Roswell Film Updates March 1996
Many people believe that it is only a matter of time before the official agencies announce that Roswell really happened. There are messages going out on the Internet of some new developments. The question to be asked is, even after official government agencies state that UFO's exist, will we hear the real story. Some sources we are hearing from behind the scenes suggest that the real story will never come out and it is far beyond anything we can imagine.One interesting message came through SNET UFO mailing list. It dealt with Richard Hoagland appearing on Art Bell's radio show mostly dealing with the lost antenna that went up but Mr. Hoagland did mention the following startling announcement:
Date: Sat, 02 Mar 1996 08:51:03 EST5EDT
From: bill teague
To: Multiple recipients of list IUFO
Subject: SCOOP !!!! : Richard Hoagland on Art Bell
Oh man ... where to begin ....Richard Hoagland made an unannounced surprise visit on Art's show last night to make an *announcement* and to give a run through of the 12 mile tethered-satelite combo that was separated from it's mooring on the shuttle and is now free floating in space.
First of all the *announcement* ... on March 21st coming up in a couple weeks Richard will be joined by some HEAVY WEIGHT NASA *insiders* at a press conference in which said NASA *INSIDERS* will publicly reveal what they KNOW (and have known) TO BE TRUE about the FACE ON MARS, the Moon anomalies, and UFO's. This promises to be "non-trivial" as Richard likes to say. So stayed tuned for that.
[ snip ] .......
We will have to see where all of this is going but I am sure that 1996 is going to be another amazing year. The main purpose of this new page is to share some updates around Roswell or the Roswell Film that have been posted recently. Go hunting ....ILLINOIS
Roswell Page Update Index
- Bob Shell on Socorro, NM crash
- Lastest IRI report on Santilli Film
- Best Evidence Report - Dave Vetterick
Bob Shell's
Socorro Report
Date: Fri, 1 Mar 1996 05:27:58 -0800
Sender: IUFO Mailing List
Subject: Bob Shell's Socorro Report
Bob Shell's Socorro ReportHi everyone,
I got back from Socorro yesterday and am still a bit jet-lagged.
LOTS of news. First of all, the records of the Socorro newspaper are complete for over 100 years, but the issues from May 10 to June 15 of 1947 are missing! They were supposedly burned in a mysterious fire in the 60s, which destroyed ONLY those issues. That alone would be suspicious, but EVERY OTHER newspaper in the area is missing issues for that time period as well!!!!!! That really stretches the range of coincidence, I would say. One local newspaper editor told me that she had been searching for newspapers for that time period for years without success. The state historical society doesn't have them and neither do any of the universities. The only hope is that some private collector somewhere has them.
Mike Hesemann was with me for two days and we went and interviewed one of the eye witnesses to the fireball which came down on May 31, 1947. She is a Native American and told us that many of her people saw this, but probably wouldn't talk to outsiders about it. Her people consider seeing a UFO as a very bad omen usually associated with the death of someone close. Her memory of the fireball is very clear. It was larger in apparent size than the sun, white in color, and did not have a "tail" behind it. It was flaming around the edges, she said, like it was on fire. It passed straight across the sky over Gallup where she was in the direction of Socorro. It made no sound. Mike made a video of our interview and we may show it at some conferences. Because they do not want to be pestered, I have agreed to keep the names of all witnesses and people I interview confidential. In the case of this lady, she could get in trouble with her tribal council for talking about this to outsiders.
I spent a day in Magdalena (which is 28 miles from Socorro at the edge of the Magdalena Mountains where the crash happened). There is an elderly man there who is the local "historian". He remembers that in the summer of 1947 a local rancher came into town very excited because a spaceship had crashed on his land. He had a piece of it in the back of his pickup truck and they took it to the local garage where they tried to cut it. Nothing, not even a welding torch, had any effect on it. Unfortunately the rancher is long since dead and no one today knows what happened to this piece of material. It may still be in a shed somewhere.
There was a soil scientist assigned to the district in those days named Fleck. That same summer Fleck stumbled across a crashed UFO while on his rounds. He is dead also, but his wife is still living and he told the story to many people for years. His crash site was about ten miles from Magdalena toward the Plains of San Agustine which is also where the Santilli cameraman's site is.
I spoke in a "conference call" with the cameraman last Wednesday and got specific directions to the crash site from him. No one so far has even been close to the site. He says that the military convoy picked up some people in Socorro and then drove SW on Route 60 for one hour at about 40 - 45 mph. This puts them about ten miles or so past Magdalena (Magdalena is about 28 miles from Socorro).
After driving on Rt 60 they turned left onto a dirt road marked by a heavy wood gate and wood fence. This road was described as "hugging the mountains" and very treacherous. Four or five miles down this road they crossed a wooden bridge over a steep canyon. (The cameraman says he went back to the site fifteen years ago and the old bridge was collapsed and the road re-routed down into the canyon.) They drove for about 45 minutes or so on this road at speeds which could not have been more than 15 mph and came to a dry lake bed. The crash was on the north side of this lake bed.
The area about ten miles out from Magdalena is full of dry lake beds, and is the only area for miles which has them. I spent considerable time at the School of Mines at the University of NM in Socorro looking at USGS maps trying to find out which road this was, but had no luck since features like wood bridges are not shown.
All of this land is National Forest land (even though much of it is high desert and not forest), so I next went to the National Forest office in Magdalena to interview the rangers and see if any of them knew which road this was. None of them have been there for a really long time, so none knew of a wood bridge in the 40s or 50s. They did not know of one in ruins either, so it may have been dismantled and hauled off for the wood. Unfortunately, the area is full of dry lake beds, so figuring out which one it was may be difficult.
I couldn't stay longer and had only a standard rental car this trip so I couldn't check out the roads. The cameraman advised me against trying to drive this road in a regular car since it was rough going for the military jeeps.
My plan at present is to return to the area as soon as I have some free time, rent a jeep, and try the roads along that stretch of Rt 60 one by one.
I'd appreciate it if you would post this update for me to the usual internet sites to let people know the progress of this investigation.
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IRI Press Release March 1996
From: (Joachim Koch)
Date: 02 Mar 96 21:35:00 +0000
Subject: IRI Press Release
Organization: Welt am Draht
International Roswell Initiative
3105 Gables Drive Atlanta, GA 30319 USA (404) 240-0655 Phone/Fax http://www.roswell.orgFebruary 26, 1996
Subject:Major expose about the so-called "alien autopsy footage" in the March issue of the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) Journal
It is estimated that over ten million people in the United States watched the first broadcast of Fox networks "Alien Autopsy: Fact or Fiction" last August. The highly skewed documentary featured film footage supposedly showing the autopsy of an alien by the U.S. military in 1947. The footage, which has been shown by television networks worldwide, is claimed to have been acquired from the official military cameraman who filmed the autopsy. Reportedly, the program is going to be broadcast again, this time featuring an anonymous "interview" with the alleged military cameraman.
The MUFON Journal article points out a myriad of discrepancies in the film and brings to public attention two important offers of verificafion which could settle the matter of the films authenticity once and for all. Leaders of UFO organizations around the world consider the film a hoax and are concerned about its potential damage to the credibility of serious UFO research. The comprehensive MUFON Journal article is being translated into a number of languages and, at last count, will be published, either in part or in its entirety, by UFO organizations in 14 countries -- Australia, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, England, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Norway, Spain, Sweden, and the United States.
The article contains some very enlightening information, not yet in the public domain, about the alleged alien autopsy film. Graham Birdsall, editor of UFO Magazine in the U.K., will officially reveal the details of the article at a conference in Leads, England, on March 2, 1996. Birdsall, recently interviewed by British television on the subject, expects extensive press coverage for the announcement.
The author of the article is Kent Jeffrey, coordinator of the International Roswell Initiative (IRI). The IRI is a serious grassroots organization with the goal of getting to the truth about the 1947 Roswell UFO incident. The organization has already collected over 20,000 signed copies of a declaration requesting an executive order to declassify any government-held information on Roswell or the UFO phenomenon in general. The signatories include two retired Air Force generals and two former U.S. astronauts, one of whom walked on the moon.
The following items are immediately available to interested organizations or publications for release on or after March 2nd: a copy of a letter from Graham Birdsall commenting on the importance of the article; a copy of the article; and four eight-by-ten-inch black and white photographs meant to accompany the article. One of the photographs, "McGovern at Nagasaki" will be on the cover of the March MUFON Journal. The International Roswell Initiative can be reached by phone or fax at (404) 240-0655 or by email at
. The Mutual UFO Network is located at 103 Oldtowne Road, Seguin, TX 78155, and can be reached by phone at (210) 379-9216 or by fax at (210) 372-9439.
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Date: Sun, 3 Mar 1996 13:37:19 -0800
Subject: Roswell
I enjoy your WWW site. I'm new to the Net. Got on specifically to follow Roswell, Richard Hoagland's Face of Mars research, and Graham Hancock's Finger Prints of the Gods research.To the point....
Dan Berliner has done a report on Roswell. It is to be distributed to the U.S. Congress and other "VIP's" in the next few weeks. Its funded by L. Rockefeller (one of "THE" Rockefellers) & friend of President Clinton.
He has asked Clinton to declare amnisty for anyone with Roswell info, declassify Government files, etc. This comes even after Congressman Schiff's effort through the GAO.
If Congress and Clinton follow thru it could have a major impact on all UFO related research & subjects.
I don't understand why there isn't more discussion about this in the UFO WWW sites.
Are you aware of this ? Can you help get the word out ?
Dave Vetterick
veterick@ix.netcom.comEditor's Note: After I received Dave's email, he faxed me the supporting information to his question about Berliner's report ... it includes two articles and a letter from Stanton Friedman (which I will paraphrase).
To see this additional information click HERE!
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