAT OUT BALLS OF FIRE AT THE TARGET. He also visited an automobile showroom and went for a demonstration ride in a new car. The real Oswald could not drive. His whereabouts at the time of these incidents are known... and he was nowhere near the rifle range and auto agency. The huge WARREN REPORT contains numerous pieces of sworn testimony describing MIB-type men in the vicinity of Dealey Plaza and the School Book Depository building immediately before and after the assassination. Long-haired men were seen. This may not sound extraordinary, but remember that long hair was most unusual in 1963. The Beatles did not begin to make an impression until 1964, and the long-hair fad did not get underway until 1965-66..." Now returning to William Cooper's exposition: "All of the witnesses who were close enough to the car to see William Greer shoot Kennedy were themselves all murdered within two years of the event. The Warren Commission was a farce, and COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS MEMBERS MADE UP THE MAJORITY OF ITS PANEL. They succeeded in snowing the American people. "Many other patriots who attempted to reveal the alien secret also have been murdered throughout the intervening years. At the present time over 200 material witnesses or people actually involved with the assassination are dead. The odds against this happening are so high that no one has been able to calculate them. The odds against the first 18 to die within two years of the assassination were calculated as ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND TRILLION TO ONE. You can order a copy of the film by sending $30 plus $3 postage & handling to The William Cooper Foundation., 19744 Beach Blvd., Suite 301., Huntington Beach, California 92648 (Available also from this address are several other of William Cooper's writings - Branton). "In December 1988 I had a phone conversation during which I told John Lear what I had seen in the Navy concerning the Kennedy assassination. I told him that I had been looking for a film that showed Greer shoot JFK for 16 years but had not found one. I was shocked and very pleasantly surprised when John asked me, 'Would you like to see it?' I, of course, replied in the affirmative and John invited Annie and me to his home in Las Vegas. We spent four days with John. He not only showed me the film but gave me a video copy. I showed the video whenever I spoke to a group of people. The film is titled DALLAS REVISITED. John told me that he obtained it from a CIA acquaintance whom he was not at liberty to name. I later found out the originator of that version of the Zapruder film was Lars Hansson. John Lear was showing the film at every meeting that he conducted. "Shortly after Lear gave me a copy of the film, Lars Hansson called and asked if he could drop by to meet with me at my home in Fullerton, California. I told him he could and asked him to bring a better copy of the film if he had one. Lars said that he would. He stated that he would also bring a film on a man named Bo Gritz, of whom I had never heard (Note: Bo Gritz has produced video documentaries of his personal investigations into the 'Golden Triangle' of southeast Asia in his attempts to locate missing P.O.W.'s from Vietnam, many of whom according to his "sources" are still being held there. According to Gritz, 'they' had on many occasions almost succeeded in releasing some of these prisoners, but at the last minute certain "powers" sabotaged the rescues. He later learned that the White House was attempting to ignore the whole situation and in spite of the evidence try to convince the nation that such prisoners do not exist. One reason for their bizarre efforts to sabotage such rescues may be that, according to one Golden Triangle drug lord that Gritz spoke with, the secret govt. DOES NOT WANT THESE PRISONERS TO COME HOME BECAUSE OF THEIR KNOWLEDGE OF CIA-GOLDEN TRIANGLE DRUG OPERATIONS! One very powerful Drug Lord whom Bo Gritz spoke with offered to help the Government in any way they could in respect to the POW problem. The 'U.S.' Government rejected his overtures! It is uncertain whether 'this' was the tape that Lars Hansson showed Cooper, as Mr. Gritz has apparently produced several tapes and documentaries. One source has informed us that some of the men who made the trip to southeast Asia with Gritz to interview the Drug Lord--the one who told them of the CIA connections--later died under mysterious circumstances. The person who related this felt that the reason the secret government was afraid to touch Bo Gritz himself was because of the fact that he was one of the most decorated war heroes in the Vietnam War. His death might have caused too many waves. We have been unable to confirm this report concerning Bo Gritz' associates however - Branton). "Mr. Hansson informed me that he had made the video for Bo Gritz and John Lear and that both were using it in their lectures. I found out much later that Bo Gritz was selling the tape for $10 per copy. "Lars came to the house, brought the film on videotape and we spoke for about an hour. His main purpose was to tell me that he wanted me to expose people to the film but did not want me to connect him to the film in any manner. I agreed not to divulge the source and I kept my word. I began to use the tape in my lectures. When I found out that Bo Gritz was making it available, I bowed to the public pressure and also made it available. "Some time later I read an L.A.-based newsletter (forgot the name) in which Lars Hansson stated that he did not know that I had the film and did not know that I was showing it at lectures. Hansson stated in the newsletter that he was at my Hollywood High lecture on November 5, 1989, and that he tried to protest my use of it during the question-and-answer period but that he never had a chance to be recognized. We videotaped the event, and at the end I asked anyone with questions or comments to walk to a microphone that we had placed in the aisle. I have examined every inch of that videotape and Lars Hansson never got up from his seat, nor did he ever raise his hand, nor did he attempt in any way to be recognized. "Lars later called me again and asked me not to use his voice on the tape, his voice where he says with no hesitation or qualification whatsoever, as he narrates the videotape, 'The driver of the car turns with his left arm over his right shoulder with a pistol and fires. You see the .45 automatic, .45-caliber nickel-plated automatic weapon in his left hand. He's firing over his right shoulder; you see it in relief. You see his head pointing backwards towards the President. In this enhanced close-up you see the impact of the bullet upon the president. The force of the shot drives him violently backward against the back of the seat. You see Mrs. Kennedy react in horror.' Then later in the film Lars Hansson makes the statement: 'You can clearly see his (the driver's) head turning and his arm, and the weapon extending into view over his right shoulder.' I agreed not to use his voice. In subsequent lectures I showed the tape with no audio. As it turned out, people were able to see it better with no narration. "It is important that you understand the above, because in the late summer of 1990, after I had been showing the film for over a year and a half, Lars Hansson began to show up on radio proclaiming that Greer, the driver, did not shoot the President (was he threatened by his superiors? - Branton). Lars Hansson showed up at my fall 1990 Beverly Hills High School lecture and disrupted the lecture, yelling out taunts and otherwise making an ass out of himself. When the lecture ended he accosted people in the lobby and, along with David Lifton, attempted to convince members of the audience that they didn't really see Greer shoot Kennedy. To their credit most of the audience told Hansson and Lifton to stick it where the sun don't shine. Once people see it with their own eyes they can no longer be fooled. Hansson, Lifton, Grodin, and the other agents of the Secret Government are running out of time. Americans are catching on to the scam. I shudder to think what will happen to these people when Americans finally get angry. Do not forget that Lear informed me that his source for the film was a CIA agent who later turned out to be Lars Hansson. "Hansson later claimed that I violated his copyright. He had no copyright. Hansson himself had violated someone's copyright by making the film and giving it to me, Lear, and Gritz. I didn't and still don't give a damn about copyright on THIS particular film. If I did, no one would ever know who really killed our President... "Robert Grodin then entered the picture. He publicly challenged me to appear and debate him. He claimed that he had a copy of the Zapruder film showing that Greer never took his hands off the wheel of the car. Grodin is an active secret government agent whose job is to CONFUSE the public and perpetuate the coverup. "I called Bob Grodin and accepted his challenge. I invited him to appear with me at Beverly Hills High School and show his film. I would show my film. The audience would decide. He refused. He refused because he knows what I know, that the audience would boo him out of town. Grodin knows that Greer shot Kennedy because he is part of the cover-up. "Bob Grodin is the same Bob Grodin who claims to be the world's foremost independent photo-interpretation expert. Bob Grodin has NO photographic education whatsoever. He has never worked with photography. Bob Grodin has never been a photographic interpreter in his life. He has been lying to the public about his credentials for all these years and no one even checked; not even Congress checked his credentials when they hired him. Do you really think that was an accident? I HAVE A DEGREE IN PHOTOGRAPHY. "Bob Grodin is the same Bob Grodin who was hired by the House Select Committee on Assassinations in 1976. He is the same Bob Grodin who BLATANTLY LIED to the committee and told them that the driver, William Greer, never took his hands off the wheel. His job is to write books and confuse you. His job is to maintain the position that the government lied and that there was a conspiracy (Note: Shortly after the release of the movie "J.F.K.", Grodin appeared on the Geraldo Rivera show, admitting that there was a conspiracy, but greatly GENERALIZING as to who was really responsible. Grodin even 'claimed' that his own life had been threatened several times for revealing his version of the conspiracy. Was this merely so much mis-information to confuse the public and divert their attention from the Secret Service "S.S." and Greer as Cooper claims? - Branton). "His (i.e. Grodin's) job is to prevent you from knowing the truth about WHO DID kill the President. You cannot welcome the New World Order if you have faith in the government. You WILL have faith in your government if you learned that Greer killed Kennedy ON ORDERS OF THE ILLUMINATI AND THAT IT HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH THE LEGAL, CONSTITUTIONAL GOVERNMENT. DID YOU KNOW THAT THE MAN WHO WAS IN CHARGE OF THE SECRET SERVICE AT THE TIME OF THE ASSASSINATION BECAME THE MAN IN CHARGE OF SECURITY FOR THE ROCKEFELLER FAMILY UPON HIS RETIREMENT? Well, now you know. You should also know that BOB GRODIN IS A FRIEND OF LESLIE WATKINS, AND IT IS BOB GRODIN'S NAME THAT WATKINS USES AS THE ALIAS OF THE ASTRONAUT CITED IN 'ALTERNATIVE 003'. Did you know that when Ricky White made appearances on talk radio across the country to say that his father killed Kennedy, that Bob Grodin accompanied him? Did you know that every time a caller asked Ricky White a question, GRODIN ANSWERED FOR HIM? Do you really believe that is a coincidence? Ricky White's father did not kill Kennedy. "For years I have been telling people and audiences about THE DISCREPANCIES BETWEEN THE DOCTOR'S REPORTS IN DALLAS AND THE AUTOPSY REPORT MADE AT BATHESDA NAVAL HOSPITAL. I HAVE REVEALED THAT THE WOUNDS WERE TAMPERED WITH AND CHANGED. I have been telling the world that the body was removed from its casket aboard the plane and was taken out the galley door and onto a marine helicopter, and that the body arrived at Bethesda Naval Hospital a full 30 minutes before the empty official casket. I have stated that the President's brain had disappeared and told why it had disappeared. "All of a sudden David Lifton appeared on radio and TV in 1990 telling the world that he had NEW evidence that HE had discovered. Every bit of his new evidence was exactly what I had been telling people for years. It was the same information that I had told Bob Swan in 1972. Lifton showed up at my lecture at Beverly Hills High School. After making a scene at the box office because he had to pay, Lifton accosted anyone who ventured into the lobby, AND ALONG WITH LARS HANSSON, ATTEMPTED TO CONVINCE THEM THAT THEY DID NOT SEE GREER SHOOT KENNEDY. LEGITIMATE PEOPLE WOULD NEVER HAVE RESORTED TO SUCH DISGRACEFUL AND DISCREDITING BEHAVIOR. My testimony and the public's outrage after seeing the murder of President Kennedy with their own eyes, has seriously damaged the cover-up. THE BEHAVIOR OF GRODIN, LIFTON, AND HANSSON REVEALS THE DEGREE OF DAMAGE. The public can now see without any doubt that they are either part of the cover- up or that they are totally incompetent researchers, and in the case of Grodin, a bare-faced liar who may have committed treason. "In the middle of all this, 'Hard Copy' TV magazine called me and wanted to see the film. I showed them the film and they were shocked, excited and wanted an exclusive. I gave it to them BUT TOLD THEM THAT I DOUBTED THAT IT WOULD EVER GET ON THE AIR. A date was arranged to film an episode for airing, but just before we were scheduled to go on camera AN NBC EXECUTIVE CALLED THE LOS ANGELES STUDIOS OF 'HARD COPY' AND TOLD THEM NOT TO AIR THE FILM (Note: One item which may relate to "NBC's" suppression of the film is the fact that the President of NBC advocates the complete dis-arming of the population, stating that the police and the military are the only one's who "deserve" to own a gun, and that such gun control should be enforced even if it means the restructuring of the Constitution to do it. This is a sure sign that at least some of the leaders of NBC are part of the "Secret Government" agenda, which desires gun control for the sole purpose of breaking any potential resistance to any future attempt to establish a socialist-totalitarian society - Branton). "I tried to find out the name of the executive, but no luck. That was the end of that. THE PRODUCER THAT HAD TRIED TO AIR MY STORY AND THE KENNEDY FILM IS NO LONGER WITH 'HARD COPY.' HER NAME IS BUBS HOPPER. "I was approached by another producer (don't remember his name) from 'INSIDE EDITION,' another TV magazine, who told me that Americans needed to see the film. I agreed to be on the show BUT TOLD HIM THE SAME THING, THAT I DID NOT BELIEVE IT WOULD EVER AIR. A week later I was listening to David Lifton on a radio talk show. Someone called in and asked David if he knew who I was and David Lifton said, 'I KNOW WHO HE IS AND WE HAVE A SURPRISE FOR MR. COOPER. WE ARE GOING TO PUT HIM AWAY FOR GOOD ON A NATIONAL TV SHOW. WE ARE GOING TO GET A FULL ACCOUNTING FROM THAT GUY.' "I had someone call the producer and cancel because HE HAD LIED TO ME. He pleaded to have me on. I relayed through this intermediary that I would appear only if I could have editorial control to make sure that he did not edit the segment to ridicule the film. He refused, and I then knew his intention all along had been to discredit me. WHEN THE SEGMENT AIRED, LARS HANSSON WAS USED AS A STAND-IN, IN MY PLACE. Hansson, the man who had been attacking me, stating that Greer had not fired at Kennedy, was now on TV stating that GREER KILLED KENNEDY! THE REASON BECAME OBVIOUS, AS THEY HAD BOB GRODIN ON THE NEXT SEGMENT. GRODIN RIDICULED AND DEBUNKED HANSSON AND THE FILM. THEY HAD INTENDED TO DO A HATCHET JOB ON ME, BUT WHEN I CANCELED THEY COULD ATTACK THE FILM ONLY WITH HANSSON TAKING MY PLACE. IT HAD EVERY EARMARK OF AN AGENCY OPERATION. IT DIDN'T WORK. "I discovered the next ploy when on radio Grodin stated that he would soon (finally) release a video of his so-called pristine copy of the Zapruder film OVEREXPOSED to bring out the detail in the shadows. OVEREXPOSURE WOULD COMPLETELY WASH OUT GREER'S ARM AND THE GUN, WHICH ARE BOTH IN FULL SUNLIGHT AND HAVE THE EFFECT OF RENDERING BOTH INVISIBLE TO THE VIEWER. I hope that people are not as stupid as Grodin thinks they are. I will debate anyone at any time as long as it's in front of a live audience and nothing is edited. I have seen what a film editor can do to make people seem to say and do things that were never said or done. * * * "During the United States' initial space exploration and the Moon landings every launch was accompanied by alien craft. ON NOVEMBER 20, 1990, LOS ANGELES TV CHANNEL 2 ANNOUNCED THAT A SEPARATE, RED, GLOWING, ROUND-SHAPED OBJECT ACCOMPANIED THE SPACE SHUTTLE ATLANTIS ON IT'S LATEST CLASSIFIED MILITARY MISSION. THAT WAS THE FIRST PUBLIC ADMISSION. "The Moon base, Luna, was photographed by the Lunar Orbiter and filmed by the Apollo astronauts. Domes, spires, tall round structures which look like silos, huge T-shaped mining vehicles that left stitchlike tracks in the lunar surface, and extremely large as well as small alien craft appear in the official NASA photographs. It is a joint United States and Soviet base. THE SPACE PROGRAM IS A FARCE AND AN UNBELIEVABLE WASTE OF MONEY. ALTERNATIVE 3 IS A REALITY. IT IS NOT SCIENCE FICTION. "The Apollo astronauts were severely shaken by this experience, and their lives and subsequent statements reflect the depth of the revelation and the effect of the muzzle order which followed. They were ordered to remain silent or suffer the extreme penalty, death, which was termed an 'EXPEDIENCY.' One astronaut actually did talk to the British producers of the TV expose 'ALTERNATIVE 003.' It was aired on the documentary, NONFICTION program named 'SCIENCE REPORT,' confirming many of the allegations. "In the book 'ALTERNATIVE 003' the pseudonym 'Bob Grodin' was used in place of the astronaut's identity. (The real Bob Grodin is a friend of Leslie Watkins and is a part of the Kennedy assassination cover-up.) It was also stated that the astronaut 'committed suicide' in 1978. This cannot be validated by any source, and I believe that several so-called facts in the book are really disinformation. I firmly believe that this disinformation is a result of pressure put upon the authors and is meant to nullify the effect upon the populace of the British TV expose 'ALTERNATIVE 003.' "THE HEADQUARTERS OF THE INTERNATIONAL CONSPIRACY IS IN GENEVA, SWITZERLAND. THE RULING BODY IS MADE UP OF THREE COMMITTEES CONSISTING OF THIRTEEN MEMBERS EACH, AND ALL THREE TOGETHER COMPRISE THE 39 MEMBERS OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF THE BODY KNOWN AS THE BILDERBERG GROUP. The most important and powerful of the three committees is the Policy Committee. (It is more than interesting to note that the United States had thirteen original colonies and that 39 delegates from these colonies signed the Constitution after it was written and adopted in the first Constitutional Convention. Do you believe that is coincidence?) Policy Committee meetings are held on a nuclear submarine beneath the polar icecap. A Soviet sub and an American sub join at an airlock and the meeting is convened. The secrecy is such that this was the only method which would ensure that the meetings could not be bugged (Note: or in simple terms, the "Illuminati" operating in the highest levels of the American and Russian governments have for years been cooperating together, all the while keeping up the "illusion" of two opposing superpowers for the sake of keeping the world's population "divided" and all the more easily controlled, and probably as a method for justifying huge expenditures for military and space development. Dr. John Coleman has documented that the former "Communist Movement" in Russia and the "Eastern Establishment" of America were from their beginnings both tied-in to the highest levels of Freemasonry - Branton). "I can say that the book 'ALTERNATIVE 003' is at least 70% true from my own knowledge and the knowledge of my sources. I believe that the disinformation was an attempt to compromise the British TV expose with information that could be false, just as the 'Eisenhower Briefing Document,' which was released here in the United States under the contingency plan Majestic Twelve, can also be proven false. "Since our interaction with the aliens began we have come into possession of technology beyond our wildest dreams. We currently have, and fly, atomic-powered antigravity-type craft in Nevada. Our pilots have made interplanetary voyages in these craft and have been to the Moon, Mars, and other planets. We have been lied to about the true nature of the Moon, the planets Mars and Venus, and the REAL state of technology that we possess today, at this very moment. "There are areas on the Moon where plant life grows and even changes color with the seasons. This seasonal effect is because the Moon does not, as claimed, always present the exact same side to the Earth or the Sun. The Moon has several man-made lakes and ponds upon its surface, and clouds have been observed and filmed in its atmosphere. It possesses a gravity field -- and man can walk upon its surface WITHOUT A SPACE SUIT, breathing from an oxygen bottle and undergoing decompression, the same way as any deep-sea diver! "I have the official NASA photographs. Some of them were published in the books 'WE DISCOVERED ALIEN BASES ON THE MOON' by Fred Steckling and 'SOMEONE ELSE IS ON THE MOON'. In 1969 a confrontation broke out between the Soviets and Americans at the lunar base. The Soviets attempted to take control of the base and held American scientists and personnel hostage (Note: There is evidence that the Luna Base on the Moon, the Dreamland Base in Nevada-California, and the Dulce-Archuleta Base near the four- corners are all tied-together. Other sources such as former Dulce security officer "Thomas C." stated that another "altercation" DID in fact break out in the Dulce Base while he was there, and possibly in the Nevada Base as well about the same time, although such an altercation in the tunnels beneath the Nevada Military Complex has not been 'confirmed' to us. Either these two accounts--Luna and Dulce--are based on the same incident, or more than one "altercation" took place, one between Americans and Russians in Luna, and one between Humans and Saurians in the Dulce Base. From various sources we can conclude that the trilaterally-connected Luna-Archuleta-Dreamland bases are jointly occupied by Americans-Russians-and saurian grays of different types, as well as possibly "defectors" or "sell outs" from the "Nordic-Blond-or-Aryan" societies. Although Cooper claims to have seen no documentation on the alleged 'Dulce Wars', he did claim to have read documents telling of the altercation in the joint CIA-Alien-Russian base 'Luna' - Branton). "The Soviets were suspended from the program for a period of two years. A reconciliation eventually took place and once again we began to interact. "...When the Watergate scandal broke, President Nixon was confident that he could not be impeached. Majesty Twelve had a different agenda. Nixon was ordered to resign, the intelligence community rightfully concluding that an impeachment trial would open up the files and bare the secrets to the public eye. He refused (Note: The reader may remember in the movie "ALL THE PRESIDENT'S MEN", the encounter with the mysterious informant who told the reporters in essence that the Watergate breakin was just the tip of the iceberg, and that the immense "conspiracy" ran through the entire power-structure of the government, including the judicial system, et al. This seems to indicate that the Watergate conspiracy did nevertheless have an adverse affect on the overall "secret government" structure - Branton). The first military coup ever to take place in the United States was carried out (Note: the Kennedy assassination could have been considered a coup in a sense, if not for the fact that it had been directed against a single man rather than an entire government cabinet - Branton). The Joint Chiefs of Staff sent a Top Secret message to the Commanders of all the U.S. armed forces throughout the world. It stated, 'Upon receipt of this message you will no longer carry out any orders from the White House. Acknowledge receipt.' This message was sent a full five days before Nixon conceded and announced publicly he would resign. "I saw the message. When I asked my commanding officer what he would do, AS OBVIOUSLY THE ORDER VIOLATED THE CONSTITUTION, I was told: 'I guess I will wait to see if any orders come from the White House, and then I will decide.' I did not see any communication from the White House but that does not mean that none was sent. I have confirmation from three additional sources, all ex-military, who wrote or called to state that they saw the exact same order. These people are Randall Terpstra, ex- Navy; David Race, ex-Air Force; and Donald Campbell, ex-Navy... "During all the years that this has been happening the Congress and the American people have seemed to know instinctively that something was not right. When the Watergate scandal surfaced they jumped on the bandwagon and everyone thought that the agencies would be cleaned out. President Ford organized the Rockefeller Commission to do the job. His real purpose was to head off Congress and keep the cover-up going. Nelson Rockefeller, who headed the commission investigating the intelligence community (kind-of like giving the job of cleaning up America's drug problem to a drug dealer - Branton), was a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and the one who helped Eisenhower build the Majesty Twelve power structure. Rockefeller uncovered only enough to keep the hounds at bay. He threw the Congress a few bones and the cover-up rolled merrily along as always. "Later Senator Church would conduct the famous Church hearings. He also was a prominent member of the Council on Foreign Relations, and he merely repeated the Rockefeller act. Again the cover-up prevailed. When the Iran-Contra affair emerged, we thought this time it had to come gushing out. Wrong again. DESPITE MOUNTAINS OF DOCUMENTS POINTING TO DRUG SMUGGLING AND OTHER HIDDEN MONSTERS, the cover-up sailed on. The Congress even seemed to go out of its way to duck the real issues. As mentioned earlier, one of the most serious facts uncovered is that North was involved in preparing a plan TO SUSPEND THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. When Congressman Jack Brooks of Texas attempted to probe the issue HE WAS SILENCED BY THE COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN. Could it be that Congress knows the whole thing and won't touch it? Are they among the select who have been picked for the Mars colony when the Earth begins to destruct, if the Earth IS going to destruct? "I cannot even begin to outline the entire financial empire controlled by the CIA, the NSA, and the Council on Foreign Relations, WHICH IN TURN CONTROL AND LAUNDER THE MONEY FROM DRUGS AND OTHER INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY PROPRIETARY VENTURES; but I can give you a beginning. THE AMOUNT OF MONEY IS BEYOND ANYTHING YOU CAN IMAGINE AND IS HIDDEN IS A VAST NETWORK OF BANKS AND HOLDING COMPANIES. You should first begin to look at the J. Henry Schroder Banking Corporation, the Schroder Trust Company, Schroders Ltd. (London), Helbert Wagg Holdings Ltd., J. Henry Schroder-Wagg & Co. Ltd., Schroder Gerbruder and Company (Germany), Schroder Munchmeyer Gengst and Company, Castle Bank and its holding companies, the Asian Development Bank, and the Nugan Hand octopus of banks and holding companies. "A contingency plan was formulated by Majesty Twelve to throw every one off the trail should they come close to the truth. The plan was known as MAJESTIC TWELVE. IT WAS IMPLEMENTED WITH THE RELEASE BY MOORE, SHANDERA, AND FRIEDMAN OF THE PURPORTED EISENHOWER BRIEFING DOCUMENT. THE DOCUMENT IS A FRAUD, BECAUSE IT IS NUMBERED 092447, A NUMBER WHICH DOES NOT EXIST AND WILL NOT EXIST FOR QUITE A LONG TIME AT THE PRESENT RATE. Truman wrote Executive orders in the 9000 range; Eisenhower's were in the 10,000; Ford was up to the 11,000 bracket; and Reagan reached only into the 12,000s. Executive orders are numbered consecutively, no matter who occupies the White House, for reasons of continuity, record keeping, and to prevent confusion. THIS RED HERRING HAS THROWN THE ENTIRE RESEARCH COMMUNITY OFF THE TRAIL FOR SEVERAL YEARS AND HAS RESULTED IN THE WASTED EXPENDITURE OF MONEY LOOKING FOR INFORMATION WHICH DOES NOT EXIST. "...Another plan is in force. It is the plan to prepare the public for eventual confrontation with an alien race. IT COULD ALSO INTEND TO MAKE YOU BELIEVE IN AN ALIEN RACE THAT DOES NOT EXIST. The public is being bombarded with movies, radio, advertising, and TV programs depicting almost every aspect of the "purported" true nature of the alien presence. This includes the good and bad. Look around and pay attention. SOMEONE IS PLANNING TO MAKE THEIR PRESENCE KNOWN AND THE GOVERNMENT IS PREPARING YOU FOR IT. They do not want any panic. The unprecedented number of sightings worldwide indicates that public exposure is not far off. Never in history have there been so many official acknowledgements. "For many years the Secret Government has been importing drugs and selling them to the people, mainly the poor and minorities. Social welfare programs were put into place to create a dependent, nonworking element in our society. The government then began to remove these programs to force people into a criminal class that did not exist in the '50s and '60s. "The government encouraged the manufacture and importation of military firearms for the criminals to use. This is intended to foster a feeling of insecurity, which would lead the American people to voluntarily disarm themselves by passing laws against firearms (in a "dis-armed" society, the law-abiding citizens would give up their gun rights, while the "criminals" who are conditioned to not following the laws anyways would still retain their firearms. They will be "illegal" of course, but breaking the law would be nothing new to them - Branton). Using drugs and hypnosis on mental patients in a process called Orion, the CIA inculcated the desire in these people to open fire on schoolyards and thus inflame the antigun lobby (Note: This aspect of "hypnosis" has been used in other murders-assassinations. Contrary to popular belief, a person CAN be forced to commit an act under hypnosis that they would not normally commit in waking consciousness. For instance they could be told that so-and-so was a threat to civilization, and they would, while in the trance state, 'see' that person as the monster the hypnotists made them out to be. There is much evidence, as contained in Sirhan Sirhan's diary and elsewhere, that this alleged murderer of Robert Kennedy was being psychologically manipulated by a certain group through hypnosis, that Sirhan Sirhan was an incredibly vulnerable hypnosis victim, and that he had no memory after the event of firing on Robert Kennedy. Witnesses claimed that a "security guard" pulled a gun on Kennedy, and that at least 10 bullets were fired, two of which were later found embedded in a "pantry" doorframe and which could not have been fired by Sirhan Sirhan as his gun only held a maximum of eight bullets. This has been confirmed by Geraldo Rivera and several other TV "news magazines" that re-covered the Robert Kennedy assassination shortly following the interest generated after the release of the movie "J.F.K." - Branton). This plan is well under way, and so far is working perfectly. The middle class is begging the government to do away with the 2nd amendment. "AUTHOR'S NOTE: I HAVE FOUND THAT THESE EVENTS HAVE INDEED HAPPENED OVER THE COUNTRY. IN EVERY INSTANCE THAT I HAVE INVESTIGATED--THE INCIDENT AT THE WOMAN'S SCHOOL IN CANADA, THE SHOPPING CENTER INCIDENT IN CANADA, THE STOCKTON, CALIFORNIA, MASSACRE, AND THE MURDER OF RABBI MEIR KAHANE--THE SHOOTERS WERE ALL EX-MENTAL PATIENTS OR WERE CURRENT MENTAL PATIENTS WHO WERE ALL ON THE DRUG PROZAC! THIS DRUG, WHEN TAKEN IN CERTAIN DOSES, INCREASES THE SEROTONIN LEVEL IN THE PATIENT, CAUSING EXTREME VIOLENCE. COUPLE THAT WITH A POSTHYPNOTIC SUGGESTION OR CONTROL THROUGH AN ELECTRONIC BRAIN IMPLANT OR MICROWAVE OR E.L.F. INTRUSION AND YOU GET A MASS MURDER, ENDING IN EVERY CASE WITH THE SUICIDE OF THE PERPETRATOR. EXHUME THE BODIES OF THE MURDERERS AND CHECK FOR A BRAIN IMPLANT. I THINK YOU ARE GOING TO BE SURPRISED. IN EVERY CASE THE NAME OF THE MURDERER'S DOCTOR OR MENTAL TREATMENT FACILITY HAS BEEN WITHHELD. I BELIEVE WE WILL BE ABLE TO ESTABLISH INTELLIGENCE-COMMUNITY CONNECTIONS AND/OR CONNECTIONS TO KNOWN CIA EXPERIMENTAL MIND-CONTROL PROGRAMS WHEN WE FINALLY DISCOVER WHO THESE DOCTORS OF DEATH REALLY ARE. "Due to the wave of crime sweeping the nation, the media will convince the American people that a state of anarchy exists within the major cities. They are now building their case almost nightly on TV and daily in the newspapers. WHEN PUBLIC OPINION HAS BEEN WON TO THIS IDEA, THEY INTEND TO STATE THAT A TERRORIST GROUP ARMED WITH A NUCLEAR WEAPON HAS ENTERED THE UNITED STATES AND THAT THEY PLAN TO DETONATE THIS DEVICE IN ONE OF OUR CITIES. (THIS IS NOW BEING SET UP BY THE CRISIS IN THE MIDDLE EAST.) THE GOVERNMENT WILL THEN SUSPEND THE CONSTITUTION AND DECLARE MARTIAL LAW. THE SECRET ALIEN ARMY OF IMPLANTED HUMANS AND ALL DISSIDENTS, WHICH TRANSLATES INTO ANYONE THEY CHOOSE, WILL BE ROUNDED UP AND PLACED IN THE ONE-MILE-SQUARE CONCENTRATION CAMPS WHICH ALREADY EXIST. Are the people whom they intend to place in these concentration camps destined to make up the reported 'batch consignments' of slave labor needed by the space colonies? "The media--radio, TV, newspapers, AND COMPUTER NETWORKS-- will be nationalized and seized. ANYONE WHO RESISTS WILL BE TAKEN OR KILLED. THIS ENTIRE OPERATION WAS REHEARSED BY THE GOVERNMENT AND MILITARY IN 1984 UNDER THE CODE NAME REX-84A AND IT WENT OFF WITHOUT A HITCH. When these events have transpired, the SECRET GOVERNMENT and/or ALIEN takeover will be complete. YOUR FREEDOM WILL NEVER BE RETURNED AND YOU WILL LIVE IN SLAVERY THE REMAINDER OF YOUR LIFE. You had better wake up and you had better do it now! "PHILIP KLASS IS AN AGENT OF THE CIA. THIS WAS STATED IN THE DOCUMENTS I SAW BETWEEN 1970 AND 1973. ONE OF HIS JOBS AS AN AVIATION EXPERT WAS TO DEBUNK EVERYTHING TO DO WITH UFOS. All military commanders were instructed to call him to gain information on how to debunk and/or explain UFO contacts and/or sightings to the public and/or the press if and when the need arose. Some people seem to love Klass. They encourage him and heap large doses of attention upon him. He is invited to speak at UFO events and is quoted in papers, books, and newspapers as being the expert on 'what really happened.' "Philip Klass is not operating in our best interest. His debunking and explanations of UFO sightings are so full of holes that a six-year-old child should be able to discern his true purpose. I have seen poor misled people actually ask Klass for his autograph, an act similar in magnitude to Elliot Ness asking Al Capone for His autograph. I have found that in many instances the secret elect are absolutely right when they state that 'people who will not use their intelligence are no better than animals who do not have intelligence. Such people are beasts of burden and steaks on the table by choice and consent.' (Quote from: "Silent Weapons of Quite Wars", which is according to Cooper the Illuminati's declaration of War upon the people of America, as it was formulated by the Policy Committee of the Bilderberg Group during its first known meeting in 1954. The document, dated May 1979, was found on July 7, 1986, in an IBM copier that had been purchased at a surplus sale. Copies of this manual, designated 'TM-SW7905.1' by it's writers, can be obtained from the William Cooper Foundation., P.O. Box 3299., Camp Verde, CA 86322 - Branton). We get exactly what we deserve in most instances. "William Moore, Jaime Shandera, and Stanton Friedman are witting (with full knowledge, understanding, and consent) agents of the Secret Government. William Moore's reported use of a Defense Investigative Service ID card and his reported self- confession to Lee Graham that he is an agent of the government confirmed it. (Lee Graham phoned me at my home, and when asked, confirmed that MOORE HAD INDEED SHOWN HIM A DEFENSE INVESTIGATIVE SERVICE ID.) Moore's later confession proved it without any doubt. "AUTHOR'S NOTE: ON JULY 1, 1989, THE NIGHT BEFORE I PRESENTED THIS PAPER TO THE 'MUFON' SYMPOSIUM IN LAS VEGAS, WILLIAM MOORE ADMITTED THAT HE WAS A GOVERNMENT AGENT, THAT HE HAD RELEASED DISINFORMATION TO RESEARCHERS, THAT HE HAD FALSIFIED DOCUMENTS, THAT HE HAD SPIED UPON RESEARCHERS AND REPORTED INFORMATION CONCERNING THOSE RESEARCHERS TO THE INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY, THAT HE HAD HELPED IN A COUNTERINTLLIGENCE OPERATION AGAINST PAUL BENNEWITZ THAT RESULTED IN MR. BENNEWITZ'S COMMITMENT TO A MENTAL INSTITUTION, AND THAT HE HAD DONE ALL THIS WITH FULL KNOWLEDGE OF WHAT HE WAS DOING. HE IS EITHER A TRAITOR OR A STONE-HEARTED MANIPULATOR AT BEST. "Some of the self-appointed 'ufologists' still look up to Moore, and still cite his research in their correspondence, papers, and books. This reflects a degree of ignorance and stupidity in the UFO community. Bruce Maccabee wrote a letter to CAVEAT EMPTOR citing articles from William Moore's publication, FOCUS, as proof that I am discredited. Dream on. It is no mystery to me why mainstream America calls ufologists whackos, loonies, and nuts. In some cases they are. "Jaime Shandera is the man responsible for my loss of employment as the Executive Director of National Technical College. Shortly after going public, Shandera showed up at the college wearing a brown suit and carrying a briefcase. He ignored the receptionist's attempts to help him. She informed me that a man had walked into the college and appeared to be inspecting the building and classrooms. I found Mr. Shandera peering into the word-processing classroom. I asked him if I could be of any help. He said no and ignored me. I explained that I was the Executive Director and again asked if I could be of any help. Again he said no but gave me some very hard stares and appeared to have been taken off guard. He seemed to be extremely nervous and immediately left the building. I followed him out the door, AND A MAN ACROSS THE STREET SNAPPED MY PICTURE WITH A 35MM CAMERA. I watched as Jaime Shandera walked to his car, took one last look at me and then drove away. A few days later he repeated the act, only this time he told me that he had seen an ad that the college was for sale and he was looking over the property. I saw him again, coming out of the corporate offices. When he saw me he again became extremely nervous and hurried to his car, took off his jacket before getting in and then drove off. A few minutes late I WAS CALLED TO THE PRESIDENT'S OFFICE AND TOLD THAT THE COLLEGE COULD NOT USE ANYONE WHO COULD JEOPARDIZE THE STATUS OF GOVERNMENT ASSISTANCE BY GETTING INVOLVED IN FLYING SAUCERS. I knew what had happened and tendered my resignation effective April 15, 1989. I had no intention of stopping my activities and I did not wish to hurt the college or the students WHO DEPENDED SO MUCH ON GOVERNMENT AID PROGRAMS. All this time Shandera thought he had pulled it off anonymously, but I and several others have always known that it was he. Now YOU know. "Jaime Shandera was positively identified by me, the Security Department Head, and the receptionist. Later I obtained another positive identification from the Vice President in charge of Admissions. John Lear was at that time the only person who knew the name and address of my place of employment. I later found out by body-proportion comparison analysis and voice-print analysis that John Lear is the agent dubbed 'Condor' on the CIA- backed TV production of 'UFO Cover-up Live.' As Condor, he is in reality a government agent who has been working with Moore, Shandera, Friedman, John Grace, Bob Lazar, and others all along. They are CIA all the way (Note: John Lear did state that he had "friends" in the CIA, but whether he is fully following CIA policy or not is uncertain. In his initial "Public Statement" he attacked the CIA in one sense by accusing them of being involved with the joint government-alien underground base projects. This could, from our perspective, mean one or more of the following: 1) He initially "spilled the beans" on the underground bases only to have the CIA later place enormous pressure on him to "back out" of the UFO scene - which might be substantiated by his actual statement to the effect that he would separate himself from UFO research a couple years after his "revelations" began; 2) He was working with the CIA all along to "some extent" and was attempting to divert people's attention from the Military- Industrial "antigravity" technologies with which his father was involved, and turn their attention and focus to the "alien" technology and activity; or 3) There is to some degree a division or conflict of interest within the CIA itself, with one segment seeking further interaction with the alien-grays for self-seeking motives; while the other segment is attempting to avoid the "grays", having become aware of and fearful of the horrifying effect the alien-government interactions have had on those of their fellow "spooks" who have been "chosen" to interface with the grays - horrifying side effects which would include implantation of fellow CIA members and a "programming" of their minds towards agendas that have nothing to do with American, nor even CIA policy! Perhaps a combination of these are at work, and perhaps this would explain some of the "schizophrenic" and self- destructive activities of various segments of the CIA and other branches of the Intelligence Community. Perhaps some of Lear's contacts are using their friendship with Lear to their advantage? As for Robert or "Bob" Lazar, if he is an "agent" then this would seem inconsistent with his revelations concerning S-4, unless he was also being used to present a "cover story" for the technology existing in the southern Nevada bases. Or rather, helping to develop a belief in an "alien" race which instead of the government-Industrial complex would be cited as the source of the technology, and which might be used as an excuse to establish a one-world dictatorship. The problem with this interpretation however is that there IS MORE THAN ENOUGH EVIDENCE TO SUGGEST THAT THE SAURIAN GRAYS IN ACTUAL REALITY DO EXIST, as evidenced by the UFO sightings which date back CENTURIES before the present time. Due to this possibility of conflicting interests and beliefs within the Intelligence Community itself, one can understand why some would claim that things are "way out of control". Another possibility is that Mr. Cooper is JUSTIFIABLY paranoid of several members of the UFO research community, and therefore trusts few if any of them - Branton). "Stanton Friedman has told me and others that years ago he 'helped develop a nuclear reactor to power an aircraft that was the size of a basketball, was clean, turned out hydrogen, and worked like a dream' (his words, not mine). SEVERAL OTHERS HAVE WRITTEN ME TO SAY THAT THEY ALSO WERE TOLD THE SAME THING BY FRIEDMAN (Note: This could only mean one of two things. That Friedman was going around telling people this so that the recovered alien craft such as those being held at S-4 could be explained away as craft of U.S. Government construction, or that the vehicles and power units were actually of U.S. Government construction and Friedman actually did help build such a unit with or without the help of "aliens". Apparently some within the "agency" are convinced that the technology originated exclusively from the "government", or exclusively from the "aliens," while others accept that both are true - that is, the U.S. has developed sophisticated technologies WITH THE AID of interaction with an alien race. One thing is certain however: even if the U.S. government is trying to pass-off some of their own technological developments, aerospace craft, or even bio- genetically developed "beings" as being products of an alien society; based on what we've covered in these files the weight of evidence nevertheless points to a strong possibility, as confirmed by Cooper himself, that a sauroid-reptilian alien society does exist. - Branton). "Robert Scherrer is one who remembers Stanton relating to him this same story. The only fuel which could go into such an engine and produce hydrogen as a byproduct is water, and that is precisely what at least one type of alien craft uses--nuclear energy and water, according to the documentation I read wh