-------------------------------------------------------- Neutron README for Microsoft Windows 95 July 1996 -------------------------------------------------------- (c) Nucleus Interactive, 1996 ------------------------ HOW TO USE THIS DOCUMENT ------------------------ To view Readme.txt on screen in Notepad, maximize the Notepad window. To print Readme.txt, open it in Notepad or another word processor, then use the Print command on the File menu. -------- CONTENTS -------- - What is Neutron? - Beta program details - System requirements - Atomic3D home page - Configuring other web browsers ---------------- WHAT IS NEUTRON? ---------------- Neutron is an application that plays 3D animations in real-time over the Internet. High-quality animations are made possible by using the power of your machine to render the animation, instead of sending all the video information over the net. Once you have the artwork stored on your machine, it can be used over and over in different animations. Animations are linked within a web page. Clicking on the icon starts the Neutron viewer which then plays the animation. Neutron is part of the Atomic-3D suite of applications. You can use Proton (another part of the suite) to create your own animations and distribute them on the Web. -------------------- BETA PROGRAM DETAILS -------------------- This is a beta release of Neutron. If you find any bugs, please e-mail a report to: atombugs@atomic3d.com Include the following information in your e-mail: - What kind of computer (Pentium or 486? How fast?) - What video card is installed - How much RAM you have - What you were doing when the problem occurred - The exact error message if one is displayed Thank you for participating in the beta program. We hope your experience with Neutron will be a good one. Please check our web site for the most recent (free) bug fixes and new releases to Neutron. ------------------- SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS ------------------- Neutron requires the following system components to operate: - Microsoft Windows 95 - 16 megs of RAM - A video card with at least 1 meg of RAM, capable of displaying at least 640x480 resolution in High-color (16-bit) mode. - A Windows-compatible 16-bit sound card - 5 megs free hard-drive space To view animations over the Internet, you need: - 14.4k or better modem - TCP/IP Internet connection (PPP, SLIP, etc.) In addition, the following are highly recommended: - A Pentium-class computer, 100Mhz or better; NOTE: 586 chips often run slower than a Pentium. - 2D Windows acceleration on the video card ------------------- ATOMIC-3D HOME PAGE ------------------- To see more cool animations, go to the Atomic3D web page at the following URL: http://www.atomic3d.com ------------------------------ CONFIGURING OTHER WEB BROWSERS ------------------------------ The Neutron installation procedure automatically configures Netscape Navigator and Microsoft Internet Explorer to start the Neutron viewer whenever you click on an Atomic3D feature on a web page. However, if you are running a different web browser, you will need the following information to configure it. Please consult the help files or documentation that came with your browser for information on configuring a new MIME type. METHOD 1: 1. Click on the animation 2. If the browser asks you what to do with the file, answer that you would like to open it with a program. 3. Locate NEUTRON.EXE in the directory you installed Neutron. 4. Make sure the browser stores this information for future reference. METHOD 2: 1. Add a new MIME type to your browser. 2. The TYPE is "video"; the SUBTYPE (or minor type) is "x-atomic3d-feature". If your browser asks for the combined type, it is "video/x-atomic3d-feature". The file extension is "FMF" (for Feature Master File). 3. Associate the NEUTRON.EXE program with the MIME type.