UFO-Phenomena: Quest International 1994 UK UFO Conference

Quest International 1994 UK UFO Conference

James Easton (TEXJE@VAXB.HERIOT-WATT.AC.UK) 29 Sep 1994 writes:

This year's conference was held in the Civic Theatre, Leeds, on Saturday 24 September and there were approximately 570 people in attendance.

The guest speakers were Bob and Cecilia Dean and the full lineup of speakers was as follows:

Graham Birdsall, Editor of UFO Magazine
Cecilia Dean
Tony Dodd
, Director of Investigations, Quest International
Bob Dean
In attempting to produce this report, I realised there were so many questions I wish I could have asked but I dare say that will always be the case when so much information is presented within such a short time.

On the positive side, answers to many questions were obtained and there are clearly significant developments taking place in the search for the evidence of extraterrestrial life.

I have attempted to summarise events, concentrating on those areas which are of particular interest and significance.

This has proved to be difficult, given the extraordinary events which unfolded.

And the conference only gave Roswell a passing mention.

Graham Birdsall

Graham's opening lecture was an interesting and informative synopsis of the current status of research into the many aspects of the "UFO phenomenon".

From Quest International's viewpoint, the recent decision to extend the availability of UFO Magazine by distributing it via the normal magazine channels, in addition to the existing subscriber base, had given rise to an enormous amount of feedback.

Demand for conference tickets was such that it could have been sold out three times over.

He took this opportunity to announce that the distribution of UFO Magazine will shortly be extended to include North America.

He then went on to discuss recently received reports concerning numerous UFO sightings between China and Taiwan and the amount of information which was now emanating from that area.

We will hear more information concerning these reports in due course.

Graham then spoke at length about government secrecy and particularly the excessive secrecy of the British government, which could learn much from some of it's allies.

He mentioned that Quest International had an amiable relationship with Nick Pope, who was the spokesperson for the Ministry of Defence (MoD). It was appreciated, on both sides, that Nick Pope only saw part of the jigsaw and did not have access to any of the more sensitive documents.

Unfortunately Nick has just been replaced, however, Graham hoped the amiable relationship would continue with his successor.

There was also a clear understanding that Quest International would never release any information, from whatever source, which may prejudice National Security.

Carrying on this thread, he then concentrated on a formal reply from the MoD, in response to a request for information concerning the MoD's liaison with it's allies on UFO related matters.

The reply from the MoD categorically denied that any such liaison existed. This was in keeping with previous statements which claimed they did not have any specific interest in the UFO phenomenon, despite the fact that the British government allegedly retains an investigative and reporting structure for this phenomenon; namely:

   AS2 (Air Staff 2)
   DI55 (Defence Intelligence 55)
   OSI (Office of Scientific Intelligence/ RAF Rudloe Manor, Wiltshire)
Graham then discussed a document obtained under the U.S. Freedom of Information Act. This document, which is very heavily censored, is a report of a UFO conference held in Beijing on 11 May 1993, at which the UFO sightings between China and Taiwan were discussed.

He followed this with a slide showing the U.S. intelligence service's distribution list which accompanied the document and pointed out that these lists can be as informative as the documents themselves.

Amongst the normal recipients, such as the various intelligence agencies, intelligence centres at various U.S. Air force bases, etc., there was one other recipient of this U.S. intelligence report.

The Ministry of Defence, United Kingdom.

Cecilia Dean

Cecilia Dean would appear to be a qualified crisis counsellor who has worked with victims of traumatic accidents and abuse cases, etc. for many years. Her brief talk was concerned exclusively with this subject and concentrated on her more recent work with people who believed they may have had an abduction experience.

Tony Dodd

It was strange to think that within the assembled audience, very few people knew of two sensational claims which Tony had revealed earlier this year.

These claims demand that as much information as possible is provided at this point and I can only now post details of how this information was released.

Some time ago, I agreed that I would only distribute this information selectively and in doing so I would not reveal the original source. Whilst the need for such caution has now been overtaken by events, I see no point in re-editing the following files and have posted them as distributed at that time:

Subj: UFO Crash In The UK!
Date: 04-27-94 13:52

A user on ****************** attended the meeting below and the enclosed comments are his. I would welcome any information relating to this incident to be forwarded to me.

Quest Quarterly Meeting: Centenary Hall, Leeds: 24/4/94

Former police sergeant Anthony Dodd, currently 'Director of Investigation And Research' for leading UK UFO Research group 'Quest' made an astounding announcement to over 50 UFO enthusiasts/Researchers this afternoon.

According to Tony, eye witness accounts are coming in that a UFO crash landed in this country during the month of November 1993.

What's more, over the last five months a security operation, presumably headed by the MoD, has been underway to secure the area involving armed troops and an enforced exclusion zone around the crash site.

The object created an impact trench 3ft deep, 110ft wide and over 1 mile long, according to Tony's sources. The object itself is reported to be of the "cigar' shaped variety, with a large obtrusion at one end.

In an attempt to hide the object from view (apparently it's far too big to move), officials controlling the site have covered the main bulk of the object with earth using bulldozers and are in the process of constructing a hanger over the obtrusion which is believed to be the entrance point of the object. Tony Dodd described the shape of the object as being "like an old wood golf club."

At least two eye witnesses are said to have seen the object actually come down, one of which, added Tony, has since suffered a serious nervous breakdown. Some reports describe seeing entities fleeing the scene following the crash. Strange mutilation of livestock is being reported in the area by farmers. Tony told us that local wildlife has been disrupted to an alarming degree. Attempts by various local contacts have failed to photograph the site. Such attempts have been met with belligerent armed troops and serious warnings to stay away from the area.

So where exactly is all this suppose to be taking place? Tony wasn't prepared to reveal the exact location to an eager and anxious audience already fumbling for their car keys. "It's north of Birmingham" was all Tony would say. From the briefing we know it is a remote rural area, possibly National Trust owned. The object came down in a forest area next to adjoining farm land. Unofficial sources close to the Quest team tell me that the crash site lies somewhere in the county of Cleveland, in the north-east of England, although at present this is impossible to confirm.

Tony also exhibited a series of colour slides depicting gold cups and saucers and told us the following story.

Apparently a couple attended a bring and buy market (Tony declined to tell us where) and bought the items from a strange oriental looking gentleman for 5 (why is it all I ever find is broken Commodore 64's and Little Jimmy Osmond tapes!). The couple told Tony that they felt compelled to buy them even though they weren't particularly attractive. After enquiring where the objects originally came from the oriental gentleman told them, "You wouldn't believe me if I told you."

The couple, we are told, took the cups and saucers home and threw them in a box in the garage forgetting all about them for five years. Then, whilst clearing the garage of rubbish they came across the cups and saucers again and gave them to their child to play with in order to quiet the child's tantrums. After a while they noticed that not only was the child calm, he was also giggling into the cups crying "funny man!".

On closer examination, they found that when the cups are rotated in bright light, they display, according to Tony Dodd, moving holographic images depicting the history of the human race!

What's more on closer inspection, images of figures, faces and silhouettes can be seen "in their thousands". Apparently these objects are currently being kept in a bank vault and the science departments of various universities have already had the opportunity to examine the objects and are baffled (although once more, Tony declined to reveal exactly who had examined them and at which universities). Tony also told us that he himself has examined these objects first hand and seen this phenomena for himself. Sadly, we were not given the same opportunity, having to rely instead on rather poor, static slides.

After the meeting a couple of us pressed Graham Birdsall, editor of the Quest magazine 'UFO' to tell us the exact location of the alleged crash site but to no avail. It seems that rightly or wrongly, Quest intend to keep the crash site details to themselves, at least for the time being. In fact Graham professed a surprise that Tony even put it on the agenda. I already knew about the development from a source close to Quest, had Tony not added the briefing to the agenda, I would have brought it up anyway because I believe that, if this report is true, everyone there, everyone with an interest in the subject, indeed everyone in the country, should know about it NOW, not a year, or five years, or thirty five years from now when it perhaps enters the realm of myth, like Roswell. In the meantime I find myself asking, "What's the difference between a government agency that hides information for the good of the public, and a research group that hides information for the good of the subject?" You tell me.


All the best.

Date: 12-08-94 (15:35)
Subj: UK UFO Crash Update

Hello All,

I have some new information about the alleged UFO Crash in the north of England. As you will probably appreciated, I cannot, for obvious reasons state where the following information has come from. I can however say, that it has come from a reliable source. Anyway, on with the update.

It turns out that a weekend newspaper and possibly a TV station knocked on the door of an informant of Tony Dodd's and as a result the informant decided not to release more information to do with the incident. It also turns out that other ufologists other than Tony Dodd found out the details of one of the witnesses and referred the newspapers and TV to them. The media turned up on the doorstep of this witness and started quizzing him/her. The witness was obviously upset about the whole thing and upset with Tony for not sticking to his word about the confidential information given to him, even though it was not down to Tony.

You may be asking why the press didn't take it further... well, they needed some information or more importantly some evidence, but due to information channels closing and other reasons set out below, nothing was released and so they lost interest.

Tony has said that one of the main reasons why he has not released the location of the incident was because of the chaos that would be caused with everyone trying to travel to the site, and indeed the poor witnesses who are frightened to death over what they saw and where they saw it!

It was initially reported that the crash occurred on National Trust Land... it now turns out that it actually happened on MoD land, and the witnesses should not have been in the vicinity in the first place, so as you can imagine some people in the MoD were not very happy.

The witnesses were supposedly Animal Liberation Front members and were on the MoD land in conjunction with their work. One witness has disappeared completely and the other was chased all around the country and eventually caught and was taken to the south of England somewhere and then eventually found in France minus his/her memory. The witness was put under hypnosis, but it took 4 sessions to get information on what had happened.

Supposedly the object has been broken up and moved. Parts of the craft were mailed to Tony, along with other things... none of which turned up. The informant has had his house searched by a team of men who used the Official Secrets Act to search his property. The media has been served with a 'D' notice, which prevents them from publishing material or hinting at anything to do with the case... again, under the Official Secrets Act.

If I manage to find any more information.. I will pass it on.

I attended the conference with the person who was present during the aforementioned meeting in April and who had initially posted this information. Obviously, we expected these cases to be the focal point of the conference and specifically Tony's lecture.

They were not.

The cups and saucers were not even mentioned.

No matter, there were other avenues available to extract some information.

More on this later.

The focal point of Tony's address was new developments concerning incidents off the east coast of Britain during the early 1970's and the relationship between these incidents, the infamous death of Thomas Mantell and recent, intense, military activity off the coast of Iceland and Norway.

There is too much detail in these cases to document at the moment, however, I will attempt to do so when time permits.

Tony then confirmed that he had recently been contacted by two of the pilots who were involved with the recent UFO sightings over Belgium. He had lunch with them and they openly discussed their involvement with the "triangular" shaped UFO's. Apparently, they were F-16 pilots and had been instructed to pursue and attempt to identify the strange craft. They were not to engage the craft unless under direct threat.

Each time they came close enough to lock their radar/targeting systems on to the craft, as soon as they did so, it would instantly move upwards at a phenomenal speed.

This happened on several occasions.

The pilots were in no doubt that their every move was being monitored by the occupant(s) of the craft.

A video was then shown of a woman who was undergoing hypnotic regression in respect of an alleged abduction.

The case was unfamiliar but her comments weren't. The woman was clearly distressed and in pain as she recalled the standard insertion of a tube in her navel and the extraction of fluid. She was constantly comforted and supervised by the hypnotherapist. When asked to describe the beings carrying out this operation she gave the standard description of the grays (greys) and commented several times on how "cold" their eyes were and how the beings were so insensitive and devoid of compassion and feeling.

She was by now recalling considerable pain and was pleading for the examination to stop. At this point she described the sudden appearance of an "extremely beautiful man" with blonde hair and blue eyes, i.e., what has come to be known as a "nordic". Again, many of you will recognise the consistency of this account in relation to other abduction cases. The man placed his hands above her head, then above her body and as he did so she was no longer distressed or in pain.

She repeatedly commented on how loving and caring this person was and how different he was from the other beings.

It was an extremely interesting short film.

Tony then advised the conference of a plethora of animal mutilations which had recently occurred in the area surrounding the site of a suspected UFO crash in 1993.

The area was publicly identified as Fylingdales, in North Yorkshire.

The area is home to RAF Fylingdales, where the infamous landmark of the "golf balls" early warning radar system has been replaced by a U.S. ballistic missile tracking system, known as Pave Paws.

The mutilations involved many different types of animals and in particular sheep.

These had apparently become so prevalent that the local agricultural community had organised armed groups to watch over certain areas where the mutilations were most common.

He claimed that in one instance, during an overnight surveillance operation, sophisticated sensors had been deployed in a perimeter surrounding a field. Although no intruders were detected by either the sensors or those present, mutilated animals were discovered in the field the following morning.

We were then shown some slides of a large number of mutilated sheep in a yard and Tony stated that the sheep were commonly found with a hole in their heads, through which the entire brain and spinal cord had been extracted.

Autopsies had been performed by a vetinary Professor and these allegedly indicated that the carcasses were radioactive and that the animals DNA had been altered by some unknown means.

More on this later.

These cases had been reported in the local press and this allows some means of verifying these claims. I'll be doing just that.

The original autopsy report and materials from the crash wreckage were allegedly confiscated during a raid by several members of the security services.

As for the two girls who had witnessed the crash...more on this later also.

Tony was rapidly running out of the allocated time and there were so many questions which still demanded answers.

Fortunately opportunities to obtain some of these answers would shortly present themselves.

Bob Dean

Bob Dean's lecture was, as ever, articulate and entertaining. The contents of the lecture will be familiar to many subscribers and commenced with the history of the "Cosmic Top Secret" report, which he allegedly had access to during his time in the operations room at Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers, Europe (SHAPE). This was followed by his vision of a "new age".

The alleged "Cosmic Top Secret" report is by now a well documented claim, however, for those who may not have come upon it previously, I will detail some of the background.

During the 1960's, the Supreme Headquarters Operations Centre (SHOC) was essentially the NATO war room. There were continuous problems with radar and pilot sightings of large, metallic, circular objects. These would appear on radar as they came from the direction of the Soviet Union and flew over East Germany, West Germany and France and would often circle over the English channel before heading north and disappearing from NATO radar over the Norwegian Sea.

These objects were large, extremely fast, would fly at altitudes beyond known technology and would often do so in formation.

In February 1961, a sighting of some 50 of these objects had allegedly almost started World War III.

Following this, the then Deputy Supreme Allied Commander of Europe, Sir Thomas Pike, initiated a study to determine the nature of these objects and whether they posed a military threat.

Some 3 years later, the report was published and concluded that the planet and the human race had been the subject of a massive and detailed survey by several different extraterrestrial civilisations, of which 4 had been identified, namely:

  1. A race which was almost indistinguishable from the human race.

  2. A race which resembled humans in height, stature and structure but with a grey (gray) skin tone.

  3. A race now commonly known as the "greys" ("grays"), i.e., the 3-4 foot insect type creatures with large, oval shaped heads and large, black, almond shaped eyes.

  4. A reptilian lifeform with vertical pupils and "scaly" skin.
There were several other major conclusions and numerous appendices.

One of the alleged appendices was entitled "autopsies" and contained photographs of a 30 metre disc that had crashed in Timmensdorfer, Germany in 1961. According to the report, the British Army were first on the scene and placed a security cordon around the area. The craft had landed in soft soil, near the Russian border and had not destructed. Inside, there were 12 dead alien bodies, which resembled the "greys". There were photographs of the bodies being laid out, put on stretchers and loaded in to jeeps.

Additionally, there were photographs from autopsies and it was concluded that these lifeforms were clones, with no reproductive capabilites, no alimentary tract, that they did not ingest or process food as we know it and did not appear to have any system for elimination of waste products

In his lecture, Bob Dean did not add much to the information already in the public domain.

He did however have some interesting slides, allegedly taken by the Belgian police, of the "triangular" UFOs recently reported over that country.

I believe I have seen some of these slides before and their authenticity has been verified.

They are extremely interesting, showing what appears to be a large craft with a white/yellow light at each corner and a central red light. It was this central red light which witnesses allegedly reported as separating from the craft.

The most interesting of these slides was an alleged computer enhanced image of one of the original slides. It was certainly consistent with the original slide and clearly determined that the craft was not triangular but shaped as follows:

              /  \
             /    \
            /  O   \
           /        \
          /          \
         /     O      \
        /              \
       /                \
      /  O            O  \
The enhanced image did not disclose any obvious appendages, the edges being perfectly straight.

Further Information

Following the conference, there was a question and answer session in a smaller hall within the building.

More important information emerged at this point.

Additionally there was a workshop being held the following day by Bob and Cecilia Dean and I attended this with the sole aim of obtaining answers to some fundamental questions.

Tony Dodd attended this workshop and later in the day invited anyone who wished to discuss specific topics with him to meet in an adjoining room.

I was first in the queue and amazingly there were only a handful of people who took advantage of this opportunity, the majority staying on to listen to a further talk by Bob Dean.

The following information was obtained during those sessions, mainly during the workshop discussions.

Cups and Saucers

I firstly asked Tony why he should choose to announce such a fundamental discovery in the International UFO Library, rather than hold a press conference or similar.

He explained that the artifacts were not his and that they would be the subject of a forthcoming TV program. The article referred to was simply to make their existence known to a target audience.

More details on the TV program later.

I then obtained the remarkable story of the artifacts in detail.

The artifacts are owned by 2 "young lads" from Liverpool (I suspect only one of them actually owns the artifacts) who purchased them from a stall in a local market. The purchaser(s) had no specific interest in UFOs or related matters.

I clarified that there are 4 cups and 4 saucers, each of which has the same properties. They are golden and of a conventional shape and size.

Subsequent details agree with the BBS posting.

I asked Tony how he had come to hear of the artifacts and he replied that the received an anonymous telephone call in which he was advised that if he wanted some answers he should telephone a certain number. He did so and spoke to the person who had purchased the artifacts. On hearing of their amazing properties, he asked to see them and was invited to do so.

He said that he has seen the cups and saucers at first hand, has witnessed the holograms which appear when light is shone on them and it was the most incredible thing he has ever seen.

They seem to contain the entire history of the human race in moving, holographic images.

Additional information revealed that on realising their incredible properties the owner(s) contacted the producers of a certain television program. It is a new series, which I had heard about, and would be an obvious choice for someone who had no real idea who to contact.

Tony is still in touch with the owner(s) and has been advised that when the studio lights were shone on one of the artifacts it projected a moving image of the pyramids being built.

Other extraordinary claims include images of extraterrestrial lifeforms, the grays (greys), as they are commonly known.

Also, when a light was shone on a plate, at an angle which projects the image onto a wall, the image continued on the wall for some 2 days afterwards. When one of the artifacts was taken outdoors in bright sunlight, 2 images of ancient kings appeared. In the bright sunlight, the images grew to a height of approximately 6 feet.

It seems that the more powerful the light source, the larger the image.

The artifacts are kept in a vault and only travel under secure conditions.

They have supposedly been examined by scientists and one of the plates has been cut in an attempt to understand the technology therein. Tony wasn't sure where they had been examined but thought it was one of the London museums, possibly the Natural History Museum.

If you examine the plates under a magnifying glass you can see thousands of minute images.

They have allegedly been dated as being approximately 5000 years old and contain what appears to be Hebrew writing.

Sotheby's, the auctioneers, have been contacted and have examined the artifacts.

Tony said he was not keen to handle the artifacts again as he had been seriously ill for 2 weeks after he had touched them. It may have been a co- incidence, however, he understandably did not wish to take such a risk.

When the artifacts are left out for some time, black spots begin to appear on the windows of the room they are in.

Tony then produced 2 photographs of a cup displaying holograms. Somehow, I just knew I wasn't about to see the most remarkable thing I could imagine.

And I was right.

The photographs were slightly out of focus, consistent with the photographer (I wish I had asked who it was) having focused too close with a non macro lens. You could certainly see what appeared to be a light emanating from the artifact, however the image was unclear. A huge, but not unexpected, disappointment.

Further Developments

It was imperative to investigate these remarkable claims further and I traced the television station who were allegedly broadcasting the program on the artifacts.

I established the name and telephone number of the production company who were producing the series and having explained that I was simply attempting to verify information already in the public domain, I received a return phone call from the program's producer.

I agreed to the producer's request for anonymity and I must also therefore, at present, make no reference to the name of the production company.

The producer confirmed that the artifacts were indeed to be the subject of a program in the series.

Understandably, the producer was reticent and was concerned I may be connected with a rival production company. The producer believes that the production company has a "scoop" and obviously had no intention of jeopardising this.

Having explained the background to my investigation and being able to provide some information which the producer was unaware of, I then obtained some further insight into the nature of the artifacts.

The producer is a very sceptical person and was not entirely convinced of the nature of the artifacts. However, the producer confirmed that when a light is shone on the artifacts, they do produce what appear to be holographic images. The quality of the images is variable and some people seem to see more in them than others. The surface which generates the apparent holograms appears to consist of thousands of minute images and the production company was attempting to use cameras with a much higher resolution, to improve the broadcast quality of the projections.

I asked if the producer would confirm that the artifacts could display images onto a wall and whilst the producer was reluctant to discuss this aspect and suggested that I wait until the program was broadcast, it was implied that this may be the case. It certainly was not denied.

A further claim which was not denied was the report of the television crew witnessing images showing the pyramids being built. The producer would only comment that some people believed they had seen certain things.

No doubt all will be revealed in due course but the important point was being able to establish that these artifacts do exist, whatever they may turn out to be.

I mentioned Tony Dodd's concern that handling these artifacts had preceded a serious illness. I was advised that neither the producer nor any of the production company staff has suffered any noticable ill effects.

As the exact date of the program featuring the artifacts has not yet been determined, I will post details of the exact date and time when this is known. It should be during October. If the program is scheduled to be broadcast outwith the U.K., I will also let you know.

Animal Mutilations

Referring to the incidents within the Fylingdales area, I asked if a duplicate autopsy report had been obtained.

Tony exclaimed that when they attempted to do so, the Professor was unwilling to speak, let alone provide a duplicate report.

It was obvious and perhaps not surprising that he had been given a clear warning not to have any further involvement with Quest International.

I asked Tony if he could confirm the name of the institution which carried out the autopsy, although I suspected that he would not reveal this.

He thought about this for a moment, as if realising that given Quest's condemnation of excessive government secrecy, it may be hypocritical not to provide this information.

He then disclosed the name of the University at which the Professor was based.

I can not at this point reveal the name of the University as I wish to make discrete inquiries.

All I can say is that it is a University in England.

On the subject of cattle mutilations, I have now heard of some new cases in the U.S. I discussed this phenomenon with Tony Dodd and it was quite chilling to hear him say, "you don't know the half of it". He said that he knew much more than he was prepared to divulge and that he was very concerned about alarming people on this subject.

I presume this concern extends to the human mutilations he mentioned but refused to expand upon. One phrase I will remember from this discussion is "a predatory alien species".

1993 UK UFO Crash

One of the alleged witness who "disappeared" after the crash is apparently still missing.

The other girl, who was found in France suffering from apparent amnesia, is still recovering from her experience.

From what has been established, it seems the girls witnessed a cigar shaped UFO and, if I recall correctly, three smaller UFO's descend. The smaller objects surrounded the larger craft which apparently was in some difficulty and eventually crashed. The smaller crafts then left the scene.

I will post whatever additional information comes to light.

The Kalahari Crash

Tony remains convinced that this case is genuine.

He is still in contact with various individuals connected with the case, but feels that there may be no more he can now do.

I spoke to him privately concerning the document which appeared at the end of the UFO Magazine special issue on the alleged UFO crash. The document in question purports to be from the U.S. Department of Defense and the distribution list includes the following:

DIA WASH DC                   Defense Intelligence Agency, Washington
PLPOYDIV CIA WASH DC          (Policy Division?) CIA, Washington
OSI WPAFB OHIO                Office of Scientific Intelligence,
                              Wright-Patterson Air Force Base
INLOGCEN WP/FTD OHIO          ? at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base
FT BELVOIR VA                 Fort Belvoir, Virginia ?
CINCSTRIKE MACDILL AFB FL     ? at MacDill Air Force Base, Florida ?
NSA Q45-0                     National Security Agency

CINCSTRIKE FOR JCS            ? for Joint Chiefs of Staff ?

Tony confirmed that as far as he was concerned the memo was 100% genuine and he received a copy of this and several other documents from "sources" within the OSI at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base.

I was always curious why, if the document had been obtained covertly, some of it had been censored . Tony answered this question and all I can say is that it was essentially to protect certain identities. This is consistent with what has been censored.

This memo, if genuine, is quite fundamental.

The full text is as follows and the "#" symbol indicates an area which has been blacked out.

   DE RUSOHFA  300  2050520
   ZHY SSS55
   P ######Z JUL 89
   FM ################
   T O P S E C R E T                    DOD 0215 JUL 89 1278TH
   BELIEVED TO BE WEAPONS. ONE ####################################### FUNCTION
           D. ############# THEN PROBLEM MANKIND IS FACING IS NOT
   T O P S E C R E T
   BUJ   YY
The references to NAVINTELL presumably refer to Navy Intelligence.

Tony Dodd disclosed some further information he had received in relation to the content of this memo and what the documents translated allegedly revealed.

Unfortunately, he did so on the understanding this was confidential. In any event, it would be almost impossible to verify his claims and you wouldn't sleep any easier if I told you.

And that's about it.

Any further information concerning any of the above points would obviously be welcome.

Some fundamental claims are contained in the above report and it is up to each individual to form their own conclusions.

Before dismissing any of these remarkable claims, we should perhaps reflect that it was possible to quickly verify one of them, and it was not without foundation.

Cheers, James.

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