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Installing the GIFs

First you will install some GIFs for the tutorials.

1. If you have not already done so, set the environment variable SAPPHIRE to the directory in which Sapphire/Web is installed.
C Shell: setenv SAPPHIRE sapphire_home

Bourne/Korn Shell: SAPPHIRE=sapphire_home


2. Execute the following on the command-line:
	$SAPPHIRE/bin/install_gifs	path	url
path: Path to where gif files can be accessed by your web server in the form hostname:/full_path.
url: URL referencing where gif files can be accessed by your web server. This should correspond with path.
For example, you might type (all on one line):
$SAPPHIRE/bin/install_gifs bstone:/usr/local/web/ 

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