typedstream IBObjectData Object CustomObject Preferences ButtonCell ActionCell Shell-Pfad Helvetica NXImage NXswitch NXswitchH Matrix Control TextField TextFieldCell Translators' note: These subpanes are centered for you automatically within the preferences window. You can ungroup and change the sizes freely; just be sure that the result fits within the prefs window and that you regroup all the elements of each subpane together when finished. @:@iiii Nichts unternehmen NXradio NXradioH Startdatei ffnen Neues Shell-Fenster erstellen ff@@#::s Radio Beim Starten von Terminal FormCell Pfad: Field: Button Einstellen... Startdatei Nach Auto-Start ausblenden Auto-Start Title /bin/csh Shell: Login-Skript lesen Spalten: Reihen: Fenstergr Fenster immer schlie *Fenster bei korrektem Shell-Exit schlie Fenster nie schlie Bei Shell-Exit CustomView FontTrap Eigener Titel: WindowTop < do not localize > Helvetica-Bold Auch diese Elemente anzeigen Dateiname Eigener Titel tename Switch ( Alt-Taste generiert Escape-Tastenfolgen " Alt-Taste generiert Sonderzeichen Mit der Alt-Taste wird ein besonderer Pr fix erzeugt. Stellen Sie die Voreinstellung mit "dwrite Terminal Meta 27" wieder her. Alt-Taste 7"newlines" beim Einf gen in "carriage returns" umsetzen % VT100-Codes vom Tastenblock erzeugen 5 Strikte VT100-Emulation ausf hren (nicht Normalfall) Kompatibilit Aktivit tsmonitor akiviert !Hintergrundprozesse sind "sauber" 4Monitor processes to determine if window is "dirty". Terminal antwortet Prozessen nicht, die auf anderen Computern laufen; ver- lassen Sie sich nicht auf den Proze - Monitor, wenn Sie sich bei einem entfernten System angemeldet haben. Helvetica-Oblique Entfernen Hinzuf NXreturnSign "Clean"-Befehle ScrollView ClipView rlogin Scroller _doScroller: @@@ffs Translators: emuCtl/altBox should be wired to the box with title Alternate Key, and emuCtl/altMsg to the box which contains the visible message. Be sure to get both sets of stuff inside the Alternate Key box. There is a hidden view here that needs to be localized. - Garth Zu lange Zeilen umbrechen. ?Bei Erhalt der Eingabe an den unteren Rand des Fensters rollen. Andere Optionen Rollpuffer (r Unbegrenzt Aktiviert Zeilen MenuCell Anzeige Fenster Titelleiste VT100-Emulation Aktivit tsmonitor Shell Systemstart MenuTemplate *@*@ccc OtherViews PopUpList popUp: NXpopup Voreinstellung setzen Voreinstellung anzeigen Fenster einstellen WindowTemplate iiii***@s@ ferenzen Zwei Window StartupController Terminal-Pr ferenzen Panel TitleBarController EmulationController ProcessMonitorController ShellController MiscController WindowController ferenzen Eins Form3/i Matrix1/t Alternate Key/ Rows/ File's Owner/ Display/ Window Size/ Field2/ Box1/ Matrix2/ Set Window/z ) Alternate key generates Escape sequences/ Matrix3/c Window Preferences/ Field/ Startup File/ Startup/ Set.../ Button1/ Button2/ 4 Translate newlines to carriage returns when pasting/ Activity Monitor/] Filename/ startCtl/ Field1/ PrefWindow/ titleCtl/ Always close the window/ emuCtl/m Miscellaneous Preferences/ Compatibility/ Shell Preferences/ % Generate VT100 codes from the keypad/' When Shell Exits/+ : Wrap lines that are too long (rewrap when window resized)/ Scrollback Buffer/ Background processes are "clean"/p Emulation Preferences/7 Show Default/ Title Bar/ Create a neC& ell window/ Other Options/ Field4/ Title Preferences/ Do nothing/ Include these Elements/ Path/_ Custom Title/ Prefs Two/ Unlimited/ : Scroll to the bottom of the window when input is received/ Hide on Auto-Launch/ Auto-Launch/ Columns/ procCtl/ Startup Preferences/| + Alternate key generates special characters/A When Terminal Starts Up/1 Never close the window/ shellCtl/ Activity monitor enabled/ Remove/@ Open the startup file/ Read login script/ miscCtl/ winCtl/ Set Default/a Device Name/ Form2// 'Close the window if shell exits cleanly/ Enabled/e Current Folder/ Prefs One/ Process Monitor Preferences/ 8 Perform strict VT100 emulation (not normally desirable)/ VT100 Emulation/ Shell Path/ [92@] IBOutletConnector IBConnector paneSelector showDefaultButton setDefaultButton okButton container window emulationCntl shellCntl processMonitorCntl titleBarCntl miscCntl IBControlConnector changePane: setDefaultX: delegate showDefaultX: windowCntl fontTarget strictCheck keypadCheck translateCheck altMatrix checkMatrix emulationPane processMonitorPane miscPane fontField fontTrap shellExitMatrix sizeForm shellForm sourceCheck setFontRequest: actionMatrix fastAutolaunchCheck pathForm setPathRequest: windowPane shellPane startupPane startupCntl altBox altMsg textDelegate pathWasSet: handleReturnByProxy: startupActionChanged: fastStartupChanged: targetProxy shellChanged: sourceDotLoginChanged: handleReturn: lineLimitField wrapCheck autoFocusCheck otherOptionsMatrix unlimitLines: linesUnlimited linesLimited limitLines: performClick: addButton monitorCheck newCleanField removeButton runningCleanCheck remove: scrollbackEnableCheck buttonMatrix fakeTitle elementMatrix titleForm titleBitsChanged: cleanMatrix titleBarPane cleanProcChanged: runningBackgroundChanged: enablementChanged: cleanScrollView