Loading lifeboats number 14 and 16. Monday, April 15, 1912 - 1:30 a.m.
Fifth Officer Harold Lowe:
"Numbers 12, 14, and 16 were down about the same time. I told Mr. Moody that three boats had gone away and that an officer ought to go with them. He said: 'You go.' There was difficulty in lowering when I got near the water. I dropped her about five feet because I was not going to take the chance of being dropped down upon by somebody. While I was on the Boat Deck, two men tried to jump into the boat. I chased them out. We filled boats 14 and 16 with women and children. Lightholler was there part of the time. They were all women and children, barring one passenger, and he sneaked in dressed like a woman. He had a shawl over his head. As I was being lowered, I expected every moment that my boat would be doubled up under my feet. I had overcrowded her, but I knew that I had to take a certain amount of risk. I thought if one additional body was to fall into that boat - that slight additional weight might part the hooks, or carry away something. So as we were coming down past the open decks, I saw a lot of people all along the ship's rails. They were glaring more or less like wild beasts, ready to spring. That is why I yelled out to 'look out' and let go, bang! ... right along the ship's side. There was a space I should say of about three feet between the side of the boat and the ship's side, and as I went down I fired these shots without any intention of hurting anybody and with the positive knowledge that I did not hurt anybody. I fired, I think three times"
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