
The SGI AccessX graphical interface lets movement-impaired users set and activate the following five special keyboard features:

  • MouseKeys turns the user's keyboard number pad into a pointer controller, enabling the user to move the pointer without the mouse.
  • BounceKeys makes the keyboard ignore spurious extra presses of a key.
  • StickyKeys causes modifier keys such as Shift, Ctrl, and Alt to latch and affect the next key pressed, such that modifier keys and other keys may be pressed in sequence instead of simultaneously.
  • SlowKeys makes the keyboard ignore spurious presses of other keys on the way to a target key.
  • RepeatKeys lets the user toggle whether held keys are acknowledged repeatedly or just once. The SGI AccessX status window updates in real time to give feedback whenever the user presses, latches (holds down), and releases the mouse button and modifier keys.
Annotator(TM) IRIS Annotator (TM) is a multimedia application expressly designed for sharing ideas and information about 3D models. IRIS Annotator lets you annotate 3D models using the full complement of SGI Digital Media tools, then electronically mail the annotated models to others for review. IRIS Annotator is the ideal collaboration tool for any discipline producing 3D data, including engineering, manufacturing, architecture, life sciences, and geosciences. License required. Annotator
Adobe® Photoshop Performance Package

This package contains Photoshop plug-ins that accelerate many of Photoshop's image processing functions. Plug-ins are software modules (DSOs under UNIX) with which Photoshop can dynamically link to provide new features or in this case override built-in functions. The plug-in version of these functions uses your system's image processing hardware to help perform the required operations many times faster than the main CPU can. If you purchase Photoshop, install this product and launch Photoshop using the photoshop_sgi icon, available on the Applications page of the Icon Catalog, to take advantage of these enhancements. License Required.

In the U.S. or Canada call SGI support for questions about Photoshop Licenses at 1(800)800-4SGI or see SGI Software Licensing.
Array Services Array Services is a set of tools with kernel support that simplify the management of systems and parallel applcations for clusters of SGI systems.
Color Management The Color Management software contains libraries (supplied as DSOs), utility programs to apply color corrections (cocostiff(1), cocojpeg(1), cocogif(1), etc.), and International Color Consortium (ICC) color profiles for selected devices. Other applications rely on this product.
Customer Support Services


  • Customer Support Base Software
  • Customer Registration
  • Customer Welcome (the HTML pages you're currently reading)
You can find the icons for these tools on the Support page and the WhatsNew page in the Icon Catalog.
Register Custlink
Demonstration Programs Cool demos to show off your system to your friends! You can launch them from the Demos page of the Icon Catalog. Demos
Desktop System Monitor System Monitor is an error reporting system for the IRIX Interactive Desktop. You can find an icon for it on the Support Tools page of the Icon Catalog. Sysmon
Display PostScript PostScript is an interpretive programming language with graphics capabilities for printing or displaying pages of text, two-dimensional graphical shapes, and sampled images. Display PostScript/X (DPS/X) is a PostScript interpreter that renders on the screen. DPS/X is based on Level 2 PostScript language; the SGI version of DPS/X is an extension of its X/Window System. The first time you run an application that uses DPS/X, the extension is loaded dynamically into the X server. DPS/X applications are X applications as well and are run in much the same way.
FDDIVisualizer FDDIVisualizer is a tool for visualizing FDDI network traffic and bottlenecks.
IndigoMagic MediaWarehouse Media Warehouse provides viewers for ASCII text, HTML, 3D models (Inventor(TM) and VRML), audio (AIFF, AIFC, NeXT/AU, and WAV formats), movies (SGI Movie, MPEG, and QuickTime® formats), IL image (see imgformats(1)), and X image (XPM and XBM) data types. Several desktop products rely on this product.
License Tools The License Tools support the installation and management of software licenses and can be run interactively or automatically. This product should be installed on systems running licensed applications (it is preinstalled on most SGI systems). You can launch this tool from the System menu on the Toolchest. License

IRIS Performer provides a powerful and extensible programming interface (with ANSI C and C++ bindings) for creating real-time visual simulation and other interactive graphics applications. IRIS Performer 2.0 supports both IRIS GL and the industry-standard OpenGL(TM) graphics library; these libraries combine with the IRIX operating system and REACT(TM) extensions to form the foundation of a powerful suite of tools and features for creating real-time visual simulation applications on SGI systems.

Performer is now located on the IRIX 6.5.14 Overlays CDs.
Serial Video LAN Control Panel and Tools The VLAN 232 package provides an interface between SGI workstations and Videomedia V-LAN transmitters using RS-232 connections.
WebViewer A Viewkit HTML viewing component. Other desktop products rely on this product. Available on the base IRIX CD for SGI(TM) Origin (TM) 200 and SGI(TM) Origin(TM) 2000, the Silicon Graphics® Onyx2, the Silicon Graphics® Octane®. SGI(TM) Origin (TM) 300 and SGI(TM) Origin(TM) 3000,the Silicon Graphics® Onyx3000, and Silicon Graphics® Octane2®