typedstream StreamTable HashTable Object [20c] typedstream [2420c] typedstream HashTable Object FirstResponder HeaderClass %%%%i@@ firstnib checkSpelling: alignSelCenter: unscript: pasteFont: runPageLayout: superscript: copyRuler: copyFont: selectAll: pasteRuler: toggleRuler: showGuessPanel: printPSCode: alignSelLeft: paste: performClose: arrangeInFront: subscript: copy: alignSelRight: delete: orderFrontColorPanel: underline: performMiniaturize: BitmapScroll ScrollView scrollnib viewZoomOut: slideColor: viewMenu: saveEPS: frameMenu: viewZoomIn: doPrescan: pasteImage: clearImage: clearPrescan: saveTIFF: copyImage: cutImage: doScan: ScanFrame Frame viewnib UPDupdateObject genericobject_nib BitmapView applyImageControl: Subclass1 Slider slidernib ProgressBox Subclass2 menunib ScanDevice ScanApplication Application UtilLib.h appnib numDocs fMessageTable DoPageLayout: SelectUnit: SwitchScanView: SetRes: DeliverImage: NextScanner: ScanAll: scalePanelOK: terminate: modifyPreviewMode: CheckThresh: CheckFrame: SetBatchFileType: ScanBatch: SelectRes: ClearAll: modifyScanMode: RequestImage: ScanWindow Window windownib PrescanFrame GrayCurveView $../../Toolkit/source/SCDscanDevice.h fApplyBtn fSelMax fBrValue fScanBtn fUpperValue fSelMin fCross fConValue fViewMatrix fLowerSlider fInvSwitch fOrigBtn fBrSlider fLowerValue fMidValue fSelMid fConSlider fSpecMatrix fAutoApplySwitch fClickMsg fMidSlider fUpperSlider changeAutoApply: toggleSpectrum: resetOriginal: changeInversion: selectGrayValue: doScanEnhanced: changeBrightness: toggleView: changeStretch: spectrumControl: changeContrast: ProgressPanel Panel progressCancel: [18313c] typedstream HashTable Object Bitmap ScanXicon iii00 [576c] UUUUUP UUUUU@ jUUUUUP UUUUUU@ UUUUU NibData @@@@s Storage {*@@} [140{*@@}] File's Owner CustomObject ScanApplication Font Manager FontManager InfoPanel WindowTemplate iiii***@s@ Panel Responder Helvetica TextField Control TextFieldCell ActionCell Times-Italic0 Scan-X Helvetica-BoldOblique Microcomputer U.S, Inc. Release 2.0 (v1.7) Helvetica-Bold \Software for the Professional Family of HSD Line Art, Gray Scale and Color Scanning Systems +Written by: Ronald Steinhau & Kevin Rarick 4Copyright 1990, 1991 by HSD Microcomputer U.S., Inc. Field1 Field2 Field3 Field4 VersionNumber Field Field5 Field6 MainMenu MenuTemplate *@*@ccc Matrix @:@iiii [10@] MenuCell ButtonCell Tableau d'information... Switch Scan View ff@@#::s submenuAction: menuArrow Document Sauvegarder sous TIFF... Sauvegarder sous EPS... Editer Couper Copier Effacer Effacer le Pr sentation Image Processing... Format d'impression... Batch Scan... Impression en cours Services Masquer Quitter ScanWindow scanner unassigned [31@] solution Frame Info Threshold Frame Area Button CustomView BitmapScroll lectionner popup popupH Slider SliderCell sentation Commandes du Frame moire: FormCell Gauche Largeur Hauteur Field: 0.00 MB Etat : empty Couleur du Frame Line art Lineart Mode : Line art ImageViewhG Preview~G ResBtnkG ScanBtndG ThreshSliderzG UnitBtn ZoomInBtnrG ZoomOutBtnwG ThreshData Slider1Low Slider1High ViewBtn ScanFrameBtn ScanAreaMatrix Left Width Height StorageForm StatusForm FrameColorSlider ResData PreviewMode ScanMode DataForm ProgressPanel Progress ProgressBox Cancel Missing Message... ProgressMsg ScalePanel Scale New Scale: returnSign ScaleData HelpPanel Command Click Times-Bold Zoom in at mouse location Times-Roman Command Alternate Click Zoom out at mouse location Control Click ,Zoom in to scan resolution at mouse location Shortcuts in Scan-X MessageTable NXStringTable 200%\ Zoom_Out\ Zoom arri No_Autom_Docu_feeder\ No automatic document feeder!L Quit_Sacn-X\ JDo you really want to quit Scan-X ? Click cancel to return to application.L Scan-X_Info_Message\ Scan-X Info MessageL Deliver_To\ Deliver ToL Dither\ Center_In_View\ CentrageL BeginFile\ reading\ Batch_Root_Filename\ Base FilenameL Sorry\ Scanner not found.L EndFile\ empty\ ViderL pixels\ Scan-X_Alert\ Scan-X AttentionL errorMsg\ scan_Title\ Make_sure_all_docu\ XMake sure all documents are removed from the scanner bed before performing a batch scan.L Full_Page\ Full PageL redL Size_To_Fit\ Size To FitL Set_Scale finir Echelle scan_frame\ scan frame/scan error:L Zoom_In\ Zoom AvantL Clear_Scanner_Bed\ Clear Scanner BedL Color\ CouleurL blue\ blueL ChAtSi\ cChanging the attributes or size of this scan frame will clear it's contents. Click OK to continue.L Save_As_EPS Sauvegarder sous EPS Please_Deliver\ Please deliver scanned image to L Gray-256\ Gris-256L Zoom_To_Resol\ Zoom solutionL scanning\ error_Postscript\ Error while loading Postscript!L Select\ scanned\ green\ vertL Delete_All_Frames\ Delete all FramesL Scan-X_Error\ Scan-X ErrorL Save_As_TIFF Sauvegarder sous TIFF Unsaved_frames\ gUnsaved frames will be lost. If you want to save frames, click cancel, return to application and save.L Scanner_not_found\ ,Scanner not found. Please check the cabling.L Select_a_frame2\ OSelect a frame that has been scanned or scan this frame before trying to print!L Unsaved\ PUnsaved frames will be lost. If you want to save frames, click cancel and save.L Could_not_create\ )Could not create this file. Error code = L Continue\ No_other_scanner\ 2No other scanner found, please check your cabling.L inch\ Line_art\ waiting\ waiting...LF\ AnnulerL no_frame\ no frameL empty_method\ empty method reflect...\nL Select_a_frame1\