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Subdirectory Contents
Subdirectory Contents Description of Contents
app-defaults DbuimxOrb Sapphire/Gateway Daemon resource file
SapphireWeb The X resource file for Sapphire/Web
bin Makefile.orb
build_pubs2_inf Creates the Informix pubs2 database.
build_pubs2_ora Creates the Oracle sample tables.
dborbd.syb Sybase Sapphire/Gateway
dborbd.ora Oracle Sapphire/Gateway
dborbd.inf Informix Sapphire/Gateway
dborbd.sh Convenient script for starting Sapphire/ Gateway
db_setup.sh Modifies your .cshrc or .project file so that a proper ORB environment is created upon login
dborbd.sh Launches the Sapphire/Gateway
dborbd_main.c Main for rebuilding ORB
drop_pubs2_ora Drops pubs2 from an Oracle database
droptuts Removes tutorial stored procedures from a Sybase database
install_db Creates DSQL and does code mark-up for tutorials
install_gifs Installs image files for tutorials
load_informix_dsql Copies tutorial DSQLs to user's DSQLDIR
load_oracle_dsql Copies tutorial DSQLs to user's DSQLDIR
load_sybase_dsql Copies tutorial DSQLs to user's DSQLDIR
loadtuts Creates Sybase information for tutorials
sabrowser.sh Script to launch HTML web browsers
saedithtml.sh Script to launch HTML editing tool
samake.sh Script called to build project code
sa_lowlevel_* Support functions
sareadhtml.sh Script called before project HTML file is loaded into tool
sareadmodule.sh Script called before project-generated C files are loaded into tool

Subdirectory Contents Description of Contents
sareadprj.sh Script called before a project is read
satest.sh Script called when a project is tested
saweb Convenient script for starting Sapphire/Web
saweb.sh Convenient script for starting Sapphire/Web
saweb.real Binary executable for Sapphire/Web
sawritehtml.sh Script called after project HTML file is written
sawritemodule.sh Script called when project-generated C files are written
sawriteprj.sh Script called when a project is saved
slay Cleans up RPC numbers that might get left in the port mapper
sarel1.sh Script called before a project is released.
sarel2.sh Script called after a project is released
client/src ... Sample client library source code
config Makefile.tem Template for generated project makefiles
NewOptions.cfg Project options new to this release.
PopCalls.list Population Callback List file
SaKeyWds.ini Keywords file-add new keywords here
SaMenu.txt An example of how you would build a menu in Sapphire/Web
Sapphire.cfg Global options file.
htmlstyle/ File templates
main.tem Template for generated program Main.c
newhtml.tem Template for new HTML documents
tutorials/ Data objects for tutorials
docs ... On-line documentation files
icons ... Icons used in Sapphire/Web

Subdirectory Contents Description of Contents
include ... C/C++ Header Files
lib libdbiforb.a Informix ORB library
libdbororb.a Oracle ORB library
libdbsyorb.a Sybase ORB library
libwebdb.a Sapphire/Web CGI library
saclicok.a Cookie library for use with state server
sajavasc.lib Java library
savbs.lib VBS library
msg/C ... X/Open message catalog
product_tags BugForm Bug form for submitting bugs
VERSION Version of tag file
saclasses ... Java framework-source and classes
saocx SaRowSet.ocx ActiveX controls
tutorials ... HTML documents and graphics for tutorials

Table 3-1 Subdirectory, Contents, and Descriptions

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