typedstream IBObjectData Object CustomObject InstallPanel Matrix Control Responder ClipView ScrollView [12@] Button ButtonCell ActionCell Helvetica NXImage TextField TextFieldCell Install Package ;Set how you want to install the contents of the %s package. Install software for: ~/Apps Install software in: Set... @:@iiii Cancel Install NXreturnSign ff@@#::s NoCheck Check Some random NeXT machine (m99k) Scroller _doScroller: @@@ffs These computers These languages WindowTemplate iiii***@s@ Panel Divider2 LangScroll LangMatrix ArchMatrix Divider1 ArchScroll File's Owner ActionButtons Install Panel AppIcon IBOutletConnector IBConnector textField destField setDestButton IBControlConnector chooseDestination: panelWindow performCancelOrInstall: titleField archLabel archScroll delegate langScroll