Fallout(tm) Intro Movie ----------------------- This is a demo of the intro movie for Fallout: A Post Nuclear Role Playing Game. It currently requires that you have the Fallout interactive demo installed and running on your computer. That means that it also requires Win95, and the same system requirements as the demo. Installation Instructions ------------------------- In the Fallout demo folder, make the following directory: DATA It must be called DATA, anything else will fail. You can do this from DOS with the "MD DATA" command, or from Win95 by right clicking and selecting NEW -> FOLDER. Name the folder DATA. In the DATA directory, make a directory called: ART In the ART directory, make one called: CUTS When all is said and done, in your demo directory you should have: DATA/ART/CUTS Copy the INTRO.MVE into the CUTS folder. When you run the Fallout demo, you should get the intro movie. If it fails, it means that you probably don't have the proper directory structure. If you do have the proper directories, and they are named correctly, then you should check the name of the intro movie. Stand Alone Player ------------------ If you do not have the Fallout demo, a stand alone player is coming shortly. It will use this very movie, so you will not have to download this movie again.