The authors of Tin 1.2 PL2 are Iain Lee <> and Rich Skrenta. Neither Lee nor Skrenta are responsible for changes made in this SGI version.
The original distribution of Tin 1.2 PL2 is subject to the following Copyright:
(c) Copyright 1991-93 by Iain Lea & Rich Skrenta You may freely copy or redistribute this software, so long as there is no profit made from its use, sale trade or reproduction. You may not change this copy- right notice, and it must be included in any copy made
Tin includes these subsystems:
Tin is configured to use only NNTP news servers. The NNTP server must be specified in either the file /etc/nntpserver or the environment variable NNTPSERVER. Tin stores configuration information in a subdirectory .tin in each users' home directory; see the tin man page for more information. However, many Tin configuration options are modifiable by recompiling it; see the file INSTALL in /usr/freeware/src/tin/tin-1.22 for information on these options.
When posting and responding to articles, tin needs to know the domain name of the user. In this distribution, Tin has been configured to read the file /usr/freeware/lib/tin_domain to find the domain name. This file is created at installation time; if yp is running, this file is actually a symbolic link to /var/yp/ypdomain. If yp is not in use, the file may need to be modified by hand.
Tin is compatible with .newsrc files created with rn, turn, and most other news readers. However, not all existing news readers have been tested. Please back up your .newsrc file before running Tin.