Vodoun (or Voodoo) Information Pages


Introduction to Vodoun
Vodoun Creation Mythology
The Loa
The Houngan, Mambo and Hounfort
Basic Rituals of Vodoun
The Role of Black Magic
Vodoun and Death

Calendar of Vodoun Ceremonies
List of Loa
Other Internet Resources


Disclaimer (please read before exploring these pages): These pages are for information purposes only. If you attempt to perform any of the activities described in these pages, then that is your responsiblity, not the author's. The author does not advocate attempting any aspect of vodoun ceremony unless you have been instructed and initiated by qualified members of the religion.


Special thanks to Ventana for hosting these pages. Please visit their site--it's worth it.

Also PointCom has kindly rated these pages in the top 5% of the Web. And this site was chosen as AdZe's Cosmic Site of the Night for January 31, 1996. And Iway has chosen us as one of the top 25 religion sites on the Web.

All material in these pages has been researched and confirmed. However, corrections and suggestions are welcome. Note that all the information in these pages was gathered from written sources, listed in the Bibliography. I really cannot include corrections to the text unless you also send me a source which I can check out or unless you can otherwise confirm your information. Please send suggestions and corrections to Shannon Turlington Settle.

If you do send me mail, please note: I get a lot of mail regarding these pages. If you have a question, I will do my best to answer it. However, if I don't answer, it's usually because I don't have an answer. In addition to writing me, I urge you to check out the other resources listed under Internet Resources, especially the newsgroups, where someone might be able to answer your question.

These pages maintained by Shannon Turlington Settle, shannon@vmedia.com. All textual material and HTML presentation copyright 1995/1996 Shannon Turlington Settle and may not be reproduced in any form without written permission. Last updated 2/27/96.

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