On this page:
Key m = maintenance streamf = feature stream |
4Dwm_6512m: Desktop Window Manager, 6.5.12m
Welcome: Customer Welcome, May 2001
desktop_base_6512m: IRIX Interactive Desktop Base Software, 6.5.12m
desktop_eoe_6512m: IRIX Interactive Desktop, 6.5.12m
desktop_tools_6512m: Desktop Tools, 6.5.12m
dev_6512m: Development System,
eoe_6512m: IRIX Execution Environment, 6.5.12m
irix_dev_6512m: IRIX Development Headers/Documentation/Examples, 6.5.12m
nfs_6512m: Network File System, 6.5.12m
pcp_eoe_6512m: Performance Co-Pilot Execution Only Environment, 2.1
print_6512m: Printing Tools, Release 1.12.5
roboinst: RoboInst Tools for Automatic Installations 1.2
sysadmdesktop_6512m: IRIX Interactive Desktop System Administration, 6.5.12m
sysmon_6512m: Desktop System Monitor, 2.1.3
x_eoe_6512m: X11 Execution Environment, 6.5.12m, based on X11R6.3
patchSG0003700: Installation tools support for overlays patch. Enables live upgrade for systems running 6.5 or later.
4Dwm_6512f: Desktop Window Manager, 6.5.12f
Welcome: Customer Welcome, May 2001
desktop_base_6512f: IRIX Interactive Desktop Base Software, 6.5.12f
desktop_eoe_6512f: IRIX Interactive Desktop, 6.5.12f
desktop_tools_6512f: Desktop Tools, 6.5.12f
dev_6512f: Development System,
eoe_6512f: IRIX Execution Environment, 6.5.12f
irix_dev_6512f: IRIX Development Headers/Documentation/Examples, 6.5.12f
nfs_6512f: Network File System, 6.5.12f
pcp_eoe_6512f: Performance Co-Pilot Execution Only Environment, 2.1
print_6512f: Printing Tools, Release 1.13.5f
roboinst: RoboInst Tools for Automatic Installations 1.2
sysadmdesktop_6512f: IRIX Interactive Desktop System Administration, 6.5.12f
sysmon_6512f: Desktop System Monitor, 2.1.3
x_eoe_6512f: X11 Execution Environment, 6.5.12m, based on X11R6.3
patchSG0003700: Installation tools support for overlays patch. Enables live upgrade for systems running 6.5 or later.
/CDROM/dist directory
FDDIXpress_6512m: FDDIXpress, 6.5.12m
Register_6512m: On-Line Registration, 2.1
ViewKit21_dev: ViewKit 2.1 (BETA) Development Environment, Version 2.1.0
ViewKit_dev_6512m: ViewKit Development Environment, Version 1.5.3
ViewKit_eoe_6512m: ViewKit Execution Environment, Version 1.5.3
c++_eoe_7312_6512m: Standard Execution Environment (C++ Headers and Libraries,
cluster_admin: Cluster Administration Services, 6.5.12
cluster_control: Cluster Control Services, 6.5.12
cluster_services: Cluster Infrastructure Services, 6.5.12
compiler_eoe_7312_6512m: IRIX Standard Execution Environment (Base Compiler Headers and Libraries,
cxfs: CXFS and XVM for 6.5.12f
dmedia_dev_6512m: Digital Media Development Environment, 6.5.12m
dmedia_eoe_6512m: Digital Media Execution Environment, 6.5.12m
dps_eoe_6512m: Display PostScript/X, 2.0.8 based on PostScript Level 2
dvdr_6512m: Device Driver, 5.0
dynaweb_6512m: Dynaweb (InSight to HTML), 4.3.4
eis_features: EIS Specific Features. 6.5.12f
field_diags_sysco: Standalone System Controller Environment for 6.5.12m
ftn_eoe_7312_6512m: Standard Execution Environment (Fortran Headers and Libraries,
gl_dev_6512m: Graphics Library Development System, 6.5.12m
hwguides_eoe_6512m: Hardware Owner's Guides, 1.1
ifl_dev_6512m: Image Format Library Development Environment, 1.2.2
ifl_eoe_6512m: Image Format Library Execution Only Environment, 1.2.2
il_eoe_6512m: ImageVision Library Execution Only Environment, 3.2.1
impr_base_6512m: Impressario 2.8.5 Base
impr_dev_6512m: Impressario 2.8.5 Developer's Kit
impr_print_6512m: Impressario 2.8.5 Print Server
impr_rip_6512m: Impressario 2.8.5 PostScript Renderer (Requires Optional Impressario License)
impr_rip_printers_6512m: Impressario 2.8.5 Host RIP Printers
impr_scan_6512m: Impressario 2.8.5 Scanner Software
infosearch_6512m: Information Searching Execution Environment, 6.5.12m
insight_6512m: InSight Online Doc Viewer, 4.3.4
insight_base_6512m: InSight Online Doc Viewer Base Software, 4.3.4
inst_dev_6512m: Software Packager, 1.5
inventor_eoe_655m: Inventor Execution Only Environment, 2.1.6
io4prom_6512m: IO4prom for 64bit OS systems, 6.5.12m
ip32prom_6512m: Flash PROM for IP32 systems, 6.5.12m
isdn_eoe_6512m: ISDN Execution Environment, 2.0
license_dev_6512m: License Development Environment 3.4.4
license_eoe_6512m: License Tools 3.4.4
media_warehouse_6512m: IRIX Interactive Desktop MediaWarehouse 1.2
motif21_dev: IRIX IM 2.1 Development Software, 6.5 (based on OSF/Motif 2.1.20)
motif_dev_6512m: IRIX IM Development Software, 6.5 (based on OSF/Motif 1.2.4)
motif_eoe_6512m: IRIX IM Execution Software (Motif 1.2 and 2.1 Combined) for 6.5.12m
performer_demo: Performer Demos and Demo Data, 2.4.1
performer_eoe: OpenGL Performer 2.4.1 Run-time Environment
sgsearch_6512m: Fulltext Indexing & Search Environment, 3.0
sysadm_base: Sysadm Base, 1.4
sysadm_cxfs: CXFS Cluster Manager GUI, 2.1
tooltalk_eoe_6512m: ToolTalk 1.3 Execution Only Environment
vfc_6512m: Video Format Compiler, 1.2
webviewer_6512m: WebViewer library execution only environment, 3.0.1
webviewer_dev_6512m: WebViewer library development environment, 3.0.1
x_books_6512m: O'Reilly & Associates, Inc. developer books, X11R5
x_dev_6512m: X11 Development Environment, 3.8 based on X11R6.3
/CDROM/dist/unbundled directory
aso_audio_6512m: Audio/Serial Option Card Audio Support 1.3 for IRIX 6.5.12m
atm: ATM Software, 2.3.10
dba_6512m: Database Accelerator, 6.5.12m
dfs_6512m: Distributed File System, 6.5.12m
divo_6512m: DIVO/DIVO-DVC Video Execution Environment, 2.2 for 6.5.12m
dwb_655m: Documenter's WorkBench, 4.1.4
evo_6512m: Octane Personal Video Execution Environment, 6.5.12m
galileo_6512m: Galileo Video Execution Environment, 6.5.12m
il_dev_6512m: ImageVision Library, 3.2.1
impactI2V_6512m: Impact Indigo2 Video Execution Environment, 6.5.12m
impactcomp_6512m: Impact Compression Execution Environment, 6.5.12m
impactdm_6512m: Impact Digital Media Base Execution Environment, 6.5.12m
impactvideo_6512m: Impact Video Execution Environment, 6.5.12m
sirius_6512m: Sirius Video Execution Environment, 6.5.12m
/CDROM/dist directory
InPerson: InPerson Desktop Conferencing, 2.2.1
PeoplePages: PeoplePages - The Indigo Magic Phonebook, 1.2.1
Register: On-Line Registration, 1.4
accessx: Access for Movement-Impaired Users, 1.1.3
acrobat: Adobe Acrobat Reader, 4.05
annotator: IRIS Annotator 1.2
appletalk: Xinet Macintosh Connectivity 10.02
arraysvcs: Array Services 3.4
cms_eoe: Color Management 2.0.5
cosmocreate: Cosmo Create Authoring Environment, 1.0.3
cosmoplayer: Cosmo Player VRML Viewer 2.1.5 for IRIX 6.5
desktop_eoe: IRIX Interactive Desktop, 6.5
desktop_tools: Desktop Tools, 6.5
dps_eoe: Display PostScript/X, 2.0.8 based on PostScript Level 2
dynaweb: Dynaweb (InSight to HTML), 3.1a
fddivis: FDDI Visualyzer, 6.5
gateway: Internet Gateway Execution Environment, 3.1
imgtools: ImageVision Tools, 3.2.1
impr_base: Impressario 2.2.5 Base
impr_print: Impressario 2.2.5 Print Server
impr_rip: Impressario 2.2.5 PostScript Renderer (Requires Optional Impressario License)
impr_rip_printers: Impressario 2.2.5 Host RIP Printers
impr_scan: Impressario 2.2.5 Scanner Software
infosearch: Information Searching Execution Environment, 6.5
insight: InSight Online Doc Viewer, 3.1
insight_gloss: IRIS InSight Online Glossary, 3.0.1
java_eoe: Java Execution Environment 3.2 (Sun JRE 1.1.8)
java_plugin: Runtime Plug-in for IRIX, Java(TM) Edition 1.1.1b
license_eoe: License Tools 3.3
macromedia: Macromedia Movie Player, 1.4.1
media_warehouse: IRIX Interactive Desktop MediaWarehouse 1.2
nedit: NEdit V5.1.1a - GUI style editor
netscape: Netscape Communicator Client, 4.76
netwr_client: NetWare Client 1.1.1
outbox: OutBox Personal Web Site, 1.6
print: Printing Tools, Release 1.7.5
sgi_apache: SGI Web Server based on Apache, 1.3.17
sgimeeting: SGImeeting Collaboration Environment, 2.0
sgips: Adobe Photoshop Performance Package, 1.2
sgsearch: Fulltext Indexing & Search Environment, 2.0
showcase: IRIS Showcase 3.4.2
sitemgr: SiteMgr - Web Content Administration, 1.1
sysadmdesktop: IRIX Interactive Desktop System Administration, 6.5
sysmon: Desktop System Monitor, 2.1.2
vlan: VLAN software 1.0 for IRIX 6.5
websetup: Web Setup and Administration, 3.2
webviewer: WebViewer library execution only environment, 3.0
xlators_3d: 3D File Translators 1.1.1
/CDROM/dist/extras directory
netscape_lite: Netscape Navigator Client, 4.76
/CDROM/dev directory
insight_dev: InSight Developer Book Building Tools, 4.3.4
java_dev: Java Development Environment 3.2 (Sun JDK 1.1.8)
netscape_dev: Netscape Communicator Developer's Environment, 4.76
Note: The patches on this CD are necessary and are automatically selected for installation; do not deselect any of these patches. This CD also includes installation components, such as the miniroot, which are loaded automatically, and thus are not listed here as installable software.
patchSG0003131: 7.2.1 base compiler runtime environment for IRIX 6.2/6.3/6.4/6.5
patchSG0003139: libmp rollup
patchSG0003140: 7.2.1 FORTRAN runtime for IRIX 6.2/6.3/6.4/6.5 - REQUIRED FOR F90
roboinst: RoboInst Tools for Automatic Installations 1.0
Welcome: Customer Welcome
4Dwm: Desktop Window Manager, 6.5
ViewKit_eoe: ViewKit Execution Environment, Version 1.5.2
c++_eoe: Standard Execution Environment (C++ Headers and Libraries, 7.2.1)
compiler_eoe: IRIX Standard Execution Environment (Base Compiler Headers and Libraries, 7.2.1)
desktop_base: IRIX Interactive Desktop Base Software, 6.5
dmedia_eoe: Digital Media Execution Environment, 6.5
eoe: IRIX Execution Environment, 6.5
ftn_eoe: Standard Execution Environment (Fortran Headers and Libraries, 7.2.1)
insight_base: InSight Online Doc Viewer Base Software, 3.1
io4prom: IO4prom for 64bit OS systems, 6.5
ip32prom: Flash PROM for IP32 systems, 6.5
motif_eoe: IRIX IM Execution Only Environment, 6.5 (based on OSF/Motif 1.2.4)
tooltalk_eoe: ToolTalk 1.3 Execution Only Environment
websupport_eoe: WebSupport 1.3 eoe
x_eoe: X11 Execution Environment, 3.8 based on X11R6.3
FDDIXpress: FDDIXpress, 6.5
gnu: GNU Software configured & precompiled for IRIX, 1.0
hwguides_eoe: Hardware Owner's Guides, 1.1
ifl_eoe: Image Format Library Execution Only Environment, 1.2.1
il_eoe: ImageVision Library Execution Only Environment, 3.2.1
inventor_eoe: Inventor Execution Only Environment, 2.1.4
isdn_eoe: ISDN Execution Environment, 2.0
javascript_eoe: JavaScript library execution only environment, 1.0
pcp_eoe: Performance Co-Pilot Execution Only Environment, 2.0
performer_demo: Performer 2.2.1 Demos and Demo Data
performer_eoe: Performer 2.2.1 Execution Environment
sgitcl_eoe: SGI Tcl Execution Environment, 1.1
vfc: Video Format Compiler, 1.2
InPerson: InPerson Desktop Conferencing, 2.2.1
PeoplePages: PeoplePages - The Indigo Magic Phonebook, 1.2.1
Register: On-Line Registration, 1.4
accessx: Access for Movement-Impaired Users, 1.0
acrobat: Adobe Acrobat Reader, 3.01
annotator: IRIS Annotator 1.2
appletalk: Xinet Macintosh Connectivity 9.02
arraysvcs: Array Services 3.1
cms_eoe: Color Management 2.0.5
cosmocreate: Cosmo Create Authoring Environment, 1.0.3
cosmoplayer: Cosmo Player VRML Viewer 1.1 for IRIX 6.5
custlink: CustomerLink Client Software, 2.2.3
demos: Demonstration Programs, 6.5
desktop_eoe: IRIX Interactive Desktop, 6.5
desktop_tools: Desktop Tools, 6.5
dps_eoe: Display PostScript/X, 2.0.8 based on PostScript Level 2
dynaweb: Dynaweb (InSight to HTML), 4.1
elec_svcs: Customer Support Services Base Software, Rel. 2.2
fddivis: FDDI Visualyzer, 6.5
gateway: Internet Gateway Execution Environment, 3.1
iforark: LicensePower/iFOR IS4.0.1 ARK
iforcrk: LicensePower/iFOR IS4.0.1 CRK
imgtools: ImageVision Tools, 3.2.1
impr_base: Impressario 2.2.5 Base
impr_print: Impressario 2.2.5 Print Server
impr_rip: Impressario 2.2.5 PostScript Renderer (Requires Optional Impressario License)
impr_rip_printers: Impressario 2.2.5 Host RIP Printers
impr_scan: Impressario 2.2.5 Scanner Software
infosearch: Information Searching Execution Environment, 6.5
insight: InSight Online Doc Viewer, 3.1
insight_gloss: IRIS InSight Online Glossary, 3.0
java_eoe: Java Execution Environment 3.1 (Sun JRE 1.1.5)
license_eoe: License Tools 3.4.2
macromedia: Macromedia Movie Player, 1.4.1
mbase_client: WebFORCE MediaBase 2.1 - Client
media_warehouse: IRIX Interactive Desktop MediaWarehouse 1.2
nedit: NEdit V4.0.3i - GUI style editor
netscape: Netscape Communicator Client, 4.05
netscape_lite: Netscape Navigator Client, 4.05
netwr_client: NetWare Client 1.1
ns_admin: Netscape Administration Server, 2.13
ns_fasttrack: Netscape Fasttrack Personal Server, 2.01
ocs_client: WebFORCE MediaBase 2.1 - OCS Client Execution Only Environment
outbox: OutBox Personal Web Site, 1.5
print: Printing Tools, Release 1.7.5
sgips: Adobe Photoshop Performance Package, 1.2
sgsearch: Fulltext Indexing & Search Environment, 2.3
showcase: IRIS Showcase 3.4.2
sitemgr: SiteMgr - Web Content Administration, 1.1
sysadmdesktop: IRIX Interactive Desktop System Administration, 6.5
sysmon: Desktop System Monitor, 2.1.2
vlan: VLAN software 1.0 for IRIX 6.5
websetup: Web Setup and Administration, 3.1
webviewer: WebViewer library execution only environment, 3.0
xlators_3d: 3D File Translators 1.1.1
c++_dev: C++ Headers and Libraries, 7.3
c_dev: C Headers and Libraries, 7.3
compiler_dev: Base Compiler Development Environment, 7.3
ftn77_dev: Fortran 77 Headers and Libraries, 7.3
ftn90_dev: Fortran 90 Headers and Libraries, 7.3
ftn_dev: Fortran Headers and Libraries, 7.3
langtools: Source Code Utilities 1.0
modules: Modules Package
ViewKit_dev: ViewKit Development Environment, Version 1.5.2
cms_dev: Color Management Software 2.0.5 Development
complib_dev: ChallengeComplib, 3.1.1
complib_eoe: ChallengeComplib Execution Environment, 3.1.1
dev: Development System, 7.2.1
dmedia_dev: Digital Media Development Environment, 6.5
dvdr: Device Driver, 5.0
gl_dev: Graphics Library Development System, 6.5
ifl_dev: Image Format Library Development Environment, 1.2.1
impr_dev: Impressario 2.2.5 Developer's Kit
inst_dev: Software Packager, 1.5
irix_dev: IRIX Development Headers/Documentation/Examples, 6.5
java_dev: Java Development Environment 3.1 (Sun JDK 1.1.5)
license_dev: License Development Environment 3.3
motif_books: OSF Motif developer books, 1.2.3
motif_dev: IRIX IM Development Software, 6.5 (based on OSF/Motif 1.2.4)
netscape_dev: Netscape Communicator Developer's Environment, 4.05
webviewer_dev: WebViewer library development environment, 3.0
x_books: O'Reilly & Associates, Inc. developer books, X11R5
x_dev: X11 Development Environment, 3.8 based on X11R6.3
If you are using the Before You Install checklist, return to Step 6.