Date: Sun, Feb 12, 1995 From: Goodhigbee Subj: Abductee brainwashing? To: (A large group of abductees)

Hi everyone,

As most of you know, I'm a hypnotherapist in Santa Barbara. I have a support group here with 15 people in it. I am very disturbed by a new pattern that I see occurring. When I check with other researchers, they are seeing the same pattern. I want to tell you what I see is going on and ask that each of you tell me honestly how you feel about it and what your own experience is (if any) with this occurrence.

We are noticing that abductees who have a history of being taken against their will, being physically examined and violated, and being studied in many ways, had been saying that abduction is wrong. That being taken out of one's bed or car against their will, sometimes experiencing awful, painful procedures, being lied to and given screen memories, being paralyzed and manipulated and controlled was offensive to them and frightening --- they are NOW suddenly changing their tune. What we are all hearing is that the abductors are showing them how everything happening to the abductees is for their own good and that the abductors are very advanced spiritual beings.

What this information does to an abductee (whether told to him in words or shown to him in pictures) is to make him give up seeking to end his abduction experiences and instead start to welcome them. Instead of the abductee coming into a sense of his/her own power as a spiritual being and one who does not need to give up his/her free will to anyone, what we are now seeing is a group of submissive, controlled abductees who are passively letting the abductors do as they want with them, all in the name of spiritual progress.

This is very frightening.

First let me make something very clear. I DO NOT BELIEVE FOR ONE MOMENT that technological advancement equals spiritual advancement (it may, but it is NOT a given). Also, anything that makes a person give up his own personal power and integrity is definitely not spiritual. In my mind, anything that keeps a person in ignorance, from progressing spiritually, from learning the truth, and from taking responsibility for his own growth and awakening to his true nature as a spiritual being in his own right, is wrong and bad. Anything that allows the person his free will, responsibility for his own spiritual progress, and aids in the process of discovering his true unbounded spiritual nature is good. I have noticed that just when a number of abductees are fed up with being toyed with and are ready to learn to fight back, it is as if a switch goes off in their heads and they suddenly start saying how spiritual their abductors are, and they give up wanting to be personally powerful and instead just let the abductors tell them anything and they go along with it. I certainly believe that there are wonderful spiritual beings in our midst who are guiding and aiding us in more ways than we can imagine. BUT, I also believe that we have some very devious entities in our midst who lie, use screen memories, manipulate an abductee's emotions with virtual reality scenarios, and in general are totally into control and power.

How can an abductor who has been abusive and controlling suddenly be seen to be advanced spiritually, unless the abductee's own mind has been lied to and toyed with in some way. I agree that truth is almost impossible to find in this maze of experiences that abductees are going through. But a manipulative control monger doesn't SUDDENLY become an advanced spiritual being. I'm sure there are people who have had contact with spiritual entities who impart information and simply aid in the spiritual process, I feel that I have encountered that type in my past. I have no doubt that there are dozens of very kind, helpful groups of entities here with us. BUT, there are also the other ones here, and we have to be VERY CAREFUL to analyze why we are believing what we are being told by anyone who would come and kidnap us and do whatever they want. All I guess I'm saying to anyone who feels that they are in this boat, is PLEASE don't immediately believe everything you are told/shown by these guys.

Many abductees have been shown nurseries which seemingly house containers with hybrid babies in them. Sometimes the abductee is asked to hold a hybrid infant, as if the point was to bond with it for the baby's sake. I have to seriously question the motives of these aliens. One would think that they had only caring and concern for the hybrids, but there are reports (not being given out much by researchers because of their negative impact on people) where an abductee is taken into the nursery and then asked to watch as the abductors systematically break open the containers and kill the babies. I'm not making this up. A number of researchers know this is true. What then is the motive and agenda of these beings, if they can do such things? Can the whole hybrid thing be a great cover for some

other agenda that we don't even have a clue about? All I'm saying is that things are not to be taken at face value and these beings certainly should not be believed just because they say something or show someone something. If they can (and we know they can) manipulate a person's mind with screen memories and virtual reality scenes, then they can easily have that person believing that they are wonderful spiritual beings. Just be careful and don't necessarily believe what you are told outright.

We presently have no way to know the truth about what is really going on. Many abductees feel strongly that they really do know what is going on. I'm saying that we don't have any way to know that anything they show us or tell us is true. Be careful and be smart and don't be so trusting that you get led off in a direction that looks promising and one that you believe, just because it is nice and easy to believe in. I feel that we haven't even begun to get to the bottom of what is going on. The worst thing you can do for yourself is to believe something just because it fits nicely with the picture you would like to see happening to this world in the future. I know that it takes great strength and courage to put aside a glowing, positive picture and admit that you really just don't know for sure.

We would all like to believe the wonderful reports of the aliens doing DNA studies on you and raising hybrids so they can somehow save our planet or theirs, but I don't think that is going on at all. I think we aren't seeing clearly.

Anyway, I think you have a good idea of where I'm coming from. I personally watched two people in my support group (two people who had terrible experiences for years and whose lives were thrown upside down by their abductions) walk into the meeting last Wednesday and tell everyone that they had been wrong all this time. That they were now shown that it was all for their own good and that they should care deeply about these "spiritually advanced" beings. Their lives are a wreck, their marriages have ended, their children are a wreck, they are as far from happy and content as anybody can be -- and they say it is a spiritual being their are working with. I say - no way. But we are gullible human beings and we do like to buy what is easy and makes our world view easy to accept. Just think about it .... what would a truly spiritual being be like and what would he do to help a person grow? Not terrorize him, surely. Anyway, I really do want to hear back from anyone who will be kind enough to respond. And I truly apologize if I have hurt anyone's feelings here, that is certainly not my intention. I just don't want us all being sheep, brainwashed by those less-than-honest groups who want to control us. Be discerning and be careful with what you accept as your truth.

Thanks for your time. My warmest regards to you all.

Donna Higbee