directory in the Sapphire/Web distribution contains the Create Table example that was used in the demo mentioned in the section on the Table Component Object. Unfortunately, the code only works with Sybase. It grants all permissions to "public" for the tables it creates and limits what data types you can use in the created table. However, the end result is rather powerful, and with a few modifications you can change the file to make it work for Oracle and Informix. Furthermore, the source code is another example of using the Sapphire/Web API. If you wish to use this in a project, just follow a similar set of steps as outlined in the Table Component Object section. The function, SaCreateTableForm
, is the entry point in the source file, SaCrTabl.c
.If you wish to learn more about the Create Table component and how to make wide use of it, see the Bluestone demo at the URL: sure you read Instructions, on the demo Web page, which also serves as a white paper.