Dark Star
A new high-tech american spy-plane that looks and acts like a flying saucer.
Daylight Disc
See the Hynek Classification System.
The specially trained army for NRO.
Defence Intelligence Agency. In 1961 by Robert McNamara established the DIA. Its task was to co-ordinate all U.S Military Intelligence Services.
Used by governments all over the world to keep the truth about UFOs and other conspiracies secret to the public. They leak information that they know is false, but they also leak some information that is true.
Dodd, Tony
A former police officer, but now he┤s the Director of Research for Quest Internetional. He┤s a very respected researcher of abduction cases.
Doolittle, General
A long time ago he said that we would have to reckon with the aliens.
Doty, Richard
A special AFOSI agent also know under the codename Falcon. The one who led the disinformation against Paul Bennewitz and later employed William Moore to continue the disinformation. He also had the assignment to spy on other ufologists. They made the whole UFO community blush when they came forward on "UFO Cover-Up...Live" in the US. They were claiming that EBE┤s were living in secret at earth and that they loved strawberry ice-cream and Tibetan music.
One of many nicknames for Area-51.
Defence Secretariat 8
Durant Report, The
The Durant Report (aka the Roberston Panel) was a secret group of men who had metings at Pentagon between 14-17th of January 1953 about the UFO disscusion and what they should do about it. They all agreed that all sightings were explainable. But they thought that infiltrating UFO groups and monitor should be done. The members of the Robertson Panel was: Dr H.P Robertson (Chairman) - Speciality was physics and weapons systems. Dr Luis Alvarez - Physics and Radar. Dr Lloyd V. Berkner - Geophysics. Dr Samuel Goudsmit - Atomic structure and statistical problems. Dr Thornton Page - Astronomy and Astrophysics. Dr J Allen Hynek - Astronomy. Frederick C. Durant - Missiles and Rockets.
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