GNU bison 1.24 Release Notes

Some of the links in this file point to online documents which require additional installation.

Table of Contents

  • What is GNU bison?
  • Support Policy
  • Installation Information
  • Silicon Graphics Legal Notice
  • Author's Notice(s)
  • A few GNU software Web pages:
  • GNU Software Online Docs (U. of Tennessee)
  • GNU info tree (Ohio State University)
  • GNU info tree (bison specific)
  • Index of GNU resources at Yahoo

  • What is GNU bison ?

    bison is the GNU replacement for the yacc (yet another compiler compiler). The standard Un*x parser generator.
    bison is better than yacc, and it has an option, '-y' to produce yacc compatible output.
    The reasons to use bison (over yacc) are the same as those for using flex (over lex): portability, universal availablity, speed, net support. Unlike flex which provides lexical analysis of regular expressions, bison generates parsers to handle more powerful context-free grammars.
    Some details on the yacc/bison differences are available in the REFERENCES file included with the sources.
    Most likely you need bison only if you're a software developer and engaged in developing tools which parse context free grammars.
    See 'man bison' for further details.

    Author's Notice(s):

    GNU packages are distributed under the FSF (Free Software Foundation) "Copyleft" which includes the GPL (GNU public license) and the Library GPL.
    GNU bison was written and enhanced over the years by scores of people on the net.
    Suggestions and bug reports for these programs can be mailed to:

    Builder Notice(s):

    Built and packaged for SGI by Ariel Faigon.

    This is free software. Emails for support silently ignored. Patches and constructive suggestions for improvement welcome.

    Installation Information

    GNU bison subsystems

    Execution only environment. The file utilities executables.*
    Man pages, release notes, & texinfo documentation.
    Full source distribution.

    Installation Method

    All of the subsystems for this product can be installed using IRIX. You do not need to use the miniroot. Refer to the Software Installation Administrator's Guide for complete installation instructions.


    This software is compatible with IRIX 5.3 and IRIX 6.x.
    Use the -y option for yacc compatibility.

    Bison was upgraded from version 1.22 to version 1.24 for freeware 6.2