Note: Some of the links in this file point to online documents which require additional installation.
Ghostscript is the name of a set of software that provides:
Ghostscript was originally created, and is primarily developed and maintained, by L. Peter Deutsch, President of Aladdin Enterprises. Ghostscript is a copyrighted work of Aladdin Enterprises, Menlo Park, CA. It is not shareware or in the public domain. This version is distributed under the ALADDIN GHOSTSCRIPT FREE PUBLIC LICENSE (Version 4, March 5, 1995) which specifically allows verbatim redistribution without charge on CDROM. Please read the license. Aladdin Enterprises doesn't have the resources to support this software and the software is distributed with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. Please read the README file. For help please refer to the the Ghostscript Frequently Asked Questions on the Internet at: or, if this doesn't work, at: where NNN is a version number.
ghostscript was packaged for SGI by Robert Keller.
All of the subsystems for this product can be installed using IRIX. You do not need to use the miniroot. Refer to the Software Installation Administrator's Guide for complete installation instructions.
This software is compatible with IRIX 5.3 and IRIX 6.x.