Melon´s Beach - ein VIP Strand
Onve you've armed yourself with a camera, you should make your way to one of the beaches you can see on the map. There are two types of beaches on the island: i) public beaches and ii) VIP-Beaches that have pretty steep entry fees. As you would expect on this sunny island, there are girls on all the beaches, but only on the VIP-beaches will you have a chance to spot the Redfire-VIP-girls.
Oberhalb des Strandmenüs verwandelt sich der Mauscusor in einen Kamerasucher
Bewege die Maus nach rechts oder links, um dich in der Strandansicht zu bewegen.
The beach menu
Your cameras are your shown in the beach menu. By clicking on the respective symbol, you can pick the camera you want or activate the zoom or flash.
Activate camouflage
Uhrzeit einblenden
Select camera
Zoom on / off

Flash on / off

Show account balance

To Ibiza map
This is where you can see the pictures you've taken. Each camera can store up to 10 pictures. This means that with three cameras, you can take a total of 30 photos before you have to start transfering them to your laptop