From CNI on a new book due out in July '97...........................
NEW BOOK CLAIMS TO BLOW LID ON ROSWELLIf rumors are true, a high-level military figure is about to tell all he knows about the famed 1947 Roswell incident, and that could be a lot. Colonel Philip J. Corso reportedly served on President Eisenhower's National Security Council and also headed the Foreign Technology Desk at the U.S. Army's Research and Development Department. Corso's book, "The Day After Roswell," (co-written with William J. Birnes) will be published in July by Pocket Books, a division of Simon and Schuster. According to an announcement from the publisher:
"Since 1947, the mysterious crash of an unidentified aircraft in Roswell, New Mexico, has fueled a firestorm of speculation and controversy about whether the craft actually was of another world. No solid evidence has existed to prove the alien theory... until now. Colonel Philip J. Corso (ret.) has come forward to tell the whole explosive story.
"Backed by newly declassified documents, Colonel Corso (ret.) reveals his personal stewardship of alien artifacts from the crash, how these items changed the course of twentieth century history, and the U.S. government's astonishing role in covering up the incident. Laying bare some of the government's most closely guarded secrets, "The Day After Roswell" forces us to reconsider our past, as well as our role in the universe."Colonel Philip Corso was a key Army intelligence officer on President Eisenhower's White House staff. During his 21-year military career, Corso was honored with 19 medals, decorations and ribbons for meritorious service. He was retired from the Army in 1965.
"To help celebrate Roswell's fiftieth anniversary, {the Publisher] will kick off the book's publication with an event at the site of the crash. Corso will walk the media through the crash site while providing never-before-heard documentation surrounding extraterrestrial artifacts and government cover-ups."
CNI News comments: There have been many Roswell "insiders" over the years whose testimony did not live up to expectations, or could not be authenticated. Will Corso be different? We hope so, but we're not holding our breath (yet). His publicist says he will not do any interviews until publication time, but various claims about his background can and will be checked. We are very curious to find out WHICH crash site Col. Corso will identify as THE crash site, since there are, at last count, no fewer than five contenders. But if Corso actually claims "personal stewardship of alien artifacts from the crash," he may prove to be the most impressive Roswell witness yet.
Bob Shell on the new book and Corso.....................................
Date: 15 Jan 97 09:14:55 EST
From: BOB SHELL <76750.2717@CompuServe.COM>
To: Errol Bruce-Knapp
Subject: Corso
Errol,You probably already have these documents, but just in case no one sent them to you I am forwarding them. The first one speaks eloquently as to exactly who Corso is, the second is "interesting"
File Number One>>>>>
National Security Committee - Military Personnel Subcommittee STATEMENT of - COLONEL {ret.} PHILLIP CORSO
Hearing on POW/MIA Accountability - House Subcommittee on
Military Personnel - September 17, 1996
* During the Korean War, I was Head of the Special Projects Branch/Intelligence Division/Far East Command. General Douglas MacArthur was in command. I stayed and served in the same position under General Ridgwar and General Clark. My duties included the production of Intelligence on political (counter-insurgency), and subversive activities by the enemy in both North and South Korea. Within this framework I was responsible for intelligence and communist activities (North Korea, Chinese and Soviet) within our prisoner of war camps in South Korea and the enemy camps in North Korea. In 1953, I was a staff member of the truce delegation at Panmunjom and participated in the discussion for the exchange of sick and wounded prisoners. I was on the ground and met and talked with our returning sick and wounded.During the course of my duties, I discovered that the entire operation on the treatment and handling of our prisoners of war was supervised, masterminded and controlled by the Soviet Union, as was the entire operation of the war and hostilities in Korea. I wrote a study on how this control extended into our POW camps holding North Koreans and Chinese in South Korea, nominally in our control. I titled the study, "WAR IN THE POW CAMPS." Soviet policy, conveyed to their allies, was that a soldier taken prisoner is still at war and a combatant. They trained soldiers to be taken as prisoner and then agitate in the camps to keep the POWs in our custory under their control.
The brainwashing and atrocities against American prisoners were conscious acts of Soviet policy. Not only was it used on our prisoners, but on their own people and others under their control. The basis for their action was the Pavlovian theory of conditioned reflexes.
I had information on medical experiments (Nazi style) on our prisoners. The most devilish and cunning was the techniques of mind altering (Pavlov). It was just as deadly as brain surgery and many U.S. POWs died under such treatment. This was told to me by our own returning POWs. Many POWs willed themselves to death.My findings revealed that the Soviets taught their allies, the Chinese Communists and North Koreans, a detailed scientific process aimed at molding prisoners of war into forms in which they could be exploited. Returned prisoners who underwent the experience reported the experts assigned to mold them were highly trained, efficient and well educated. They were specialists in applying a deadly psychological treatment which often ended in physical torment. The Soviet approach was a deliberate act of their overall policy which actively rejects, subverts and destroys decent standards of conduct and the whole structure of human values.
Upon my return to the United States, I was assigned to the Operations Coordinating Board (OCB) of the White House, National Security Council, and handled virtually all projects to U.S. prisoners of war. Here I found out that U.S. policy forbade that we win in Korea. The policy amounted to an actual paralysis and diversion of activity to force the return of our prisoners in enemy hands, including those in the Soviet Union.
Years later, I discussed this situation with Attorney General Robert Kennedy in his office and he agreed with me. This "NO WIN" policy is contained in policy directives NSC-68, NSC-68/2 and NSC-135/3. The basis for this policy was in directives ORE-750, NIE 2, 2/1, 2/2, 10 and 11. We called this the "FIG LEAF POLICY."Note: Recently, the CIA in news releases admitted their NIE (National Intelligence Estimates) were wrong or not accurate.
In the past I have tried to tell Congress the fact that in 1953, 500 sick and wounded American prisoners were within ten miles of the prisoner exchange point at Panmunjom but were never exchanged. (Subsequent information indicated that they all died afterwards.)
Although I prepared a statement that was made at the Panmunjom delegation table, I was not asked even one question regarding this event.
During my tour of duty as the chief of the Special Projects Section of the Intelligence Division of the Far East Command, I received numerous reports that American POWs has been sent to the Soviet Union. These reports were from many sources: Chinese and North Korean POWs, agent reports, Nationalist Chinese reports, our guerrillas, NSA intercepts, defectors and from our own returning POWs.My intelligence centered around three train loads of 450 POWs each. Two of these trainloads were confirmed over and over, the third was ot as certain. Therefore, the final figure was, "confirmed 900, and 1,200 possibly. " These were the figures that I discovered with President Eisenhower while I was a member of his NSC.
The bulk of the sightings were at Manchu-Ii, on the border of Manchuria and the USSR. Here the rail gauge changed and the U.S. POWs had to be transferred across a platform to a waiting train going into the Soviet Union.
These POWs were to be exploited for intelligence purposes and subsequently eliminated. The methods of exploitation were not only practiced on our POWs, but all others falling into COMMUNIST hands.
To the skeptics and debunkers, I have only this to say: By some flashback in time, I wish you could be present with me at the prisoner exchanges in Korea in 1953 and look into the faces of those sick and wounded prisoners --- Americans and allied soldiers --- as they came across in the exchange. If you had witnessed their sacrifices and what they had suffered by COMMUNIST hands, you would not be a critic or skeptic today.
I will close with this final remembrance. At Panmunjom, as a wounded Turkish soldier was exchanged, he peeled off the Chinese padded clothing and flung them at the nearest COMMUNIST guard. I asked the Turkish Captain standing with me, "What did he say?" He answered, "Till we meet again."
File Number Two
CIA Unveils New Plan to Open Up Secrets
Thursday January 2 11:33 PM EST
WASHINGTON (Reuter) - The Central Intelligence Agency said Thursday it had begun a declassification review of two vast bodies of documents that could shed new light on the Cold War and may open up many secrets.The reviews involve all records that flowed in and out of the office of the director of central intelligence for the past 50 years, as well as all CIA studies on the former Soviet Union from the spy agency's inception in 1947.
The twin initiatives were being carried out by the CIA's Center for the Study of Intelligence, a kind of in-house think tank, at the urging of the director of central intelligence's historical review panel of outside historians, CIA spokesman David Christian said.
The CIA declined to cite a target for making public the eligible parts of this material, but said its long-delayed release of files from another major declassification project -- involving 11 key Cold War covert actions -- would begin in a matter of weeks, "subject to final review by senior officials."
The first of the declassified covert actions would concern the 1954 coup that overthrew Jacobo Arbenz Guzman, the elected president of Guatemala, Christian said. He said these documents were "on the verge of release."He said that could be followed within weeks by release of records on the failed 1961 Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba. Next up would be files on the 1953 coup that installed the late Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi in Iran, Christian said.
But alluding to chronic problems in meeting its own timetable for making such material public, the CIA spokesman declined to name a target for release of the Iran records or any of the other Cold War covert actions.
Christian said the CIA's plans to declassify its covert actions, first promised in 1992 by then-CIA Director Robert Gates, had been set back two years by the 1992 John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Law under which the CIA made public more than 200,000 pages of records.
The declassification review of the files of the 17 men who have served as the nation's top spymaster would stretch back to 1946, when the office of director of central intelligence was created to manage the transition from the wartime Office of Strategic Services to the CIA.Although not all reviewed material would necessarily be made public because of the need to protect intelligence sources and methods, the review would involve things like telephone logs, appointment books, memos written by the directors, and memos that they received, Christian said.
"This could be very interesting," he added.
The CIA studies on the former Soviet Union that are under declassification review are distinct from "national intelligence estimates" on the same subject, which are the work of the entire intelligence community. More than 450 of these have already been released in recent years.Among the other Cold War actions due for declassification review are activities in support of democracy in France and Italy in the 1940s and 1950s, insurgencies in Indonesia and Tibet in the 1950s and 1960s, secret operations against North Korea during the Korean War and against Communist forces in Laos during the Vietnam War.
John Lewis Gaddis, a leading Cold War historian who is a former member of the historical review panel, said he would not be satisfied with the CIA's declassification effort until he saw what they actually turned over to the National Archives, the independent agency that catalogues government documents.
"The proof is going to be in the pudding," he said in a telephone interview from Ohio University in Athens, Ohio. "The real issue is when are actual documents going to show up at the National Archives, as opposed to the CIA's own highly selective publications of historical materials ... What a historian wants is to see the archives."<<<<<<<
Sorry for not having a > in front of every line, but the only way I can do that with my software is to manually insert each one, and I just don't have the time.
From CNI News, more on Corso
( CNI is an excellent group. Look them up on the WWW and subscribe)
A Key Witness Takes a Hit, But New Witness Speaks Out
The alleged UFO crash at Roswell is certainly the most-scrutinized UFO case in history. But scrutiny has not brought clarity. While no one doubts anymore that something secret crashed in the Roswell vicinity at aboutthe reported time -- summer 1947 -- what it was remains in dispute. The U.S. Air Force finally changed their unacceptable "weather balloon" story to a somewhat more plausible "top secret balloon called Project Mogul" story in September, 1994. That story, however, fails to account for claims of exotic metallic wreckage and a second crash site, and fails especially to account for alleged bodies.
The claim of bodies, though attested by several witnesses, hinges on the testimony of Roswell mortician Glenn Dennis. Despite many holes and contradictions in the accrued Roswell evidence, researchers have been nearly unanimous in proclaiming Dennis a reliable witness. But one of those researchers seems to have changed his mind.
In April of 1994, researcher Karl Pflock published a controversial report titled "Roswell in Perspective." This was the first publication to persuasively argue for Project Mogul as the likely source of wreckage at the Brazel ranch. In his report, however, Pflock also said he could not rule out the possibility of some other strange event, perhaps happening concurrently with the crash of a Mogul balloon, perhaps involving another crash site with wreckage and bodies. His main reason for this lingering doubt, he said, was the testimony of Glenn Dennis.Now, some three years later, Karl Pflock seems ready to explain away this crucial testimony, and with it any likelihood (at least in his mind) of a real "UFO" at Roswell. In early January, 1997, Pflock sent a letter to Glenn Dennis explaining his new position and cc'd it to a number of researchers. CNI News has obtained permission to reprint this memo in full below.
However, CNI News has also learned of another alleged witness, Colonel Philip J. Corso (ret.) who will publish a book titled "The Day After Roswell" later this year. If Corso's story is true, the Roswell UFO crash case will have found perhaps its strongest testimony yet. Details follow the Pflock memo.
Will 1997 see the demise of Roswell, or its final vindication? Or will the case remain in limbo, as it's been for years? Time will tell. Stay tuned.
Note from Dave: -- The Pflock memo to Glen Dennis attempts to convince him that his recollections are in part caused by suggestive and leading questions posed to him by well known Roswell researcher Stan Friedman nearly 10 years ago. It's a long memo so I included below enough to give you the idea. Following that is Stan's reply. My money is on Stan.
"So what do I think is the truth? When you were approached by Stan Friedman in 1989 in his usual fashion, with leading questions and set-up lines ('I'm investigating the 1947 crash of a flying saucer and the discovery of the bodies of its crew, and I've been told you were involved.' Etc.) and his advance 'packet of information' about himself and what supposedly happened near Roswell (which we know from your interview with Friedman you read before the interview), I believe you got to thinking: 'Hmm. You know, there was that time I got into trouble at the base hospital, that time my friend who was a nurse there got so shook up... I wonder if it had anything to do with that?' Then you quite honestly told this to Friedman and, realizing you had nothing to back up the story, you decided to mention both 'the pediatrician' and the nurse, giving a false name for the latter (Naomi Self -- one "f" at the time of the interview with Friedman) because you and she had been a bit more than friends and you were married at the time. Why? Because if she were still alive, you wanted to protect her from scandal. [Note to colleagues: It is entirely possible the nurse is 100% fiction, but having gotten to know Glenn as well as I do, I think the above scenario to be much more likely."CNI News contacted Stanton Friedman for comment on Pflock's suggestion that Friedman may have tainted Dennis's testimony. Friedman flatly denied the charge, terming Pflock's whole memo "an imaginative scenario." Prior to meeting Glenn Dennis for the first time in August of 1989, Friedman says, "I did send him my c.v., my paper 'Flying Saucers and Physics,' probably my paper 'The Cosmic Watergate,' but none of this was about Roswell. I was just trying to establish my credibility." Glenn Dennis had never spoken to any UFO researcher before and was understandably concerned about getting his story properly told. This was also the same week that "Unsolved Mysteries" arrived in Roswell to film their now famous segment on the UFO crash, including an interview with Dennis.
"I believe he [Dennis] is telling the truth," Friedman insists. "I believe he's changed some information as he's given dozens of interviews. You refer back 40 or 50 years, the first memories are incomplete. You go back again, you get more details. Was he lying the first time? No."
Meanwhile, a new name has entered the Roswell story. Colonel Philip J. Corso (ret.) is about to publish a book that, if rumors prove true, could blow the lid on Roswell once and for all. Corso reportedly served on President Eisenhower's National Security Council and also headed the Foreign Technology Desk at the U.S. Army's Research and Development Department. And he claims to have personal knowledge of alien artifacts recovered at Roswell.Corso's book, "The Day After Roswell," (co-written with William J. Birnes) will be published in July by Pocket Books, a division of Simon and Schuster. According to an announcement from the publisher:
"This landmark expose puts the controversy about the famous crash of an unidentified aircraft to rest with conclusive proof about its extraterrestrial origin."
The promotional text continues:
"Since 1947, the mysterious crash of an unidentified aircraft in Roswell, New Mexico, has fueled a firestorm of speculation and controversy about whether the craft actually was of another world. No solid evidence has existed to prove the alien theory... until now. Colonel Philip J. Corso (ret.) has come forward to tell the whole explosive story."Backed by newly declassified documents, Colonel Corso (ret.) reveals his personal stewardship of alien artifacts from the crash, how these items changed the course of twentieth century history, and the U.S. government's astonishing role in covering up the incident. Laying bare some of the government's most closely guarded secrets, "The Day After Roswell" forces us to reconsider our past, as well as our role in the universe.
"Colonel Philip Corso was a key Army intelligence officer on President Eisenhower's White House staff. During his 21-year military career, Corso was honored with 19 medals, decorations and ribbons for meritorious service. He was retired from the Army in 1965.
"To help celebrate Roswell's fiftieth anniversary, {the Publisher] will kick off the book's publication with an event at the site of the crash. Corso will walk the media through the crash site while providing never-before-heard documentation surrounding extraterrestrial artifacts and government cover-ups." [end of publisher's memo]
CNI News notes that there have been many Roswell "insiders" over the years whose testimony did not live up to expectations, or could not be authenticated. Will Corso be different? We hope so, but time will tell.CNI News contacted Corso's editor, Mr. Tris Coburn, and his publicist, Ms. Theresa Zoro. Neither were willing to divulge details about the book, but both stated their firm conviction that Corso is entirely credible and that his story will be a bombshell. Ms. Zoro said Corso will not do any interviews until publication time, but various claims about his background can be checked. "Corso has been in the news many times, even recently," Coburn said. "Anyone who wants to can check him out. He is who he says he is."
Referring to the publicity text, CNI News pushed Mr. Coburn on Corso's specific claims concerning direct knowledge of the crash and bodies. "I can't tell you any more at this time," Coburn said. "But make of that statement what you will. It's all there." Asked how he personally felt about the text, Coburn replied, "It blew my mind."
Stanton Friedman told CNI News that a search for Corso's name on the worldwide web turned up the fact that Corso had been actively involved in recent negotiations for the return of POW and MIA records from Korea, and there are also media indications that Corso served "at a fairly high level" in the Eisenhower administration.Meanwhile, a number of researchers met with Corso in Roswell nearly four years ago. One of those researchers, who wishes to remain anonymous, told CNI News the following:
Corso's military career checked out. But Corso also claimed to be involved in a supersecret group called the Interplanetary Phenomenon Unit, or IPU. [The IPU is referenced in Timothy Good's "Above Top Secret" as "an elite UFO investigation group" within the Scientific and Technical Branch, Counterintelligence Directorate (Army), set up by General George C. Marshall in 1947 and disbanded in the 1950s.]
According to the researcher, Corso said he was not at Roswell but had flown over the site (WHICH site was not specified) a day after the event had occurred. Corso claimed that when he worked in Washington during the Kennedy Administration [Corso retired from the military in 1965] he was going through an archive and found a piece of unusual material about half the size of a playing card with attached documents indicating it was from the Roswell crash. He also found some sort of computer chip or transistor with the same kind of documents attached. Corso said these materials had been turned over to the Rand Corporation or a similar group.
When Corso met with the researchers, he had with him a stack of documents, but nothing that seemed especially unusual. He also had with him a notebook stuffed with information but was reluctant to show it and would not let it out of his sight. The researcher said he got one peek into the notebook and was impressed to see an unusual drawing of a gray-type alien eye with a group of nine concentric circles that seemed to represent some sort of computerized material behind the gray's black eye cover.
The day-long visit with Corso included visits to the newly identified crash site on the Hub Corn ranch north of Roswell, as well as the Brazel debris field near Corona, the researcher said.
CNI News comments: It will be interesting to learn which crash site Colonel Corso will identify as THE crash site, since there are, at last count, no fewer than five contenders. But if Corso can actually demonstrate personal knowledge of alien artifacts from the crash, he may prove to be the most impressive Roswell witness yet.
K. Randle's take on the Corso book..........................................
Date: Fri, 17 Jan 1997 12:45:55 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Here's what I know of Corso's book
Okay, since everyone seems to be concerned with Philip Corso and his upcoming book, THE DAY AFTER ROSWELL, here's what I know.Corso claims to be a lieutenant colonel in 1961 and worked on the Foreign Technology desk for Army research and development at the Pentagon. In that capacity, he claims to have been made privy to the Army's capture and reverse engineering of the UFO that crashed near Roswell. He tells how the craft had been penetrating US airspace, shooting down our aircraft and have been abducting people. He claims that the material was moved from Roswell by truck and that he stopped overnight at Fort Riley, Kansas... the base at which Corso was assigned in 1947. He claims that one of the guards, a bowling buddy of his, sneaked him into the top secret area so that he would have a change to see the damaged craft. Security at these facilities must have been horrible because of all the people who managed to penetrate them to see the "secret of the millineum." Oh, yes, he pulls back a tarp to see one of the alien bodies.
Corso describes the alien debris, all of which we have already heard described by so many others. And he delves into science fiction with a head piece that might be a guidance system.
Then, in what may delight Stan Friedman, or piss him off, Corso claims to have been assigned to the staff of MJ-12. Here, for the first time, we're treated to the tales of a true "insider" who was on MJ-12. Through his job at the Foreign Technology desk, they hoped to feed the technology recovered into American industry so that it can be intergrated into the world and used by the military.Yes, Corso names names... Vannevar Bush, Roscoe Hillenkoetter, Nathan Twining and Walter Smith. He also throws in LT. GEN Arthur Gilbert Trudeau who, in 1961, was the eighth-highest-ranking lieutenant general. Though I haven't checked, I'd be surprised if he was still alive to corroborate Corso's story. BTW: Corso's name doesn't appear in the registery of all Army officers in 1961... but given the size of the Army, I wouldn't be surprised if there were some mistakes in it.
Corso goes on to name Werner von Braun, Wilbert Smith, Robert Sarbacher and John Von Neuman. If nothing else, he has read all the UFO literature... There really is nothing new here.
Corco claims that the intergrated circuit chip, the laser, and fiber optics are all the result of alien technology. He claimed that the scientists learned that the broken ends of the thin wires would emit light... Something that young rancher Bill Brazel noticed in 1947.
Corso mentions Project Horizon which was a plan to build a base on the moon... ultimately the plan was canceled and the space program given to NASA. He also talks about Project HARP, which was the development of a supergun, which to me proves that Corso watches HBO and their movie about Jerry Bull's supergun. He even brings up the images of Jules Verne (talk about Nineteenth Century technology) to illustrate the concept. Yes, I enjoyed the HBO movie and have watched it a couple of times.He credits the alien technology with the development of the Star Wars defense or a response to the threat of alien invasion... a concept I think that Phil Klass and Jim Moseley might have invented over a glass of beer a number of years ago.
Anyway, that's a run down on Corso's book. To me, and this is my personal opinion, because he claims to have been on the staff of MJ-12, his book is less than accurate. That he ties the abduction phenomenon to aliens suggests that he knows nothing more than the rest of us and is another reason to dismiss this as just opportunism. Anyone who has watched television for the last five years, read the books available, and kept track of what is happening, has been exposed to all these revelations already. As I say, the only check I have made on Corso's background was to search for his name in the U.S. ARMY REGISTER, Volume 1, the active and retired list, dated January 1, 1961. His name does not appear.
There is nothing here that I was count on blowing the lid off the Roswell case. It might be that Corso is laying low until the publication of his book because he doesn't want to be scrutinized until after publication. I find the references to his personal involvement in MJ-12 to be the smoking gun about the credibility of the book. I would be interested in Stan Friedman's comments, considering his efforts to prove MJ-12 authentic.
K. Randle
Like everything else about Roswell, no one agrees. One thing for certain is the 50th anniversary will make for lots of interesting reading.
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