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Populates an Anchor with display data and an argument for the primary key.
#include "SaRnHtml.h"
void SaPopulateMasDetHotList(Widget list,
XtPointer client_data, SaCallbackStruct *cbs);
- list
- Not used.
- client_data
- Typecast to int, specifies which column to "group by".
- cbs
- SaCallbackStruct callback structure containing the data.
Return Values
Populates an Anchor with display data and an argument for the primary key. The first column is used as a primary key and is not displayed to the user. The primary key must be the first in order. If the Stored Procedure or DSQL Object does not do this for you, columns may be ordered by using the Column Detail Editor. The client_data
is typecast to an integer and used to determine the column by which to group. You should use an order by clause on this column in your Stored Procedure or DSQL Object. The remaining columns are used to display to the user. The group by column does appear in the Anchor but as a separate line of text when its value is changed. Its format is:
<BR><H2>column name : value</H2><BR>
The following fragment shows how to use this call:
##Sa_Authors##<A HREF="http://cezanne/cgi-bin
- Note: The HREF has already been bound as an Activator. The site, Authors, should be populated with this function. TEMP will be replaced with the display columns. The prime key column(s) are appended to the HREF and will be processed as Arguments by the cgi. This is done for each row.
/*** the following ad-hoc example can be used without templates
SaCallbackStruct *cbs;
cbs = SaExecSQL("CEZANNE", "pubs2", SGESYBASE, "select * from
/*** calls to set the beginning HTML context ***/
SaPopulateMasDetHotList(NULL, (void*)6, cbs);
/*** calls to complete the HTML context ***/
- Note: This call is generated automatically by Sapphire/Web through use of the Results Detail Dialog.
See Also
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