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Using the Base Documentation CD

About This CD

For customers with new systems that shipped with this release, new and updated documentation can be viewed offline using the IRIX 6.5 Base Documentation CD, May 99.

The IRIX 6.5 Base Documentation CD allows you to access standard release notes, online books, and man pages before you install the system software. You view the documentation directly from the CD; you do not use this CD to install documentation. No license is required to use the tools provided on the CD. (Documentation is installed, by default, with software CDs. To find out about accessing installed documentation see General Documentation.)

The IRIX 6.5 Base Documentation CD is not shipped with the IRIX 6.5.x Update Kits. Corresponding book documentation, release note, and man page information can be viewed by customers who have purchased SGI systems through the web on the Supportfolio Online site (

Note: There is a duplicate copy of Start Here on the Base Documentation CD.

Tip: This CD is an ISO9660 standard CD, which means that it can be used in most CD-ROM drives. This allows your IRIX-based system to mount the CD from a variety of remote CD-ROM drives (as long as they are connected to operating systems that support exporting ISO9660 filesystems).

How to Use This CD

  1. Login and insert the Base Documentation CD into your CD-ROM drive.

  2. Open a shell:
    From the Toolchest, choose Desktop > Open Unix Shell.

  3. Go to the CDROM directory:

    Use the cd command:
    % cd /CDROM

    Inside of the directory are the six different CD scripts, which you can see listed with the ls command:
    % ls
    CDgrelnotes   CDinsight CDrelnotes
    CDinfosearch  CDman     CDsgihelp

  4. Use the CD scripts to access the documentation on the CD. To run any of the scripts, in a UNIX shell, enter ./ followed by the script name.

    For example:
    % ./CDgrelnotes

    What follows are descriptions of what each of the scripts do:

If you are going through the Before You Install checklist, return to Step 5.


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