August, 1996

Date: Wed, 7 Aug 1996 23:55:17 GMT
From: paulo h andrade {}
Subject: RECENT AND DETAILED INFORMATION about the Brazilian Varginha

-> SearchNet's iufo Mailing List

Hi, I saw your page about the Brazilian Varginha Case, at . I have recent and detailed information about this case, WHICH IS NOT YET IN THE WEB. I was trying to put it in the Web, but I had some technical problems. I think it's important, so I decided to forward it by e-mail. Feel free to forward it again or put it in your page, if you want. Thanks.

P.H.Andrade, from Brazil.

Varginha, The Whole Story

The Varginha ET Case Updated
By the Ufologists

*** This article was originally published in the Brazilian "Revista UFO" (UFO Magazine), Special Issue #13, July 1996, edited by CBPDV (Centro Brasileiro para Pesquisa de Discos Voadores - Brazilian Center for Flying Saucer Research), Editor A.J.Gevaerd.

* This is a short version , kindly summarized and translated from portuguese by P.H.Andrade, with the help of his brother, Carlos.

** This article is updated until July 1996.


The Researchers Secret Investigative Diary on the Case

PART 1 - by Ufologist Ubirajara Franco Rodrigues
PART 2 - by Ufologist Vit≤rio Pacaccini

What the Brazilian UFO Researchers Think About the Case

Personal Impressions from Ufologists:
A.J.Gevaerd, Irene Granchi, Reginaldo Athayde,
Claudeir Covo, Edson Boaventura Jr., RicardoVarella CorrΩa,
Marco Ant⌠nio Petit, RogΘrio Porto Breier, & Eduardo Mondini.

Firemen Deny Involvment in the Varginha ET Capture

by BrazilianUFO Magazine Team.

Risking Life to Investigate the Varginha Case

by Vitorio Pacaccini

Military Vehicle & Plane Movements Described by Witness

by Brazilian UFO Magazine Team.

UFO and Alien Sightings Continue in Varginha

by Brazilian UFO Magazine Team.

Witnesses Receive Offer of Money to Deny Story

by Brazilian UFO Magazine Team. (Being Translated).

Media Has Important Role in the Case

by Brazilian UFO Magazine Team. (Being Translated).

Last News of the Varginha Case

by Brazilian UFO Magazine Team, Issue #45, Aug '96.
(selected passages)

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