Netpbm Release Notes

Table of Contents

  • What is netpbm
  • Support Policy
  • Installation Information
  • Silicon Graphics Legal Notice
  • Author/Builder's Notice(s)

  • What is netpbm ?

    Netpbm is a toolkit for converting images among a variety of different image formats. If you want to convert TIFF to GIF, xpm to rgb, MS-Windows xpaint (.bmp) files to JPEG, etc. netpbm may be what you're looking for.

    Note that most conversions require two steps: first a conversion from your input format to the PBM (portable bitmap) format and then from the portable bitmap, to the desired new format. This keeps the number of executables on the order of 2N rather than N squared.

    Netpbm does more than just conversions. It allows a few basic image operations. The package is intended to be portable to many platforms. It has been tested under UNIX (BSD and SYSV, e.g. SGI, Sun4, Sun386i, DEC and Apollo DN 3500), VMS and Amiga OS. There are also compiler directives in it for MS-DOS.

    Netpbm is a 'net cooperative effort of many individuals, hence its name. It is based on pbmplus, by Jef Poskanzer. Jef created the foundation of this major undertaking. Thanks Jef.

    For more details on the various utilites included in netpbm, see the man pages or just try it. It is highly recommended.

    Author/Builder Notice(s):

    Netpbm consists of code contributed by many authors. In every file of the source code, there is a copyright notice, telling you what you may or may not do with the code. All authors have granted you the right to use and distribute their code without having to pay them, as long as you do it on a non-commercial basis. Most authors allow you to do even more, but remember to check their copyright notices.

    netpbm was packaged for SGI by Robert Keller and these relnotes were written by Ariel Faigon.

    This is free software. Emails for support silently ignored. Patches and constructive suggestions for improvement welcome.

    Installation Information

    Netpbm Subsystems

    Execution only environment. The various conversion executables. .*
    Man pages, documentation, and release notes.
    The full original source distribution.

    Installation Method

    All of the subsystems for this product can be installed using IRIX. You do not need to use the miniroot. Refer to the Software Installation Administrator's Guide for complete installation instructions.


    This software is compatible with IRIX 5.3 and IRIX 6.x.