Guarabira & Brasilia |
It appears Brazil is becoming one of the World's Hottest Spots for UFO Sightings in the year of 1996. Besides the reported two captured ET's in Varginha a number of people are seeing UFOs. On this page we share information from the IUFO Mailing List and Pedro Cunha about sightings in Guarabira and Brasilia in August of 1996.Enjoy ...............Illinois
From: Lisindo Roberto Coppoli {lisindor@cetesb.br}
Subject: FW: ovnis em guarabira (Translated - UFOs in Guarabira)
Date: Thu, 15 Aug 1996 08:21:15 -0300
-> SearchNet's IUFO Mailing ListOn 08/14/96, Evertom wrote:
>Hi everyone; > >Mr. Oriel Farias would appreciate anyone to translate this >recent(frequent) >sightings from aliens' engines in Guarabira,PB Brazil. It's too >interesting| > >Please if anyone have time to translate and forward it. It's written in >Portuguese. > >He's thanking in advance. > >Evertom. Hi Brother Evertom and friends of IUFO, I have translated the text... Sorry for any mistake in language, I'm not a newspaper writer... :) Greetings to All, Roberto Coppoli from Brazil Roberto Coppoli (Gnomo Alucinado) lisindor@cetesb.br roberto.coppoli@vector.com.br Sao Paulo - Brazil >======================================================================== >=== >> Descupe-me por nao mandar em ingles, gostaria de pedir para alguem >>traduzir, e emviar nestas listas. Sorry I don't send in english, I would like to ask someone to translate and to post on that lists. >> >>E sensacional , aqui em guarabira os ovnis voltaram em maior numero, >>eles agora estam aparecendo a tarde, e mais perto, pessoal eh saensacional, >> quem nao viu tem que dar um pulo aqui, o pessoal de sao paulo que sao >>mais especialista no assunto tem que fazer uma pesquisa aqui como fizeram >>em varginha. It's wonderful, here in Guarabira the UFOs came back in a greater number, they are now appearing at evening and closer, people it's wonderful.Those who didn't watch need to come here, the people from Sao Paulo who are specialists on this subject have to make a research here like it was made In Varginha. >>Estou fazendo uma grande lista, relatando tudo que ocorreu >>aqui ate ho je, eh sensacional. I'm making a huge list with all that has occurred here until today, it's wonderful. >>Sabado foi um dos melhores dias, o pessoal foram para uma area >>deserta da cidade onde tinha uma melhor visibilidade: de repente um >>grande objeto meta lico em forma de disco desceu do ceu sem luzes ao >>redor, apenas uma luz girando em v baixo no centro, depois as luzes ao >>seu redor acenderam e o objeto ficou com mu ita luz, observando apenas >>as luzes, algumas horas depois 3 objetos de forma >>triangulares apareceram do mesmo jeito, apagados e depois acenderam, e >>comecara m a se movimentar. Pessoal eh fantastico, eh realidade. >>O grupo de ufologista da regiao acha que aqui em guarabira eh a entrada >>deles na terra, pelo campo m agnetico, porque o que estam se observando >>agora eh que els estao escolhendo o mesmo horario, e o mesmo local no >>ceu de guarabira, para as suas rentradas na atmosfera, mas isso eh todo >>o dia, repito todo o dia. O grupo ufologico con >>seguiram filma-los no sabado passado. Saturday was one of the best days, people went to a desert area of town where they had a better view. Suddenly a large metalic object disk shaped downed from the sky without lights around, only a one light wheeling at down in its center. After this, lights around was turned on and the object became lighted up, people seeing the lights only. A few hours later three objects triangle shaped appeared from the same way, lights off, and then turned lights on and started to move. People it's wonderful, it's real. The ufologic group of this region thinks that here in Guarabira they have their entrance in Earth across the magnetic field, 'cause they're choosing the same time and point in Guarabira sky for their reentrance in atmosphere, but it's each day, I repeat, each day. The ufologic group got to film them last saturday. >>Gostaria que voces comunicassem aos cobras da ufologia, esqueci o >>nomes deles, sao aqueles que foram em varginha. I would like you send a warning to those ufologists from Varginha (I forget the names). >>Pessoal aguardo noticias de voces, gostaria de pedir mais uma vez para >>voces traduzirem este testo e enviarem para as outras listas. People I'm waiting for news from you, I would to ask once more to you to translate this text and send to the Lists... >> >> Obrigado Thank you >> Oriel Farias (083)981-6148 >> Joao Pessoa Paraiba Brasil >> E-mail oriel@brufpb.bitnet >> >>-> Send "subscribe iufo " to majordomo@alterzone.com >>-> Posted by: oriel farias> >-> Send "subscribe iufo " to majordomo@alterzone.com >-> Posted by: Evertom Luppo > -> Send "subscribe iufo " to majordomo@alterzone.com -> Posted by: Lisindo Roberto Coppoli
-------------------------------From: Lisindo Roberto Coppoli {lisindor@cetesb.br}
Subject: FW: Guarabira
Date: Thu, 15 Aug 1996 13:00:12 -0300
-> SearchNet's iufo Mailing List
Hi friends of IUFO, Another mail of brother Oriel I have translated for you Greetings from Brazil, > Roberto Coppoli --------------------------------------------------------------------- >------------------------------------- >Date: Thu, 15 Aug 96 08:50:21 EDT >From: oriel>Organization: Universidade Federal da Paraiba-JP/BRASIL >Subject: ovnis em guarabira (UFOs in Guarabira) >To: ufo@nutecnet.com.br, > PPLFILHO@NUTEC.NET.COM.BR > > Ola pessoal Hi people, >Como ja tinha dito no mail anterior, estou fazendo esta semana uma >lista das apricoes de ovnis em guarabira, terminando enviarei nas listas, >tem muita coisa sensacional, de urgencia e grande importancia. As I have said on previous mail, I'm doing a list of the UFO sightings in Guarabira, when it will be finished I'll send to you. It has things that are urgent andof great importance. >Depois das aparicoes proximas de sabado passado, e de ontem, onde foi >visto os ovnis mais perto ainda, pessoas estao relatando que viram um >animal com garras, diferente de qualquer outro animal da regiao, >arranhou umas pessoa na coxa e no braco, ela possuia grandes garras, o >grupo ufologico estam indo agora pela manha, fazer a entrevista e levar >a revista nova da ufo, onde tem uma foto do chupacabras, para ver se a >pessoa atacada, reconhece alguma semelhanca. Apos a entrevista eu >passarei o mail para voces. After the near sightings in the last saturday and yesterday, where the UFOs was seen closer, people are claiming that they saw an animal with claws, different from any other animal in the region, who scratched some people in the thigh and arms. He had big claws. The ufological group was going today at morning to make an interview and to bring the new UFO magazine, that has a picture of the chupacabras, for to verify if the attacked person does recognize any similarity. After the Interview I'll send a mail to you. >Sera que nenhum especialista no assunto poderia vir aqui >em guarabira, observar estes misterios? Alguem mande para mim um >e-mail da rede globo, manchete, sbt, record, gular, etc. para ver se >conseguimos uma entrevista no ar, o grupo ufologico tem gravacoes de >perto dos discos. >SAO MAIS DE 20 HORAS DE FITA. Was it possible to any specialist to come here in Guarabira to watch all those mysterys? Anybody please send a mail to Rede Globo, Manchete, SBT, Record, Gular, (Brazilian TV stations) to get an interview. The ufological group has close recordings of the UFOs. THEY HAVE MORE THAN 20 HOURS OF TAPE. > Aguardo um mail de voces, com urgencia. I'm waiting a mail from you with urgence > > Oriel Farias (083)981-6148 > Joao Pessoa paraiba Brasil > E-mail oriel@brufpb.bitnet >▀oriel ufo@nutecnet.com.br 8/15/96 ovnis em guarabira >---------------------------------------------------------------------- > >-> Send "subscribe iufo " to majordomo@alterzone.com >-> Posted by: oriel > -> Send "subscribe iufo " to majordomo@alterzone.com -> Posted by: Lisindo Roberto Coppoli
Date: Sat, 24 Aug 1996 09:24:24 EST5EDT
From: ovni@navigat.ax.apc.org
Reply-To: iufo@alterzone.com
Subject: UFO over Brasilia.-> SearchNet's iufo Mailing List
Ola All,
This is what was in a report published by
Correio Braziliense, a local paper,on 23rd August 1996:
The University of Brasilia's (UnB) Ufology Studies Nucleus coordinator, the anthropologist Wilson Geraldo de Oliveira, criticized the truthfullness of the alleged apparition of a UFO over Lago Sul (South Lake) in the early morning yesterday.Wilson de Oliveira saw the 8 minutes and 56 seconds of video tape recorded by corporal Jose Raimundo Galdino, present at the moment of the apparition, and concluded: it will be needed much more to prove the passage of a flying saucer in the Federal Capital skies.
Wilson said that the images taken by the Military Police corporal, as well as the photographs taken by a free-lancer photographer, Marcelo Leite de Oliveira another witness of the phenomena, were similar to dozens that since 1991 are being filed by the UnB Nucleus; only a bright point of light passing over in the sky.
In the home of corporal Galdino, in Ceilandia (Trans.Note: a satellite town around Brasiliaw the UnB researcher took his crew to watch the video with the apparition of a UFO, Wilson de Oliveira observed a detail that had escaped so far: in a certain part of the tape, the alleged flying saucer appears to be passing close to an airplane, similar to a fighter from FAB (Brazilian Air Force). Only the fighter noise is perceptible.
"It is a very provocative detail, very interesting. The UFO appears to make a vertical movement, as if it were diverting its route from the fighter" tells Wilson, freezing the image to capture the detail.
The UnB ufologists got a copy of the tape and now they want to examine the film negative shot in the same local. But cautious, Eduardo Dorneles Barcelos, director of AEB (Brazilian Space Agency), is convinced that the images are far from proving an extraterrestrial apparition.
Researcher of the Astronomnldnces Museum of CNPq in Rio de Janeiro, Eduardo Barcelos says that the registers of lights in the skies of Brasilia could be a routine metereological phenomena.
"There's a infinite amount of metereological, astronomical or even of human origin phenomena, that can originate lights in the sky. I did see nothing that resembled a flying saucer. As it always happens, the serious proofs stay only in the memory of a few people", says Eduardo.
According to the researcher, the blueish lights in the skies of Brasilia could be, amongst other things: a ball lightning, which are electrical discharges in a oval shape and that move fast in the skies; luminous gases, product of the combustion of organic products in decomposition; or even metereological balloons.
"Therefore to conclude that it is an extraterrestrial spaceship is a big leap. It is like jumping in the abyss. There is no indicative that it had been a flying saucer" points out Eduardo, who amuses himself with flying saucers.
Translation by: Pedro Cunha
Pedro Cunha
... What garlic is to salad, insanity is to art.
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----------------------------Date: Sat, 24 Aug 1996 09:28:07 EST5EDT
From: ovni@navigat.ax.apc.org
Subject: BRAZIL UFO By GEORGE MEEK/RIO DE JANEIRO (fwd)-> SearchNet's iufo Mailing List
Ola Miguel,
24 Aug 96 02:32, Miguel Chahud escreveu para All:
MC> Reply-to: iufo@alterzone.com MC> From: "Miguel Chahud"I live in Brasilia, I saw the Television report, for which I was invited to attend and declined for other reasons. I think the film is not good enough to allow us to draw a conclusion about the phenomena. I have talked to an eye witness and will be talking again as soon as possible to get more details of the sighting. For now, the witnesses (Mr. Ramilson, who works for Caixa Economica Federal, a bank) told me the object was moving fast and moved and stoped over the Paranoa Dam, and was visible for some two hours. He lives near the Dam and was awaken by the noise of police cars and the officers called to see what was going on.MC> Originally to: iufo@alterzone.com MC> Sender: iufo-approval@alterzone.com MC> Original Date: Fri, 23 Aug 1996 12:00:49 -0400 (EDT) ->> SearchNet's iufo Mailing List MC> -+--+--+-- Forwarded message -+--+--+-- MC> Date: Fri, 23 Aug 1996 11:35:37 -0400 (EDT) MC> From: Gonzalo Urday MC> To: peru@cs.sfsu.edu, tumi@kern.com MC> Subject: BRAZIL UFO By GEORGE MEEK/RIO DE JANEIRO (fwd) MC> A los interesados en estos temas....pareciera que en realidad SI hay MC> un encubrimiento internacional a este tipo de asuntos por parte de los MC> gobiernos del mundo...las razones...quien sabe. MC> Para finalizar...al final del repojencdu[ MC> capturaron a varios extraterrestres, la descripcion es parecida ala MC> del famos "Chupacabras" no creen...algunas opiniones???? MC> Gonzalo MC> Forwarded message: >> From gurday Fri Aug 23 11:27:13 1996 >> Date: Fri, 23 Aug 1996 11:27:12 -0400 (EDT) >> From: Gonzalo Urday >> Message-Id: <199608231527.LAA26055@LYNX.DAC.NEU.EDU> >> Subject: BRAZIL UFO By GEORGE MEEK/RIO DE JANEIRO >> >> >> DATE=8/22/96 >> TYPE=BACKGROUND REPORT >> NUMBER=5-34134 >> TITLE=BRAZIL UFO >> BYLINE=GEORGE MEEK >> DATELINE=RIO DE JANEIRO >> CONTENT= >> VOICED AT: >> >> /// PORTUGUESE ACTS SENT TO LANGUAGE BUBBLE /// >> >> INTRO: BRAZILIAN MEDIA REPORT THE SIGHTING OF AN UNIDENTIFIED >> FLYING OBJECT WEDNESDAY OVER THE CAPITAL, BRASILIA. CORRESPONDENT >> GEORGE MEEK REPORTS THAT U-F-O HSEONZ AND THE LATEST INCIDENT IS UNUSUALLY WELL DOCUMENTED. More to come...
Pedro CunhaPense:
... STRING space corrupt? But I always use TAPE!
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