GAO Report on Roswell, July 28th, 1995
Through Efforts of Congressman Schiff
As some of you maybe aware, through the numerous letters recevied by New Mexican Congressman Steve Schiff, and through the urging of the people who contact who contacted him to uncover what really happened in Roswel, Mr. Schiff has attempted to get records released that shares the truth about the this incident in July of 1947. Please find included in this page a newswire storied released about the documents released by the GAO (General Accounting Office) and a Press Release that Mr. Schiff sent out himself.Enjoy ......
Date: Mon, 31 Jul 1995 18:22:29 -0400 (EDT)
From: The Gate
Subject: Roswell Documents Detroyed (fwd)
____________________________|||||||||||||||||||||______________________________ R. Leland Lehrman@The Gate, New Haven, CT. God, Art, Technology and Ecology Research and Development >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Do you love the Mother?>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sun, 30 Jul 95 19:59:36
From: Terry Colvin
To: Multiple recipients of UFO-List
Subject: Roswell Documents DetroyedThe GAO report on the Roswell Incident was released Friday (my birthday). Attached is a newswire story.
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Subject: Roswell Documents Already Gone
Copyright: 1995 by The Associated Press, R
Date: Sat, 29 Jul 95 14:50:05 PDTALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (AP) -- Key military documents on the so-called Roswell Incident, cited by UFO buffs as an alien crash, were apparently destroyed without authorization decades ago, a congressman said Saturday.
Rep. Steve Schiff of New Mexico said a General Accounting Office report shed no new light on the 1947 crash and showed that important documents are missing.
``Documents that should have provided more information were destroyed,'' Schiff said. ``The military cannot explain who destroyed them or why.''
Schiff said the GAO estimates the information was destroyed more than 40 years ago.
The Air Force has said that the wreckage was probably a balloon launched as part of a classified government project to detect Soviet nuclear weapons.
The GAO report, released Friday, said that two government documents are the only official records remaining of the crash near what was then the Roswell Army Air Force Base.
For nearly half a century, the mysterious crash has fueled speculation about aliens in the New Mexico desert, Cold War secrecy and a government cover-up.
``The debate on what crashed at Roswell continues,'' the GAO report said.
It said the Roswell base's administrative records from March 1945 through December 1949 and its outgoing messages from October 1946 through December 1949 were destroyed.
Those messages, internal military communications, would have shown how military officials in Roswell explained what happened to their superiors, the Republican congressman said.
``My understanding is that these were permanent records which should not have been destroyed,'' Schiff said.
Scientists and Pentagon officials have said an experimental aerial surveillance balloon crashed northwest of Roswell in 1947, but UFO buffs have contended that was a cover up for the crash of an alien space ship.
The GAO report includes an FBI teletype and a reference to a ``radar tracking device,'' or weather balloon.
The weather balloon story has since been discredited by the Air Force itself, which last year said the wreckage was probably a balloon launched as part Project Mogul. The project was a highly classified effort to detect Soviet nuclear weapons using balloons that carried radar reflectors and acoustic sensors, the GAO report said.
Included in this section is the actual official release that was made by U.S. Congressman Steve Schiff from New Mexico in regards to his investigation to get documents released related to the Roswell Incident of July 1947. Here is his a textual reproduction of Congressman's Schiff statement:
========================= U.S. CONGRESSMAN
Steve Schiff
WASHINGTON OFFICE: 2404 Rayburn Building * Washington, D.C. 20515 * (202) 225-6316 FAX (202)225-4975 DISTRICT OFFICE: 625 Silver Ave., S.W., Suie 140, Albuquerue, NM 87102 (505) 766-2538 FAX (505)766-1674 ======================================================================= Immediate Release J. Barry Bitzer July 28th, 1995 (202) 225-2245
Schiff Receives, Releases Roswell Report
(missing documents leaves unanswered questions)
Washington: Congressman Steve Schiff today released the General Accounting Office (GAO) report detailing results of a records audit related to events surrounding a crash in 1947, near Roswell, New Mexico, and the military response. The 20 page report is the result of constituent information requests to Congressman Schiff and the difficulty he had getting answers from the Depart of Defense in the now 48-year-old controversey. Schiff said important documents, which may have shed more light on what happened at Roswell, are missing. "The GAO report states that the outgoing messages from Roswell Army Air Field (RAAF) for this period of time were destroyed without proper authority." Schiff pointed out that these messages would have shown how military officials in Roswell were explaining to their superiors exactly what happened. "It is my understanding that these outgoing messages were permanent records, which should never have been destroyed. The GAO could not identify who destroyed the messages, or why." But Schiff ponted out that the GAO estimates that the messages were destroyed over 40 years ago, making further inquiry about their destruction impractical. Documents revealed by the report include an FBI teletype and reference in a newsletter style internal forum at RAAF that refer to a "radar tracking device" - a reference to a weather balloon. Even though the weather ballon story has since been discredited by the U.S. Air Force, Schiff suggested that the authors of those communications may have been repeating what they were told, rather than consciously adding to what some believe is a "cover up." "At least this effort caused the Air Force to acknowledge that the crashed vehicle was no weather balloon," Schiff said. "That explanation never fit the fact of high military security used at the time." The Air Force in September, 1994 claimed that the crashed vehicle was a then-classified device to detect evidence of possible Soviet nuclear testing. Schiff also praised the efforts of the GAO, describing their work as "professional, conscientious and thorough." A two page letter discussing a related investigation into "Majestic 12" was also delivered. Schiff will be available to the media Saturday, July 29th, from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM (Eastern) at 2404 Rayburn HOB in Washington, DC and by telephone: (202) 225-6316. A copy of the report may be obtained by callig (202) 512-6000 and referencing Document number GA)/NSIAD-95-187.
Comments from Illinois: - My only comment on this recent circumstance of events is: What is the Government afraid of that they must destroy secret documents and change their story? Related to UFO information, if nothing is said, this saids alot, don't you think. It is probably time for the U.S. Government to sacrifice Roswell, there are enough witnesses talking about what they know now. Glad to see one of the U.S. Congressmen meeting the same reception many researchers have found when trying to uncover documents which clearly show what happened at Roswell!!
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