Colin Andrews

Colin Andrews

Lecture: The Skeptics Can't Explain It- The British Government Has Admitted It - The Crop Circle Makers Keep Doing It

After thirteen years of persistant research, Colin Andrews has compiled overwhelming evidence of a real and truly compelling mystery. Evidence from the largest data base in the world has intrigued and convinced scientists that something unique and unexplained is underway.

Colin has met many times through the years with British Government officials who have kept the secrets of the crop circle phenomenon, by casting it into the realm of a natural phenomenon of plant lodging. Recently, Ministry of Defense official Nick Pope has broken rank with an amazing statement of his own personal beliefs regarding crop circles. Colin will discuss his involvement with the British government and Nick Pope's recent statement and upcoming book about crop circles and UFOs. Colin will arrive in Tampa hot off the aircraft from England with the most current summer of '96 developments.

Class: Understanding Crop Circles - Stretch Your Consciousness

Colin Andrews, England's foremost crop circle researcher, author of two best-selling books, Crop Circle Evidence and Crop Circles - The Latest Evidence, and former British engineer and advisor to Margaret Thatcher government, will give a class designed exclusively for the Tampa conference. Colin has spoken on this subject worldwide, recently on International television, the United Nations, Madison Square Garden, and in addresses to government officials in England, Canada, Republic of China, and Helsinki.

The class will be a rare opportunity to interact with the world's leading authority on the subject. He will show how some of the patterns have been deciphered, including recent and never-before astronomical information. Andrews will address his belief that the crop patterns represent an attention focus and are signs of change in our world at a crucial time in evolution. He will set up audience dialogue which will be a real time consciousness stretching experience, inspired by crop patterns.

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