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Pro 3.0 AGE IN YEARS CATEGORY DATE CREATED DATE MODIFIED DATE PURCHASED INVENTORY ID LOCATION NOTES PICTURE SERIAL NUMBER TOTAL COST Inventory IDB ItemB CategoryB LocationB CostB Date PurchasedB Age in YearsB b) - ) ) = "1" b) - ) )& " Year" b) - ) )& " Years") Year Years Date CreatedB Date ModifiedB PictureB Total CostB Serial Number USENG.NDX Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday January February March April August September October November December 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter 11/20/95 Description Use this database file to inventory your belongings, including furniture, jewelry, clothing, artifacts, and heirlooms. The file includes fields for entering the serial number, purchase date, and value of each item. You can also scan and enter a photograph of each item. How to use this solution Start by going to each room in your house and list all the items you see. Add as much information as you need to describe each piece. You can print an inventory report and keep it in a safe place, such a a safe-deposit box or with your insurance agent. You can use the information if you have to make an insurance claim. How to customize this solution You can modify the value lists for Category and Location fields to suit your particular requirements. Select the field in Layout mode and choose Field Format from the Format menu. Choose Define Value Lists from the pop-up menu of value lists, and modify the list to suit your specific requirements. NotesB InfoB "A`A Form View A List View Inventory Summary Information Report Menu A Form ViewB wwwwww ffffff UUUUUU DDDDDD 3333B """""" wwxwwxw ggvgvv gvwxgwghg vhgvvww fvfgfwffv eVefefe VvffVefVVefUe\ ffFdeefeefddfDeVdfEdfFdffk EUeFFEUFEUFFUeTeVFeUUdVEEk UTdUTeETeETeEUFTUTUFTUUTeK TEETEETUETUETUDUDEETUDTUE[ 4CDD4E4ET D4DD4CDDC C3C3C34C4C3CC43C "#""3"129 #11#22122"3! 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